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Anatomy Lect Exam 1


Specific joint subtype of metacarpophalangel diarthroidal condyloid
specific joint subtype usually a temporary joint hyaline cartilage joint (synchondrosis)
Specific joint subtype of joint between clavicle & scapula gliding
specific type of suture of which lambdoidal is an example denticulate suture
list all possible movements in a speroid joint flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, circumduction, rotation
define eversion of the foot bend ankle so that sole faces laterally
define clinical hyperextension injury; beyond normal range of movement
How many bones are in the appendicular skeleton? 126
From lateral to medial, list the distal row of carpal bones Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate
True or false: the 1st and 2nd cuneiform bones articulate posteriorly with the navicular bone? True
Name given to dorsal surface of scapula inferior to spine infraspinous fossa
name given to projection of humerus just medial to trochlea capitulum
slight depression on anterior surface of humerus immediately proximal to capitulum radial fossa
______(landmark) of ______(bone) articulates with the capitulum of humerus head ulna
Anterior lip of trochlear notch of ulna coronoid process
Name bony components forming acetabulum ilium, ischium, pubis
specific name given to surface of ilium that articulates with sacrum auricular surface
large posterior, inferior protuberance located immediately inferior to lesser sciatic notch of ischium ischial tuberosity
roughened area immediately superior to lateral lip of linea aspera gluteal tuberosity
roughened area immediately superior to lateral lip of linea aspera gluteal tuberosity
shelf-like projection on superior medial aspect of calcaneus; articulates superiorly with talus sustenaculum tali
give the rib numbers for vertebra classified as "vertebrosternal" 1-7
give the rib numbers for vertebra which articulate with sternal angle 2
give the rib numbers for vertebrae with no tubercle 11, 12
give the rib numbers for vertebra which has a tuberosity for serratus anterior muscle 2
name the part of the vertebral column (C, T, L, S, Co) with the superior articular facets face mostly medially Lumbar
name the part of the vertebral column (C, T, L, S, Co) with gutters Cervical
name the part of the vertebral column (C, T, L, S, Co) with transverse ridges Sacrum
name the part of the vertebral column (C, T, L, S, Co) with anterior and posterior tubercles Cervical
Slightly concave anterior surface of scapula subscapular fossa
Elevated landmark on anterolateral surface of humerus just superior to midshaft deltoid tuberosity
pulley-like medial articulating surface located at distal end of humerus trochlea
on anterior surface of radius, distal to neck-insertion sit for biceps brachii radial tuberosity
name given to entire distal end of ulna head
line extends laterally from pubic tubercle along superior ramus pubic crest
smooth, triangular area on posterior distal femur just below where lips of linea aspera diverge popliteal fossa
name 2 bones with groove for peroneus longus tendon cuboid 5th metatarsal
this is an example of a sellar joint carpometacarpal joint of thumb
in detail describe movements & specific structure of trochoid joint rotation around the longitudinal axis thru center of pivot (surrounded by an osteoligamentous ring) where the pivot may rotate within the ring, or the ring may rotate around the pivot
joint subtype secondary cartilaginous fibrocartilaginous joint
limbous suture of skull serrated & overlapping (coronal)
uniaxial joint with some rotation trochoid; pivot joint
define flexion decrease in angle between articulating bones
besides tension of ligaments, muscles, tendons, give 2 items determining motion at any particular joint angle of pull, material present, shape
define fossa shallow groove/depression
list bones of shoulder girdle clavicle scapula humerus
which rib numbers are classified as "false ribs" 8-12
which rib numbers contain tuberosity for serratus anterior 2
which rib numbers attach only to the body of the sternum 3-6
which ribs have only a single facet on the head 1; 11; 12
which part of the vertebral column has a horn? coccyx
which part of the vertebral column has an uncinate process cervical
which part of the vertebral column has a median crest sacrum
which part of the vertebral column has has superior articular facets which face mostly medially lumbar
