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Medical terms built from word parts - Basic Medical Language

adenodynia pain in a gland
adenomegaly enlargement of a gland
adenosis abnormal condition of a gland
adrenalectomy excision of the adrenal gland
adrenalitis inflammation of the adrenal gland
anteriad toward the front
anterior pertaining to the front
anterolateral pertaining to the front and ONE side
anteromedial pertaining to the front and the middle
anteroposterior pertaining to the front and the back
anterosuperior pertaining to the front and above
aphasia condition without speaking or loss of the ability to speak
arthralgia pain in the joint
arthritis inflammation in a joint
arthrocentesis surgical puncture of a joint to remove fluid
arthrochondritis inflammation of teh cartilage and joint
arthrodesis surgical fusion of a joint
arthrogram x-ray image of a joint
arthroplasty surgical repair of a joint
arthroscope instrument used for visual examination of a joint
arthroscopic, arthroscopy visual examination of a joint
atrophy without development
audiologist a specialist who studies and treats impaired hearing
audiology study of hearing
audiometer instrument used to measure hearing
blephritis inflammation of the eyelid
blepharoplasty surgical repair of the eyelid
blepharoptosis drooping of the eyelid
bradykinesia slow movement
bursectomy excision of a bursa
bursitis inflammation of a bursa
bursotomy incision into a bursa
carpal pertaining to the wrist
carpectomy excision of a wrist bone
carpotosis drooping wrist
caudad toward the tail
caudal pertaining to the tail
cephalad toward the head
cephalalgia pain in the head, headache
cephalic pertaining to the head
cephalocaudal pertaining to the head and to the tail
cerebral pertaining to the cerebrum
cerebral angiography process of x-ray imaging of the blood vessels of the cerebrum
cerebral thrombosis abnormal condition of a clot in the cerebrum
chondrectomy excision of cartilage
chondritis inflammation of cartilage
chondrocostal pertaining to cartilage and rib
chondromalacia softening of cartilage
costectomy excision of a rib
cranial pertaining to the cranium
craniomalacia softening of the cranium
cranioschisis fissure of the cranium
craniotomy incision into the cranium
distal pertaining to the back
dorsocephalad toward the back of the head
dyskinesia painful movement
dysphasia condition of difficulty in speaking
dystrophy abnormal development
electroencephalogram record of electrical impulses of the brain
electroencephalograph instrument used for the recording electrical impulses of the brain
electroencephalography process of recording electrical impulses of the brain
electromyogram record of electrical activity of the muscles
encephalitis inflammation of the brain
encephalomyelopathy disease of the brain and spinal cord
endocrine to secrete within
endocrinologist specialists who studies and treats diseases of the endocrine system
endocrinology study of teh endocrine system
femoral pertaining to the femur
glycemia glucose in the blood
hemiplegia condition of paralysis of half of the body
hyperglycemia excessive glucose in the blood
hyperthyroidism state of excessive thyroid activity
hypertrophic pertaining to excessive development
hypertrophy excessive development
hypoglycemia deficient glucose in the blood
hypothyroidism state of deficient thyroid activity
iliac pertaining to the ilium
iliofemoral pertaining to the ilium and the femur
inferior pertaining to below
inferolateral pertaining to below and one side
intercostal pertaining to between the ribs
intervertebral pertaining to between the vertebrae
iridectomy excision of the iris
iridoplegia paralysis of the iris
ischiocele herniation of the ischium
ischiopubic pertaining to the ischium and pubis
keratometer instrument used to measure the cornea
keratoplasty surgical repair of the cornea
kinesiology study of movement
lateral pertaining to the side
mediad toward the middle
medial pertaining to the middle
mediolateral pertaining to the middle and one side
meningitis inflammation of the meninges
meningocele herniation of the meninges
miningomyelitis inflammation of the meninges and spinal cord
meningomyelcele hernia of the meninges and spinal cord
myalgia muscle pain
adenodynia pain in a gland
adenomegaly enlargement of a gland
adenosis abnormal condition of a gland
adrenalectomy excision of the adrenal gland
adrenalitis inflammation of the adrenal gland
anteriad toward the front
anterior pertaining to the front
anterolateral pertaining to the front and ONE side
anteromedial pertaining to the front and the middle
anteroposterior pertaining to the front and the back
anterosuperior pertaining to the front and above
aphasia condition without speaking or loss of the ability to speak
arthralgia pain in the joint
arthritis inflammation in a joint
arthrocentesis surgical puncture of a joint to remove fluid
arthrochondritis inflammation of teh cartilage and joint
arthrodesis surgical fusion of a joint
arthrogram x-ray image of a joint
arthroplasty surgical repair of a joint
arthroscope instrument used for visual examination of a joint
arthroscopic, arthroscopy visual examination of a joint
atrophy without development
audiologist a specialist who studies and treats impaired hearing
audiology study of hearing
