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CCU ACT Sanskrit Ter

Sanskrit Terms for ACT TT from Language of Ayurveda

Ayurveda Science of life
Agni digestive fire
Ama toxic residue which accumulates in the physiology due to undigested food, emotions or information
Dosha mind body principle
Vata dosha responsible for movement, change
Pitta dosha responsible for metabolism,transformation
Kapha dosha responsible for structure, protection
Sama balanced
Samadosha balanced doshas
Prakruti nature or original doshic proportion
Vrikruti doshic inbalance
Sub-doshas specific dosha function
Vata Prana located in the brain, head, chest
Udana located in throat, lungs
Samana located in stomach, intestines
Apana located in colon, lower abdomen
Vyana located in nervous system, skin, circulatory system
Pitta - Sadhaka located in heart
Alochaka located in eyes
Pachaka located in stomach, small intestine
Ranjaka located in red blood cells, liver, spleen
Bhrajaka located in skin
Kapha - Tarpaka located in sinus, head, spinal fluid
Bodhaka located in tongue
Kledaka located in stomach
Avalambaka located in heart, chest, lower back
Sleshaka located in joints
Dhatu bokily tissue
Rasa plasma
Rakta blood
Mamsa muscle, flesh
Meda fat
Asthi bone
Majja bone marrow, nerve tissue
Shukra reproductive tissue, semen, ovam
Kosha sheath or layer of existence
Anna Maya Kosha layer derived from food
Prana Maya Kosha layer of biological energy
Mano Maya Kosha layer of the mind
Buddhi Maya Kosha layer of the intellect
Ananda Maya Kosha layer of conditioned bliss
Sat Chit Ananda pure consciousness
Mahabhutas great elements
Akasha space
Vayu air, wind
Tejas fire
Jala water
Prithivi earth
Mala body waste product
Mutra urine
Purisha stool
Sweda sweat
Marma junction point between consciousness and matter on the body
Nadi subtle channel through which energy flows
Ida Nadi moon channel to the left of the spine
Pingala Nadi sun channel to the right of the spine
Sushumna Nadi spiritual channel connecting all the chakras
Panchakarma 5 purifying therapies
Poorva preparatory therapies before panchakarma
Rasayanna rejuvenative therapies or tonics
Abhyanga oil massage
Basti herbal enema
Nasya nasal application therapy
Rakta-moksha blood letting therapy
Snehana oleation
Swedana heating therapies, fomentation
Vamana induced therapeutic emesis
Virechana purgation therapy
Prana life force or vital breath
Ojas subtlest life essence, which exists at the junction of consciousness and matter, giving strength and vitality
Rasa taste
Madhura sweet
Amla sour
Lavana salty
Tikta bitter
Kashya astringent
Katu pungent
Srota channel of circulation in the body
Tanmatras subtle elements
Sjabda sound
sparsha touch
Rupa sight
Rasa taste
Gandha smell
Triphala three fruits
Vipaka post digestive effect
Virya potency of food or herbs, which creates a heating or cooling effect
Ahankara ego
Ananda bliss, extreme joy
Asana yogic posture (3rd limb of yoga)
Ashram hermitage, retreat center
Atman soul, individual expression of pure Spirit
ATMA DARSHAN direct experience of the soul, the fourth state of consciousness
Avatar direct incarnation of God
Bhagavad Gita sacred Sanskrit, epic poem of eighteen verses
Brahman Spirit, pure consciousness, energy of creation
Chakra center of subtle energy, wheel
Muladhara first or root chakra at base of spine
Svadhistana second chakra behind the pubic bone
Manipura third chakra at the solar plexus
Anahata fourth or heart chakra
Visuddha fifth or throat chakra
Ajna sixth chakra at the third eye
Sahaswara seventh chakra on the crown of the head
Dharana concentration, attention and intention (6th limb of yoga)
Dharma purpose in life
Dhyana meditation, witnessing awareness(7th limb of yoga)
Darshan being in the presence of a holy person
Guna` fundamental quality or property
Sattva purity, goodness, subtlety
Rajas excited, passionate, active
Tamas inert, heavy, dull
Guru dispeller of darkness, great teacher,mentor, the planet Jupiter, heavy
Homa sacred fire ceremony
Japa repetition of a mantra for a specific number of times
nadi-pariksa pulse examination (in diagnosis)
Karma action, a record of our previous actions
Kundalini spiritual energy located at the base of the spine
Loka world, dimension, location
Maha great
Mala string of beads or flowers
Mantra instrument of the mind, used in meditation
Maya illusion of the senses
Moksha liberation
Mudras positions of the eyes, hands or body, - seal, sign, mark
Nada sound, vibratory energy
Niyamas healthy practices (2nd limb of yoga)
Shoucha purity
Santosha contentment
Tapas discipline, austerity
Svadhyana study, understanding of sacred texts
Ishwara-Pranidhana surrender to the Divine
Prasad blessed offerings
Pratyahara withdrawal of the senses (5th limb of yoga)
Pranayama yogic breathing exercises (4th limb of yoga)
Bhastrika forced inhalation and exhalation through the nose
Bhrimari extended exhalation while making a humming sound
Kapalabhati passive inhalation and forced exhalation through the nose
Nadi Shodhana alternative nostril breathing
Sitali inhaling and exhaling through a "rolled" tongue
Ujjayi audible, back of the throat breathing
Puja ritual worship
Pundit Vedic scholar, priest
