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exam 1 - NMS

Crawling pain Myofacial
Throbbing pain Vascular
Localized pain Peripheral
Difuse pain Central
Sharp pain on motion Joint
Constant pain Joint or nerve
Burning, hot, sharp pain not on motion Nerve
Stabbing, lightening like pain Nerve
Dull, cramp, know Muscle
Deep burning, dull Ligament
Pinpoint pain Myofacial triggerpoint
Minimal pain = Annoyance but no impairment
Slight pain = Tolerated but some impairement with activity
Moderate pain = Marked imparement with activity
Marked pain = Signs and symptoms preclude any activity
What are the time divisions for pain Intermittent, Occational, Frequent, Constant
Cacosmia Abnormally disagreable smell
Parosmia Perversion of smell
Foster Kennedy syndrome Tumor at the base of the frontal lobe, Ipsi blindness + anosmia
Exotropia OUtward + Lateral
Esotropia Inward
Function of MLF Coordinate eye mouvement
Cavernous sinus lesion CN 3,4, 5,6
Cormiosis Pupilloconstriction
Horner's Ptosis, Cormiosis, Ipsi facial anhydrosis, Enophthalmos, P-A and Lat films
Accomodation is what CN? 3
Swinging flash-light test is for what CN? 2
Marcus Gunn phenomenon is a medical sign observed during the swinging-flashlight test[1] whereupon the patient's pupils constrict less (therefore appearing to dilate) when a bright light is swung from the unaffected eye to the affected eye.
Why would the red reflex be absent? Cateracts, corneal scar, vitreous floaters
For pallenesthisia, what is the tunning fork used? 128Hz
What tract? Light touch. Sharp pain and Temp. Vibratory of upper extremity. Vibratory of lower extremity. 1. Anterior spinothelamic 2. Lateral spinothalamic 3. Cunetus 4. Gracilis
Carpal tunnel = what nerve? Meidan!
Tarsal Tunnel = what nerve? Tibial!
Pronator teres syndrome = what nerve? Median
Pain and pressure: Achille's, Testicles, Ulnar 1. Abadie's 2. Pitre's 3. Biernacki's
Stereognosis Able to ID an object by touching it
Topognosis The ability to recognize tacticle stimulation
Somatognosis Able to ID where your arm is...
Nosognosis Patient deny's that they are in fact sick (hemipeligia)
Knife clasp syndrome Increased rigidity on initial mouvement
Hypotonia Damage to reflex arc... LMNL
Deficit phenomena LMNL, decrease tone, stretch reflex, strenght and volume
Release phenomena Exageration of normal neurologic function due to loss of cortical inhibition
patholigical clonus continued, involuntary rapid flexion and extension of a muscle while a joint is under sustained resistance
Reflex: Biceps C5
Reflex: Brachio C6
Reflex: Triceps C7
Reflex: Finger flexion C8
Pattelar L2-L4
Muscle innnervation: Deltoid C5 - Axillary
Muscle innnervation: Supraspinatus C5 - Suprascapular
Muscle innnervation: Biceps C5 - Musculocutaneous
Muscle innnervation: Wrist ext C6 - Radial
Muscle innnervation: Wrist Flexion C7 - Median, ulnar
Muscle innnervation: Triceps C7 - Radial
Muscle innnervation: Finger ext C7 - Radial
Muscle innnervation: finger add+abd T1 - Ulnar
Nerve level: Iliohypogastric T12-L1
Nerve level: Ilioinguinal T12-L1
Nerve level: Genitofemoral L1-L2
Nerve level: Lateral Femoral cutnaeous L2-L3
Nerve level: Lesser sciatic S1-S3
Nerve level: Common fib L4-S2
Nerve level: Tibial L4-S3
Nerve level: Great Sciatic L4-S3
Superficial Reflex : Gag CN 9+10
Superficial Reflex : Corneal Blink CN 5+7
Superficial Reflex : Epigastric T5-T9, Intercostal nerves
Superficial Reflex : Upper abs T7-T9, Intercostal nerves
Superficial Reflex : Middle abs T9-T11, Intercostal nerves
Superficial Reflex : Lower abs T11-T12, Intercostal, Ilihypogastric, Iliinguinal
Superficial Reflex : Cremasteric L1-L2, ilioinguinal, genitofemoral
Superficial Reflex : Gluteal L4-S2, inferior gluteal - stroke glue max