audiometer instrument used to measure hearing
blephritis inflammation of the eyelid
blepharoplasty surgical repair of the eyelid
blepharoptosis drooping of the eyelid
bradykinesia slow movement
bursectomy excision of a bursa
bursitis inflammation of a bursa
bursotomy incision into a bursa
carpal pertaining to the wrist
carpectomy excision of a wrist bone
carpotosis drooping wrist
caudad toward the tail
caudal pertaining to the tail
cephalad toward the head
cephalalgia pain in the head, headache
cephalic pertaining to the head
cephalocaudal pertaining to the head and to the tail
cerebral pertaining to the cerebrum
cerebral angiography process of x-ray imaging of the blood vessels of the cerebrum
cerebral thrombosis abnormal condition of a clot in the cerebrum
chondrectomy excision of cartilage
chondritis inflammation of cartilage
chondrocostal pertaining to cartilage and rib
chondromalacia softening of cartilage
costectomy excision of a rib
cranial pertaining to the cranium
craniomalacia softening of the cranium
cranioschisis fissure of the cranium
craniotomy incision into the cranium
distal pertaining to the back
dorsocephalad toward the back of the head
dyskinesia painful movement
dysphasia condition of difficulty in speaking
dystrophy abnormal development
electroencephalogram record of electrical impulses of the brain
electroencephalograph instrument used for the recording electrical impulses of the brain
electroencephalography process of recording electrical impulses of the brain
electromyogram record of electrical activity of the muscles
encephalitis inflammation of the brain
encephalomyelopathy disease of the brain and spinal cord
endocrine to secrete within
endocrinologist specialists who studies and treats diseases of the endocrine system
endocrinology study of teh endocrine system
femoral pertaining to the femur
glycemia glucose in the blood
hemiplegia condition of paralysis of half of the body
hyperglycemia excessive glucose in the blood
hyperthyroidism state of excessive thyroid activity
hypertrophic pertaining to excessive development
hypertrophy excessive development
hypoglycemia deficient glucose in the blood
hypothyroidism state of deficient thyroid activity
iliac pertaining to the ilium
iliofemoral pertaining to the ilium and the femur
inferior pertaining to below
inferolateral pertaining to below and one side
intercostal pertaining to between the ribs
intervertebral pertaining to between the vertebrae
iridectomy excision of the iris
iridoplegia paralysis of the iris
ischiocele herniation of the ischium
ischiopubic pertaining to the ischium and pubis
keratometer instrument used to measure the cornea
keratoplasty surgical repair of the cornea
kinesiology study of movement
lateral pertaining to the side
mediad toward the middle
medial pertaining to the middle
mediolateral pertaining to the middle and one side
meningitis inflammation of the meninges
meningocele herniation of the meninges
miningomyelitis inflammation of the meninges and spinal cord
meningomyelcele hernia of the meninges and spinal cord
myalgia muscle pain
adenodynia pain in a gland
adenomegaly enlargement of a gland
adenosis abnormal condition of a gland
adrenalectomy excision of the adrenal gland
adrenalitis inflammation of the adrenal gland
anteriad toward the front
anterior pertaining to the front
anterolateral pertaining to the front and ONE side
anteromedial pertaining to the front and the middle
anteroposterior pertaining to the front and the back
anterosuperior pertaining to the front and above
aphasia condition without speaking or loss of the ability to speak
arthralgia pain in the joint
arthritis inflammation in a joint
arthrocentesis surgical puncture of a joint to remove fluid
arthrochondritis inflammation of teh cartilage and joint
arthrodesis surgical fusion of a joint
arthrogram x-ray image of a joint
arthroplasty surgical repair of a joint
arthroscope instrument used for visual examination of a joint
arthroscopic, arthroscopy visual examination of a joint
atrophy without development
audiologist a specialist who studies and treats impaired hearing
audiology study of hearing
audiometer instrument used to measure hearing
blephritis inflammation of the eyelid
blepharoplasty surgical repair of the eyelid
blepharoptosis drooping of the eyelid
bradykinesia slow movement
bursectomy excision of a bursa
bursitis inflammation of a bursa
bursotomy incision into a bursa
carpal pertaining to the wrist
carpectomy excision of a wrist bone
carpotosis drooping wrist
caudad toward the tail
caudal pertaining to the tail
cephalad toward the head
cephalalgia pain in the head, headache
cephalic pertaining to the head
cephalocaudal pertaining to the head and to the tail
cerebral pertaining to the cerebrum
cerebral angiography process of x-ray imaging of the blood vessels of the cerebrum
cerebral thrombosis abnormal condition of a clot in the cerebrum
chondrectomy excision of cartilage
chondritis inflammation of cartilage
chondrocostal pertaining to cartilage and rib
chondromalacia softening of cartilage
costectomy excision of a rib
cranial pertaining to the cranium
craniomalacia softening of the cranium
cranioschisis fissure of the cranium
craniotomy incision into the cranium
distal pertaining to the back
dorsocephalad toward the back of the head
