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13 colonies vocab BR

BRMS 7 Yellow Vocab Chapter 3

cash crop Surplus of crops that gets sold for money at the market (surplus is what is left over to be sold to other countries)
diversity Having a variety
indigo A plant used to made blue dye; it grew in the South
mercantilism A belief that colonies exist to benefit the mother country.
plantation A large farm with many workers on which rice and tobacco were grown
racism A belief that one race is superior to another
region A distinct area of land; ex. the 13 colonies were divided into three of these
toleration A willingness to let others practice their own beliefs; acceptance of different opinions
backcountry An area of land along the eastern slopes of the Appalachian Mountains
Jamestown A settlement founded in Virginia in 1607; First permanent English settlement in North America; first successful settlement in the 13 colonies
Middle Colonies New York, Pennsylvania,New Jersey,Delaware
New Netherland A Dutch colony that later became New York
New England colonies New Hampshire,Massachusetts,Connecticut,Rhode Island
Salem A town in Massachusetts where there were witchcraft trials and chaos
Southern Colonies Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
Act of Toleration A Maryland law that forbade religious persecution (discrimination)
charter A written contract giving the right to establish a colony
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut A document that has been called the first written constitution on America.
House of Burgesses The Virginia assembly (government) which was the first representative assembly in American colonies.
Mayflower Compact A document that helped set up the practice of self government in the New World in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
proprietary colony A colony governed by a single owner, or proprietor
royal colony Colony ruled by the King’s appointed officials
debtor A person who owed money; many settled in Georgia
indentured servant A person who worked for a set time without getting paid in exchange for a free passage to America
investor A person who puts money into a project to earn a profit
patroon A person who owns a huge estate in New Netherlands; a person rewarded with a large grant for bringing 50 settlers to New Netherland.
Pilgrims A separatist (wanting to separate) group that traveled to America to gain religious freedom. They were on the Mayflower and landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620
Puritans English dissenters (person who disagrees with the church) who wanted to reform the Church of England; John Winthrop and his followers were a part of this religious group
Quakers Protestant dissenters (reformers) who thought all people were equal in God’s sight; women could preach and they refused to serve in the army. Many settled in Pennsylvania with William Penn
Created by: gooster53
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