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AP Psych Midterm

Introspection the study of inner sensations, images, and feelings.
Functionalism concerned with adaptive value of complex mental processes.
Humanistic psychology emphasizes growth potential
Cognitive neuroscience studies the relationship between reasoning capacities and brain functions
Who emphasized the importance of inherited traits? Charles Darwin
Neuroscience links... hormone levels and sexual motivation
Who helps people who suffer from excessive anxiety? Clinical psychologist
Hypothesis = _____ prediction
Naturalistic observation is observing and recording behavior in naturally occurring situations without trying to manipulate and control the situation.
Negative correlation one set of info goes up while the other goes down
Placebo effects are associated with double-blind procedures
Dependent variable the variable that changes because of manipulations to the independent variable
Ethical psychologists use confidentiality
Endorphins are opiate like neurotransmitters
Sympathetic nervous system the division of the autonomic nervous system that arouses the body
Endocrine system "slow" chemical communication system; uses glands that secret hormones into the blood stream
Oldest region of the brain brainstem
Cerebellum coordinates movement
Hypothalamus regulates hunger
Frontal lobes involved with planning activities
Association areas involved with mathematical and spatial reasoning
Plasticity allows the brain to function after injury
Axons transmit messages away from the cell body
Dendrites transmit messages toward the cell body
Peripheral nervous system is made up of sensory and motor neurons
Autonomic nervous system controls bladder contractions
EEG monitors electrical activity in the brain
Visual cortex is located in the occipital lobes
Sleepwalking is associated with what sleep stage? four
REM sleep is associated with vivid dreams
Sleep apnea is connected to obesity
Hypnotic pain relief is associated with dissociation
Hypnosis is connected with social influence and divide consciousness
Tolerance is connected to neuro-adaptation
Selective attention is associated with change blindness
Five stage sleep cycle is an example of biological rhythms
Sleepiness is connected to melatonin
Delta waves slow, large brainwaves
Cronic sleep deprivations can suppress the immune system
Cocaine causes euphoria
Genome is a human's complete set of genetic instructions
Nature-nurture interactions deal with heredity and environment
What explain why older men marry younger women? The evolutionary perspective
Gender typing relates traditional masculine and feminine roles
Chromosomes are composed of deoxyribonucleic acid DNA
Heritaility refers to our genes
Placenta transfers ______ to the fetus oxygen and nutrients
Piaget's theory emphasized important schemas
Imprinting occurs during a critical period
Secure attachment allows a child to explore their surroundings
Authoritarian parentings emphasizes "do as you're told"
Post conventional level of morality when a person decides for themselves right and wrong
Erikson is associated with role confusion
Stability or change emphasizes how we change from childhood to adulthood
Nicotine is a teratogen
Object permanence occurs during what stage? sensorimotor
Autism is connected to deficient social interaction
Identity is associated with Erikson's psychosocial development theory
Sensory adaptation getting used to a constant stimulus
Opponent process theory explains after images
Audition is affected by damage to the basilar membrane
Cerebellum helps with this sense vestibular
Perceptual constancy occurs when we recognize objects as having consistent form
The fovea is the central focal point in the retnia
Kinesthsis senses position and movement of body parts
Gestalt means to organize stimuli into groups
Retinal disparity is connected to depth perception
John B. Watson is associated with observable behaviors
CS conditioned stimulus; an originally irrelevant stimulus that comes to trigger and CR
UR unconditioned response; the unlearned, naturally occurring response to the US
Spontaneous recovery reappearance of an extinguished CR
Stimulus generalization tendency to group similar stimuli together
Shaping operant conditioning procedure; uses reinforcers to get behavior closer and closer to the desired behavior; rewarding different levels of the desired behavior
Fixed ratio reinforcement operant conditioning; reinforces a response only after a specified number of responses
Variable interval operant conditioning; reinforcement schedule that reinforces responses after unpredictable time intervals
Punishment decreases operant responding
Negative reinforcement increases operant responding
Observational learning learning by observing others.
Popular Psychology sets




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