dyskinesia painful movement
dysphasia condition of difficulty in speaking
dystrophy abnormal development
electroencephalogram record of electrical impulses of the brain
electroencephalograph instrument used for the recording electrical impulses of the brain
electroencephalography process of recording electrical impulses of the brain
electromyogram record of electrical activity of the muscles
encephalitis inflammation of the brain
encephalomyelopathy disease of the brain and spinal cord
endocrine to secrete within
endocrinologist specialists who studies and treats diseases of the endocrine system
endocrinology study of teh endocrine system
femoral pertaining to the femur
glycemia glucose in the blood
hemiplegia condition of paralysis of half of the body
hyperglycemia excessive glucose in the blood
hyperthyroidism state of excessive thyroid activity
hypertrophic pertaining to excessive development
hypertrophy excessive development
hypoglycemia deficient glucose in the blood
hypothyroidism state of deficient thyroid activity
iliac pertaining to the ilium
iliofemoral pertaining to the ilium and the femur
inferior pertaining to below
inferolateral pertaining to below and one side
intercostal pertaining to between the ribs
intervertebral pertaining to between the vertebrae
iridectomy excision of the iris
iridoplegia paralysis of the iris
ischiocele herniation of the ischium
ischiopubic pertaining to the ischium and pubis
keratometer instrument used to measure the cornea
keratoplasty surgical repair of the cornea
kinesiology study of movement
lateral pertaining to the side
mediad toward the middle
medial pertaining to the middle
mediolateral pertaining to the middle and one side
meningitis inflammation of the meninges
meningocele herniation of the meninges
miningomyelitis inflammation of the meninges and spinal cord
meningomyelcele hernia of the meninges and spinal cord
myalgia muscle pain
myasthenia muscle weakness
myelogram x-ray image of the spinal cord
myelography process of x-ray imaging the spinal cord
myringectomy excision of the eardrum
myringitis inflammation of the eardrum
myringoplasty surgical repair of the ear drum
myringotomy incision into the eardrum
necrosis abnormal condition of death
neural pertaining to a nerve
neuralgia pain in the nerve
neurasthenia nerve weakness
neurologist a specialist who studies and treats diseases of the nervous system
neurology study of the nerves
neurorrhaphy suture of a nerve
opthalamic pertaining to the eye
opthalmologist specialists who studies and treats diseases of the eye
opthalmology study of the eye
opthalamoscope instrument used to visually examine the eye
optic pertaining to vision
optometer instrument used to measure vision
optomyometer instrument used to measure the muscle (power) of vision
osteoarthritis inflammation of the bone and joint
osteocarcinoma cancerous tumor of the bone
osteomalacia softening of the bone
osteonecrosis abnormal condition of death of the bone tissue
osteopathy disease of the bone
otitis inflammation of the ear
otoplasty surgical repair of the ear
otorhinolaryngologist specialist who studies and treats the ear, nose and larynx (throat)
otorrhea excessive discharge from the ear
otoscope instrument for visual examination of the ear
phalangectomy excission of a bone of a finger or toe
phalangitis inflammation of a bone of a finger or toe
poliomyelitis inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord
polyarthritis inflammation of many joints
polymyalgia pain in many muscles
polyneuritis pain of many nerves
posterior pertaining to the back
posteroanterior pertaining to the back and front
posterolateral pertaining to the back and one side
proximal pertaining to near
psychogenic originating in the mind
psychologist specialist who studies and treats diseases of the mind
psychology study of the mind
psychopathy disease of the mind
pubofemoral pertaining to the pubis and femur
quadriplegia condition of paralysis of four (limbs)
rachiodynia pain in the vertebral column
rachiotomy incision into the vertebral column
rachischisis fissure of the vertebral column
retinal pertaining to the retina
retinitis inflammation of the retina
scleral pertaining to the sclera
sclerectomy excision of the sclera
spondyloarthritis inflammation of the vertebral joints
sternal pertaining to the sternum
sternalgia pain in sternum
sternocostal pertaining to the sternum and rib
sternodynia pain in the sternum
subcostal pertaining to below the ribs
superior pertaining to above
superolateral pertaining to above and one side
tenalgia pain in the tendon
tendinitis inflammation in the tendon
tenodesis surgical fusion of a tendon
tenodynia pain in a tendon
tenoplasty surgical repair of a tendon
tenorrhaphy suture of a tendon
thymectomy excision of the thymus gland
thymic pertaining to the thymus gland
thymoma tumor of the thymus gland
thyroidectomy excision of the thyroid gland
tympanic pertaining to the middle ear
tympanitis inflammation of the middle ear
tympanoplasty surgical repair of the middle ear
ventrad toward the belly
ventral pertaining to the belly
ventrodorsal pertaining to the belly and the back
vertebral pertaining to the vertebra
vertebrectomy excision of a vertebra
Created by: Hunter10
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