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Figurative Language

Poetry Terms

What is it when sensory words are used to create a mental image? EX: touch, taste, smell, sound, see Visual Imagery Becky Mantlo
The use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of the literal meaning. Verbal Irony (Ashley Spesard)
Substituting a vague or indirect expression for one thought to be harsh, blunt, or offensive. Example: dead=passed away fired=let go Euphemism
Understatement, that in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of its contrary, as in “not bad at all.” Litotes
Used in mataphors to relate two things that are seemingly very different. Conceit
A brief reference, within a literary work, to another work of literature, film, art, or a real event. It serves to clarify the subject under discussion without sidetracking the reader. Allusion
an image or event witnessed that relates to the perception of a sound auditory imagery
A mental image or sense of an object as perceived by the description of touching something. Tactile Imagery
The expected result is different from what actually happens in a situation Laura Bess Situational Irony
Figure of speech in which a thing or concept is not called by its own name, but by the name of something associated with that thing or concept. For example, sweat orginally means perspiration but can be referred to as hard work as well. Metonymy
What is a comparison between two objects, stating that one object is like another called? Example: The little blue boy is as round as a ball. Simile
The subjective sensation of a sense other than the one being stimulated. For example, hearing a movement or smelling a color. Synesthesia
Intentional exaggeration in order to emphasize a point. (For example: The backpack weighs a ton) Hyperbole
Words that give an image of taste on a reader's tongue. (Ex. I enjoyed the sweet and juicy apple) Gustatory Imagery Alyssa Penfound
A figure of speech in which a writer or speaker deliberately makes a situation seem less important or serious than it is. Understatement
Mental imagery resulting from the usage of specific language that evokes the sense of smell. Olfactory Imagery
A situation in theatre in which the audience knows something that a character doesn't. Dramatic Irony
An aside or address to an entity which is not present and/or unable to respond. For example, "O tissues! dearest cleaners of my nostrils!" Apostrophe
I am a hostage to the prison of my mind. Metaphor
A witty use of words when more than one meaning fits the situation Pun
I am the mental picture you get in your head when descriptive words are used in literature. Visual Imagery
Creates a deep, unique, and strongly supported extended metaphor or simile between two unlike objects. Metaphysical Conceit
Creating long lists for poetic or rhetorical effect; used commonly for epic literature and illustrious genealogies (i.e. The cat slept, the dog barked, the birds chirped, the bunny hopped...) Cataloging
Any witty, ingenious, or pointed saying tersely expressed. Usually memorable. Epigram
a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.- Rachel Johnson Paradox
The audience knows something that the characters do not. Dramatic Irony (Tori Martin)
The replacement of a harsh, blunt, or unpleasant term with a softer more agreeable phrase. Ex. "Pushing up daisies" rather than dead Euphemism
Something general referring to something specific or something specific referring to something general; a part referring to a whole or a whole referring to a part. Synecdoche Jodan Stoddard
Style of Poetry, often contains 17 syllables, and juxtaposes two different aspects of nature or the natural world (Alex Boruff) Haiku
In dramatic works and poetry written in or translated into English, such a figure of speech is often introduced by the exclamation "O“ Apostrophe
Her eyes were blue like the ocean. Meredith Hoggatt Simile
A figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstract idea is represented as possessing human form or endowed with human qualities (Sydney Lesko) Personification
"Lend me your ears!" is an example of: Metonymy: a thing is not called by its own name, but by the name of something associated with that thing. (Michael Taylor)
"The thunder rumbled in the near distance." is an example of Auditory Imagery *Carli Hendershot*
Example: "The boy eats cereal, The girl cracks her knuckles, the father whistles, the mother reads a book." Cataloging - A list of thoughts or observations on a particular subject organized in an artistic way. Mason Arnoldy
Example: Sharp cheddar Synesthesia Ashley Bennefeld
Example: "As virtuous men pass mildly away, And whisper to their souls to go,/ Whilst some of their sad friends do say/ The breath goes now, and some say, No;" Metaphysical Conceit: Involves an analogy of one entity's spiritual qualities, and a physical object. (Philip Craig)
A type of imagery that creates a mental perception of touch Tactile Imagery (Danielle Smock)
"Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas in incarnadine, Making the green one red.” What figure of speech does this passage use? Hyperbole -Haley Rickard
A far-fetched extended metaphor using complex logic to relate two seemingly very different things, allowing a reader to gain a deeper understand of them. Conceit -Matt Fulwider
Example: bright smoke Oxymoron (Jessy Guffey p-1)
The transference of a term to something it does not literally apply to. Metaphor
Example: That dog isn't nice. Litotes (Clare Nolan)
Refers to the speaker or narrator, not to the author. The author creates this and writes from behind it in order to represent a character. Persona (Jacob Crockett)
language that evokes a scent or smell to the reader EX:The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats. Olfactory Imagery (Ashlee Mehar)
A witty phrase in which words with similar sound are used to invoke a cheesy humour. Pun (Taylor Canada)
Created by: PiontekAPLIT
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