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Med Term Chp5


heart cardi/o coron/o
top chamber atrium atri/o
lower chamber ventricle ventricul/o
dividing wall septum sept/o
tip or point apex apic/o
four valves of the heart RA into tricuspid valve, RV into pulmonary valve, LA into mitral valve, LV into aortic valve
right side of heart blue blood, right atrium thru tricuspid valve into right ventricle, to lungs thru pulmonary valve.
left side of heart red blood - lungs back into heart, left atrium thru mitral valve, to body thru aortic valve
interventricular septum muscle between two sides of heart
myocardium muscular layer of the heart
pericardium outermost layer surrounds the heart - membrane
endocardium innermost layer of cells that line the atria, ventricles, and heart valves
mediastinum heart, lungs, great vessels, thymus, trachea and esophagus
arteries arteri/o elastic, pulse blood away from heart, 'red'
veins ven/o valves, blood back to heart, 'blue'
foramen ovale small opening in septum between atria (in vitro) allowing oxygenated blood to pass thru and directly out
ductus arteriosus connecting blood vessel between pulmonary trunk and aorta (in vitro)
SA node "pacemaker" (sinoatrial)initiates electrical impulse that begins heartbeat causes both artia to contract simultaneously
AV node (atrioventricular) between SA node, and bundles of His, near interatrial septum
bundle of His part of conduction in the interatrial septum
purkinje fibers the end of the nerve networks
sistole the contraction of the heart
diastole rest period between contractions
ACS acute coronary syndrome
ischemia isch/o- keep back, -emia condition of blood /lack of blood flow
angina pectoris mild to severe chest pain / ischemia of myocardium
cardiomegaly enlarged heart
cardiomyopathy disease of heart muscle
CHF congestive heart failure, ventricles fail due to working too hard
MI myocardial infarction, death of myocardial cells due to severe ischemia
endocarditis inflammation and bacterial infection of the endocardium lining a heart valve
murmur abnormal heart sounds/ blood leaks thru defective heart valve
pericarditis inflammation of pericardial sac
cardiac tamponade pericarditis fluid compresses heart and prevents it from beating
arrhythmia any type of irregularity in heart rhythm (also dysrhythmia)
bradycardia heart beats too slowly
fibrillation very fast uncoordinated quivering of the myocardium
flutter very fast but regular rhythm not completely full of blood for beating
heart block first degree electrical impulses reach ventricles but are very delayed
heart block second degree only some electrical impulses reach ventricles
heart block third degree no electrical impulses reach ventricles - pacemaker necessary
PVC premature ventricular contractions
asystole complete lack of heartbeat - cardiac arrest
aneurysm weakness and dilation in the wall of an artery
arteriosclerosis narrow hardened artery
atherosclerosis ather/o soft fatty substance, scler/o hard, -osis condition, process (blocked by fat)
HTN hypertension - elevated blood pressure
bruit harsh rushing sound/ blood passing thru artery w/ atherosclerosis
phlebitis inflammation of vein us. accompanied by infection
thrombo/phleb/itis blood clot/vein/inflammation, phlebitis w/ formation of thrombus (blood clot)
defibrillation to shock the heart in regular rhythm, to stop fibrillation
vital signs:(5) pulse, temperature, respiration, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation
CABG coronary artery bypass graft using anastomosis
carotid endarterectomy endo- innermost, arter/o artery, -ectomy surgical excision; remove plaque from occluded carotid artery
pacemaker automated device to control heart rate and rhythm
balloon angiography balloon inserted via catheter and inflated to compress plaque angi/o blood vessel, graphy process, proceedure
Created by: christiethoreson
Popular Science sets




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