Superficial Reflex : Plantar L4-S2, Tibial
Superficial Reflex : Anal S2-S5, inferior hemorrhoidal
Positive rossolimo is what? Tap the ball of the foot and the toes flex... oposite babinski
What do you stroke for Oppenheim? Anterior tibial surface
Visceral reflex: Pupillary Light CN 2, 3 AFFERENT IS ALWAYS THE LOWEST
Visceral reflex: Accomodation CN 3
Visceral reflex: Ciliospinal Aff = C8-T2 + CN5 Eff = cervical sympathetics
Visceral reflex: Oculocardiac CN 5 + 10
Visceral reflex: Carotid Sinus CN 9 + 10
Visceral reflex: Bulbocavernosus S3-S4
Emotional tremor Low aplitude, gets worse with intentional movement
Familiar tremor Hands and head
Senile Similar to familiar but with aging
Parkinsonian Pill rolling, disapears or dampens with intentional movement: Basal ganglion lesion
Intension tremor Get worse with intensional movement : Cerebellar pathology
Postural tremor Standing still = tremor Mouvement = no tremor
Nontremorous hyperkinesias or chorea Random, quick, jerky
Athetosis Slow, writhing... fingers + extremities
Dystonia Slow, alternating mvts, contraction-relaxation of agonists and antagonists... one mvt dominates for a long time: fixed joints
Involuntary tremor = Basal ganglia
voluntary tremor = Cerebellar lesion
Intension tremor + ataxia = Cerebellar lesion
Akathisia Always shifting posture and movements (parkinsons)
Tabetic/Ataxic Loss of proprioception in extremities... wide base, watch feet which slap on the ground
Hemiplegic Affected leg is rigid and swung in semi-circle
Scissors Knees scrape together... parapelegia
Waddling/Clumbsy Weakness of trunk and pelvic muscles
Steppage Foot drop, L5, early stage = drag toe (2nd MC)
Cerebellar/Ataia Wide base but looks straight ahead
Propulsion AKA festination : parkinson's
Hysterical Complete use of limbs in emergency situations
Astasia-Abasia Can perform all mouvements in bed
Limping MC, short step on affected limb
Muscle inervation: Hip flexion L1-L4, Femoral
Muscle inervation: Hip extension L5-S2, Inferior gluteal
Muscle inervation: Hip ABD L4-S1, superior gluteal
Muscle inervation: Hip ADD L2-L4, Obturator
Muscle inervation: Knee flexion L5, Tibial
Muscle inervation: Knee extension L4, Femoral
Muscle inervation: Plantar flexion S1, Tibial
Muscle inervation: Dorsiflexion L4, L5, Deep peroneal
Muscle inervation: Ankle inverstion L4, Tibial
Muscle inervation: Ankle eversion S1, superficial peroneal
Muscle inervation: Toe extension L5, deep peroneal
Muscle inervation: Toe flexion Si, Tibial
Dermatome: nipple line T4
Dermatome: xiphoid T7
Dermatome: umbilical T10
Dermatome: groin T12
Dermatome: L1 Lateral, anterior, proximal thigh to groin
Dermatome: L2 Anterior thigh proximal to medial thigh
Dermatome: L3 Lateral proximal thigh-anterior thigh to meidial knee
Dermatome: L4 lateral proximal thigh - anterior thigh to top of knee-anterior tibial - medial foot
Dermatome: L5 lateral proximal thigh - lateral calf - top of foot - lateral heel
Dermatome: S1 Lateral proximal thigh - posterior buttock - posterior calf - lateral foot
Dermatome: S2 Posteiror buttock - posterior medial thigh - posteiorr medial calf - medial heal
Anesthesia Loss of sensation
Paraesthesia Altered sensation... tingling etc
Alganesthisia The loss of sensation of pain
Thigmesthesia Sensibility to touch
Topesthesia The ability to localize tactile stimulation
ROM for cervicals F=50 E=60 LAT F=45 ROT=80
ROM for Thoracics F=50 E=50 ROT=30
ROM for lumbars F=60 E=25 LAT F=25
Neuropraxia Injury to a nerve resulting in paralysis but without degeneration
Axonotmesis Damage to the axon but not the structural framwork of the nerve
Created by: LrB
Popular Science sets




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