bony landmark immediately distal to the head of the humerus anatomical neck
depression on dorsal surface of scapula superior to spine supraspinous fossa
bluntly jointed projection on lateral distal surface of radius styloid process
groove on posterior, inferior surface of medial epicondyle (upper limb) groove for ulnar nerve
anteriorly elevated landmark at base of coronoid process ulnar tuberosity
pectineal line of femur is located between what 2 bony landmarks? lesser trochanter & Linea aspera
named pit in head of femur fovea capitis
the greater sciatic notch is located immediately between _____ & ______ ? PIIS & Ischial spine
bump like projection located on upper border of superior ramus of pubis; toward medial end ramus pubic tubercle
expanded distal, lateral end of fibula lateral malleolus
specific joint subtype of vomer & sphenoid schindylesis - fibrous joint
also known as enarthrosis spheroid/ball & socket
List 4 characteristics of synchondrosis temporary immovable united by hyaline cartilage primary cartilaginous joint
specific joint type of sacroiliac joint in early life cartilaginous
name 2 specific joint subtypes capable of unlimited extension, flexion, abduction, and circumduction ellipsoid/saddle
define supination in upper limb palms face anteriorlly
specific axis used in adduction saggital
define "condyle" rounded projection for articulation
carpal bone which articulates with radius & trapezium scaphoid
specific bone to which proximal end of 1st metacarpal articulates trapezium
list 5 components of axial skeleton skull, hyoid, sternum, rib cage, vertebral column (C, T, L, S, Co
Which rib has no tubercle? 11, 12
which rib has a scalene tubercle? 1
which rib has an attachment to the xiphisternal junciton? 7
which ribs are classified as verterbrochondral? 8, 9, 10
which part of the vertebral column has a hiatus? sacrum
which part of the verterbral column has inferior articular facets which face mostly laterally? Lumbar
which part of the vertebral column conatin most of accessory processes? lumbar
which part of the vertebral column has a bifid spinous processes? cervical
specific type of suture sagittal is example serrate
biaxial joint with some rotation condylar/condyloid joint
specific joint subtype of vomer & sphenoid schindylesis
movement in which bone describes surface of a cone circumduction
describe opposition thumb to fingertips
anatomical term meaning ridge of bone crest
number of bones in upper lip 64
besides cuneiforms, name tarsals cuboid navicular calcaneus talus
name bones of shoulder girdle scapula, clavicle, humerus
landmark on superior border of scapula immediately medial to coracoid process scapular notch
bump-like landmark located posterolaterally on inferior surface clavicle conoid tubercle
part of humerus articulates with head of radius capitulum
large anterior proximal indentation of ulna articulates with humerus trochlear notch
depression immediately proximal to trochlea on anterior surface of humerus coronoid fossa
narrowed region radius immediately distal to its head neck
indentation on proximal lateral surface of ulna for articulation with head of radius radial notch
smooth articulating surface on periphery of acetabulum lunate surface
inferior part pubis articulates with ischium inferior ramus
name given to posterior termination of iliac crest psis
ridge between 2 trochanters on posterior surface of femur intertrochanteric crest
specific landmark located just under inferior surface of sustenaculum tali of calcaneus groove for flexor hallucis longus
"floating ribs" numbers 11, 12
rib #'s which only attach to sternum 3-6
rib #'s with grooves for subclavian artery & vein 1
"atypical" rib #'s 1, 2, 11, 12
which part of the vertebral column contains the Inferior articular facets which face mostly downward cervical
which part of the vertebral column conatin most of mammillary processes lumbar
which part of the vertebral column conatin uncinate processes cervical
which part of the vertebral column contains promontory sacrum
specific joint subtype united by interosseous ligament syndesmosis
limbous suture of skull coronal
name all specific joint subtypes capable of extension & flexion spheroid condylar hinge ellipsoid sellar
joint example of sellar joint carpometacarpal joint of thumb
specific joint subtype of vomer & sphenoid schindylesis
define abduction of thumb moving thumb anteriorly (make a 4)
movement in which bone describes surface of cone circumduction
