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KESM MS Review pg1

A&P Midterm Review from class

what is the purpose of miniscus buffer between the femur and the fib/tib
what kind of joint is the talocrural hinge
what are the differences in the different retinaculums? wrist holds extensors/flexors; ankle has 5 ret.'s ...10 broad crossing front ankle, 2) Y-shaped distal to lateral malleolus on calcaneus spanning the ankle then branching to attach at medial malleolus and the other to the navicular, etc....
location of head of fibula in relation to tibial tuberosity lateral
plantar apponeurosis -where and what is it? thick superficial band of fascia on the bottom of the foot from calcaneus to each metatarsal head
how many tarsal bones are there 7
how many carpal bones are there 8
O/I/A popliteus O: lateral epicondyle of femur I: proximal posterior tibia A: flex knee & medially rotate flexed knee
what muscles are in the anterior compartment of lower leg extensors: tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, ext. hallicus longus
what muscles are in the lateral compartment of lower leg peroneus longus and brevis
what muscles are in the posterior compartment of lower leg flexors: tibialis posterior, flexor digitotrum longus, flexor hallicus longus
what muscle extends the big toe extensor hallicus longus
what muscle will dorsiflex the foot tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallicus longus
origin tibialis anterior interosseus membrane and proximal anterior fibula
origin peroneus longus & brevis distal 2/3 of lateral fibula
insertion of soleus calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
origin gastrocnemius posterior tibia and proximal fibula
what 3 muscles lead into calcaneal tendon gastroc, soleus, plantaris
what is the relation of plantaris muscle in relation to gastroc and popliteous muscles superficial
what action do the muscles in the lateral compartment do? evert the foot & assist to plantar flex the ankle
what are intrinsic muscles of the foot small muscles in the foot
what muscle originates @ ischial tuberosity gemellus inferior
what 3 muscles insert @ pes anserine sartorius, gracilis, semitendonosis
what makes the IT Band superficial sheet of fascia
action of sartorius flex & laterally rotate hip, adduct hip & flex knee
origin of biceps femoris linea aspera (short head) and ischial tuberosity (long head)
origin of hamstrings ischial tuberosity
where does semitendonosus lie in relation to biceps femoris medial
the shortest of the adductor muscles adductor brevis
what adductor inserts @ adductor tubercle adductor magnus
what adductor crosses the knee joint gracilis
what does the distal end of the femur articulate with talus (?)
what are the boundaries of the femoral triangle inguinal ligament, sartorius, adductor longus
put the adductor muscles in order from proximal to distal pectineus, adductor brevis, adductor longus, gracilis, adductor magnus
what are the structures in the appendicular skeleton arms and legs and the pectoral girdle (scapula and clavicle) and the pelvic girdle (hips)
what are the structures in the axial skeleton skeleton's center cranium, vertebral column, ribs, sternum and hyoid bone
the combination of flexion and extention & abduction and adduction only takes place where (circumduction) hip and shoulder
what is the relation of the big toe to the little toe medial
what plane of motion does hip abduction occur frontal
what plane divides the body into left and right saggital
Created by: cecmagic
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