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Chapter 2 Vocabulary

Chapter 2 - Europe Looks Outward

Word, term, or personDefinition
myth traditional story
negative opposite to something positive
factor important element
rigid not bending
restore to give back something taken away
province territorial district of a country
decline to lessen in force, health, strength, or value
motive innner drive that causes a person to do something
Christopher Columbus Sailed for Spain to the Caribbean
Vasco de Balboa Sighted the Pacific Ocean
Ferdinand Magellan Led expedition to find an Atlantic-Pacific passage
strait narrow passage that connects two large bodies of water
circumnavigate travel around
conquistadors soldier adventurers
Hernando Cortes conquered the Aztecs
Moctezuma Aztec leader
plantations large farms worked by laborers who lived on the property
encomiendas land grants that included the right to demand labor or taxes
Bartolome de Las Casas Spanish priest who sought reform
missions religious settlements
peninsulares Spanish colonists who had been born in Spain
mercantilism belief that colonies existed to make the home country powerful and wealthy
northwest passage sea route from the Atlantic to the Pacific that passed through or around North America
Henry Hudson English explorer who searched for the Northwest Passage
Samuel de Champlain French explorer who founded New France (Canada)
coureurs de bois runners of the wood - independent traders who lived with the Indians
Jacques Marquette French missionary/explorer
alliance agreement between parties that benefits both
Created by: ruthie
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