anatomical term meaning large rounded elevation but its not articular or trochanter tuberosity
medial bone of leg tibia
1st and 2nd cuneiform bones articulate posteriorly with ______ navicular
bony landmark immediately distal to head of humerus anatomical neck
slightly concave anterior surface of scapula subscapular fossa
shallow groove on superior posterior surface of humerus; groove passes inferiorly from medial to lateral radial/spiral groove
elevation at base of coronoid process (inferior to coronoid process); located on anterior surface of ulna ulnar tuberosity
large foramen inferior to acetabulum obturator foramen
greater sciatic notch located immediately between ____ above and _____ below PIIS; ischial spine
slightly raised landmark on ilium; begins at notch between 2 anterior spines and curves toward greater sciatic notch interior gluteal line
roughened area immediately superior to lateral lip of linea aspera gluteal tuberosity
rib #'s classified as "bertebrochondral 8-10
rib # where groove for subclavian artery & vein 1
rib #'s with single facet on head 1, 11, 12
rib #'s which articulate completely or in part with manubrium 1, 2
name the part of the vertebral column where inferior articular facets face most laterally lumbar
roughened inner area of ilium immediately superior to auricular surface site of ligament attachment iliac tuberosity
bump-like landmark on pubis; projection on cranial border of medial portion superior ramus public tubercle
named part of ilium forms part of acetabulum (not fossa, marin, lunate surcace) body
projection on top medial surface of medial epicondyle of femur- for attach certain muscle adductor tubercle
posterior, medial projection at base neck femur lesser trochanter
named groove on calcaneus, inferior to sustenaculum tali groove for hallucis longus
specific type of suture which sagittal is an example serrate
specific joint subtype of metacarpophalangeal joint diarth; gliding; condylar
also know as enarthrosis spheroid/ball & socket
name 2 specific joint subtypes capable of extension, flexion, abduction, adduction, and circumduction only ellipsoid, saddle/sellar
anatomical term meaning "cleft" sulcus
number of bones in adult vertebral column 26
carpal bone in distal row #3 position from lateral to medial capitate
navicular bone of foot articulates posteriorly with which bone talus
small bump on scapula immediately superior to glenoid fossa supraglenoid tubercle
projection lateral to capitulum of humerus lateral epicondyle
name given to landmark between greater and lesser tubercles of humerus bicipital groove/intertubercular groove
bluntly pointed projection on lateral distal surface of radius styloid profess
large posterior proximal projection on ulna olecranon process
name of superior margin of wing/ala of ilium iliac crest
specific named line between 2 other liens on the outer surface of the wing of ilium middle gluteal line
distal, medial articulaiting surface of femur medial condyle
which part of the vertebral column has the most downward sloping spines Thoracic
which part of the vertebral column has superior articular facets facing mostly upward cervical
specific type of joint where suture coronal example limbous
specific joint subtype of metacarpophalangeal condylar
define dorsiflexion bend the ankle so the foot moves upward
define abduction of toes move away from #2 toe
shallow groove or furrow but NOT slit, cleft, deep groove sulcus
specific joint subtype united by an interosseous ligament syndesmosis
in reference to osetology, define the meaning of "crest" ridge of bone
larger lateral projection at the base of neck of femur greater trochanter
specific bone which proximal end of 1st metatarsal articulates medial cuneiform
carpal bone in part articulates wtih 4th & 5th metacarpal and triquetral hamate
lesser sciatic notch located b/w _____ above and _____below ischial spine ischial tuberosity
specific joint subtype of proximal tibiofibular gliding
3rd/medial cuneiform articulates laterally w/ ____ (bone) cuboid
thick, curved process attached to superior border of scapula and projecting anterolaterally; not associated with spine corocoid process
large bony projection of humerus just lateral to head greater tubercle
large depression on posterior humerus immediately proximal to trochlea olecranon fossa
small ridge running between 2 trochanters of femur on anterior surface for iliofemoral ligament intertrochanteric line
Created by: jmars984
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