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W.H. cards

CH 7,8,9

which 2 groups fought in the french wars of religion? Calvinism & catholicism
Who was the leader of the Huguenots? John Calvin(french)
Why did Henry IV become catholic? to be accepted
who was the king of spain who went to war with queen Elizabeth(england) Philip II
Spain lost to england because of what? most of thier ships wrecked
Elizabeth 1 was what religion protestent
How was elizabeth 1 related to bloody mary there half sisters
what 3 characteristics of women who were accused of witchcraft poor, without property, common people
Which countries were involved in the 30 years war? everyone except england
why was the end of the 30 years was the end of the holy roman empire the states reconized themselfs as independent
Which two groups fought in the English civil war? Cavaliers & round heads
who won the english the english civil war? roundheads
why did the roundheads win the english civil war they had mofre people
What happen during the Glorious Revolution they had the paralament killed
why was the glorious revolution great the laws were made fare
How did the Glorious Revolution bring an end to the divine right? king didnt have complete power
Why was Louis XIV called the sun king? the source of light for all people
Where was Louis XIV palace versaillies
Before Louis XIV died, what did he do about the Huguenots? shut down thier schools & chruch
Who built the Perussian empire? Fredrick williams
What modern country would prussia be in today? Germany
Who was the Czar of Russia Ivan IV
How long did the Romanov Dynasty last in Russia 1613-1917(300 years)
How did peter the great make russia more powerful? military power
What 3 cultural changes in Russia thanks to peter the great dinner manners, women mixed freely with men, dancing
Why ddi peter the great move the capital to ST Petersburg? to be close to the west
Where did the Ottoman Empire start? Anatolian(asian miner)
what country is there today that was the Ottoman empire Turkey
who was the founder of the Ottoman empire Osman
What is the name for the leader(king) of the Ottomans Sultan
How did Janissaries begain? slaves
what did the Janissaries end up being? converted to islam and trained to be elite gauards
Which empire lost Constantinople to the Ottomans? Byzatine
What did the Ottomans rename Constantinople Histanpole
Why was the Ottoman Empire called a gunpowder empire? they are good with guns
How did the Ottomans treat non-muslims tolerent
Who was the leader of the Ottomans at thier hieght? Soman
What happen to the empire after soman died? lost territore
Where did the Safavid Empire start? Persia
What countries are in the safavid empire today? Iran
Who founded the Safavid empire? Ismail
The safavids were what kind of muslims? Shiah
The Ottomans were what type of muslims? Sounni
What do the shia Muslims believe? The coleof(pope) is the decended of the muhomid
What did the safavids call thier leaders(kings) ? Shah
who was the leader of the safavid empire at thier height? shahabbas
what happen to the empire after it died? it declined
who did the safavids fight with? Ottomans
where did the Mogul empire start? indus river
What counrties are in the Mogul today? india
Who was the founder of the Mogul empire? Babur
Who was baburs mom and dad decent from? Ganges kong & Timberlane
Who was Akbar? grandson of baburs and ruler at the Moguls height
How did Akbar treat the peasants good
What was special about akbars wife? she was hindu
How did Aurangzeb get power killed his brother
How did Aurangzeb try to change the Mogul culture? discrimanate against hindus
Which 2 European countries fought for trading rights in India england & france
who maintained control england
The Moguls faced problems in India because thier religion was muslim and most inidans were? hindus
who build the Taj Mahal? jojahun
why was it the Taj mahal built for his wife
Which Dynasty overthrew the Mongols in china? Ming: yuan
name one way that the ming dynasty helped china schools, great wall, factories
What was the capitol of the ming empire Beijng
who was the famous explorefor china zheng
which Euopean country came and offended the chinese Portugess
what is 1 reason the ming dynasty fell weak rulers, high taxes, peasant revolt
how did the last Ming emperor die he hanged himself
which dynasty took over after the ming Qing
How did Kangxi treat the christians in china tolrent
how would u describe chinas interaction with other countries through trade isolated
name one reason chinas population grew better rice & peace( security)
China society is organized around the what? family
name 2 ways that women were treted poorly in china footbinding & cant divorce
What was the name of the chinese city within a city where only nobles could go Imperail city( forbiddin)
why did the peasants revolt from japan? high taxes
whats the diffrence betweeen Kabuki theater and Noh theater Kabuki- wild,dancing, screaming Noh-small movements & very calm
why was Korea called " the Hermit Kingdom" very isolated
Created by: pikevilleNathanG
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