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B 11 chapter 13 SS

B 11 africa study guide

African Diaspora spread of African culture around the world
Matrilineal tracing decent from mother
Queen Dahia-al-kahina fought against Muslim invaders
jazz developed from African music
clan people descended from the same ancestor
Swahili culture and language
griots storytellers
plantations huge farms that grew crops for sale
Queen Nzinga promised to free all the slaves in her kingdom
Mansa Musa Journeyed to Mecca in 1324
Plateau an area of high flat land
Sundiata a great king who seized Ghana
Sunni Ali Leader of Songhai
change of African slavery arrival of the Europeans
camels ships of the desert
Mansa Musa's trip to Mecca 1) Piligrimage 2) Bring back teachers, architects, writers to spread Islam
Ghana gained power by taxing traders
Earliest African art form cave paintings
Songs by enslaved Africans connected them to their homeland
Swahili culture * influenced by Islam * on the East coast * Still exists
Traditional African religions believed in one supreme God
Portuguse crop produced by African slaves cotton, sugarcane, grapes
Advantages of living in the rain forest kingdoms good soil for farming, extra food, time for people to be artisans
West african Kingdoms survived on gold and trade
Islams affect on Africa helped trade, improved learning (schools and libraries), influences Swahili, influenced ideas about right and wrong
Slavery 1) Started with captives from raids,criminals, or enemies 2) Muslims could not enslave other Muslims 3) Europeans (Portugal) took slaves as laborers and them to work platations
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