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Pathology Chap 6

Mosby's Pathology Chap 6- Neurologic Pathologies

A group of motor disorders caused by cerebral damage during fetal life, birth, or early childhood. Cerebral Palsy
A group of congenital neural tube defects characterized by failure of the posterior spinous processes of the vertebral column to close. Spina Bifida
Deep tissue massage with joint movement is advisable for a client with spina bifida. T/F False. Light gentle strokes and gentle kneading avoiding affected area (normally the lumbarsacral region).
Spastic, dyskinetic, ataxic, and mixed are all forms of what neurologic pathology? It is also the most common crippler of children. Cerebral Palsy
Another name for seizure disorders that are reaccuring is ___________. Epilepsy
__________ are explosive episodes of uncontrolled and excessive electrical activity in the brain. seizure disorder or Epilepsy
___________ produce an intermittent contract-relax pattern in muscles and are associated with a loss of consciousness. Grand mal seizures or Tonic-clonic
Aromatherapy is contraindicated for massage of client that has/ or has had a seizure. T/F True. Certain smells can trigger a seizure, so aromatherapy is contraindicated.
If a client is having vomiting during a seizure, what position should you make sure they are in? Roll client onto their side. This helps to free the airway and counteract choking.
Name on of the two most mobile areas of the spine. C1- C7 or T12-L2
______________ results from damage to the vertebrae and neural tissues causing paralysis. Spinal cord injury
If the injury to the spinal cord is acute then massage is contraindicated/ indicated. contraindicated
Men tend to have a 4 times higher rate of ADHD than women. T/ F True
___________ is a neurologic disorder that the person displays an array of behaviors associated with inattentiveness, hyperactivity, impulsivity, or a combo. Attention Deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, ADD)
________ is a syndrome of social withdrawal and obsessive behavior. Autism
Massage movements should be firm gliding or compressive strokes for a client with autism. The session should also be shortened to 10-15 min. T/F True
____________ is and inflammation of the meninges. From a bacterial or viral source. Meningitis
A throbbing headache, chills and fever, sensitivity to light, and hyperextended stiff neck are symptoms of what disorder. Meninitis
Massage for meninitis and severe encephalitis is indicated. T/F False. Massage is highly contraidicated for these disorders.
________ is an inflammation of the brain. Encephalitis
Encephalitis is normally caused by a virus? T/ F Name some of the viruses. True. Herpes Simplex, measles, West Nile.
__________ is a highly contagious infection by direct contact that causes selective destruction of motor nerves. This condition is now rare. Polio (poliomyelitis)
If a client with cerebral palsy cannot speak clearly: The therapist and client must devise a code for communication
Explosive episodes of uncontrolled and excessive electrical activity in the brain also known as a “lightning storm in the brain”? seizure
In less severe forms of spina bifida Massage is indicated while avoiding the area over the spinal defect. T/F True
What should you do if a client appears to be having a seizure Remain in the room calmly, begin to time the seizure, clear the area of objects, and cushion the client’s head with the client’s chin lifted.
A person with autism is most likely to benefit from: 15-minute sessions focused on FIRM GLIDING and COMPRESSIVE STROKES with FULL HAND CONTACT.
Infectious disease caused by the poliovirus? Poliomyelitis
Massage for a client with postpolio syndrome should be 90 minunte of deep tissue massage with joint movements. T/F False. Best in 30-minute sessions using lighter-than-normal techniques.
Dementia typically interferes with work and social activities because it: Affects thinking, remembering, and communicating
Type of dementia that produces a typical profile of mental deterioration? Alzheimer disease
Rare, genetic disease characterized by motor disturbances, mental deterioration, and abnormal behavior Huntington disease
A person with Huntington disease (chorea) develops Involuntary, jerky motions of the arms and face
What neurologic disorder produces a syndrome of abnormal movements marked by destruction of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain Parkinson's disease
What disorder results in progressive neural demyelination? MS (Multiple sclerosis)
What is another name for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis? Lou Gehrig's disease
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis affects: Motor nerve function
What condition is due to occlusion or rupture of blood vessels causing disruption in cerebral blood flow? Stroke
The two main types of stroke are: Ischemic and hemorrhagic
Migraine headaches appear to be caused by: Chemical imbalance that dilates and inflames blood vessels
What is a synonym for trigeminal neuralgia? Tic douloureux
For a client with trigeminal neuralgia massage of the face and scalp is indicated. T/F False. Avoid massaging face and scalp.
Massage for a client with Bell palsy should incorporate what? Should incorporate light gliding directed upward, kneading, percussion, and vibration on facial muscles as part of general massage
Which of the following autoimmune disorders is caused by a loss of acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction? Myasthenia gravis
Myasthenia gravis results in progressive muscle weakness and paralysis. T/F True
A client with Guillain-Barré syndrome should have the massage even is they have not fully recovered. T/F False. Should postpone massage until full recovery has occurred
Peripheral neuropathy affects: a. sensory nerves b. motor nerves c. both All three are correct
What type of massage should be used degenerative disc disease. Only gentle gliding over the affected area is indicated after positioning the client for comfort.
Protrusion of the nucleus pulposus through a tear in the annulus fibrosus? Herniated disc
This occurs when pain radiates into the extremities along the path of a compressed nerve? Radiculopathy
Inflammation of the sciatic nerve Sciatica
Caused by repetitive use of the wrist Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
What nerve is most affected in persons with carpal tunnel syndrome? Median
Another name for cerebrovascular accident is a: Stroke
A compression of nerves in the brachial plexus and/or the subclavian artery and vein Thoracic outlet syndrome
Created by: cwitte
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