Rishi seer, highly evolved spiritual being
Rudraksha beads sacred to Shiva, commonly worn or used for japa
Sadhana regular practice of spiritual disciplines
Sadhu monk who has renounced the material world
Samsara cycle of birth and death
Sanskaras seeds of memory
Samadhi balanced mind and intellect, settled in pure awareness (8th limb of yoga)
Satsang gathering of people seeking the Truth
Seva selfless service
Shakti power or energy
Kriya Shakti the energy of spontaneous right action
Jnana (Gyana) Shakti the energy of knowledge or wisdom
Iccha Shakti the energy of will, desire, intention
Ananda Shakti the energy of pure bliss
Chitta Shakti the energy of pure awareness
Shanti peace
Siddhis yogic powers
Sri divine, great
Surya Namaskar salutation to the sun, set of twelve yogic postures
Sutra thread, collection of statements with inner meanings
Swami certain order of monks
Turiya the fourth state of consciousness
Upanishads collection of 108 Vedic texts dealing with higher states of consciousness
Vasanas seeds of desire
Vedas` the four holy books which are the foundation of Vedic and later Hindu traditions - Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda
Vibhuti sacred ash
Vidya knowledge
Yantra geometric shape, visual form of a mantra
Yagya large, ritual fire ceremony
Yamas ethical codes (1st limb of yoga)
Ahimsa non-violence
Satya truthfulness
Bramacharya governance of creative energy
Asteya honesty, non-stealing
Aparigraha non-coveting, generosity, simplicity
Yoga union with the Divine
Bhakti Yoga the path of devotion
Jnana Yoga the path of knowledge
Karma Yoga the path of selfless service
Raja Yoga the path of meditation
Yuga period of time, the four main yugas are Sat, Treta, Dvapara and Kali
Sanskaras seeds of memory
Samadhi balanced mind and intellect, settled in pure awareness (8th limb of yoga)
Satsang gathering of people seeking the Truth
Seva selfless service
Shakti power or energy
Kriya Shakti the energy of spontaneous right action
Jnana (Gyana) Shakti the energy of knowledge or wisdom
Iccha Shakti the energy of will, desire, intention
Ananda Shakti the energy of pure bliss
Chitta Shakti the energy of pure awareness
Shanti peace
Siddhis yogic powers
Sri divine, great
Surya Namaskar salutation to the sun, set of twelve yogic postures
Sutra thread, collection of statements with inner meanings
Swami certain order of monks
Turiya the fourth state of consciousness
Upanishads collection of 108 Vedic texts dealing with higher states of consciousness
Vasanas seeds of desire
Vedas` the four holy books which are the foundation of Vedic and later Hindu traditions - Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda
Vibhuti sacred ash
Vidya knowledge
Yantra geometric shape, visual form of a mantra
Yagya large, ritual fire ceremony
Yamas ethical codes (1st limb of yoga)
Ahimsa non-violence
Satya truthfulness
Bramacharya governance of creative energy
Asteya honesty, non-stealing
Aparigraha non-coveting, generosity, simplicity
Yoga union with the Divine
Bhakti Yoga the path of devotion
Jnana Yoga the path of knowledge
Karma Yoga the path of selfless service
Raja Yoga the path of meditation
Yuga period of time, the four main yugas are Sat, Treta, Dvapara and Kali
Pranamasana Salutation pose
Hasta Uttanasana Sky Reaching pose
Pada Hastasana Hand to Feet pose
Ashwa-sanchalanasana Equestrian pose
Parvatasana Mountain pose
Asthanga Namaskar Eight Limb pose
Bhujangasana Cobra pose
Avidya Mistaking the unreal for the real
Asmita Holding tightly onto the EGO or "I"
Raga Attraction to Pleasure (something outside yourself)
Dvesha Aversion to Pain
Abhinevsha Fear of Ending
Five Kleshas Parting the Veil
Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha Yoga is the quieting of the mind field
Kshipta Turbulent (completely distracted)
Mudha Dull
Vikshipta Distracted
Ekagra One-Pointed
Nirodhah Perfected (completely centered mind)
Samadosa, samagnis cha Samadhatu-mala-kriyah Prasanna atma-indriya-mana Swastha utu abhidhiyate balanced mind/body digestive balanced body tissue/waste product Bliss filled mind, senses, soul Health is revealed
Abhidhiyate "is called"
Alterative blood purifier
Amalaki emblic myrobalan
Annavaha food carrying
Anuvasana softening oil
apigraha non-coveting, simplicity
Artha material abundance
Ashwagandha Withania somnifera
Avyakta unmanifest
Bala Sida cordifolia
Bibhtitaki Belleric myrobalan
brahmacharya continence, unity
Brahmi Hydrocotyl asiatica
Chavan ancient Ayurvedic doctor
Chyle nutrient rich lymph
Darsana visual inspection
Dhatuagnis anabolic transformations
Dhatuvaha tissue carrying
Guggul Commiphora mukul
Haritaki Chebulic myrobalan
Hatapatri foxglove
Indriya organ
Ishvara creative force
Jatharagni food digestive force
Jnanendriyas sensory organs
Kama sense desires
Karmendriyas action organs
Mahabhutagnis element transformation
Malavaha waste product carrying
Manjishta Rubia cordifolia
Neem Azadiracta indica
Nirama without Ama
Niruha water based
Pariksa examination
Paschat post-therapy
Pippali Piper longum
Prabhava special action
Pradhana principal
Pragnaparadha mistaken intellect
Pranavaha life-force carrying
Prasanna pleasant, happy
Prash herbal formula
Purusha unmanifested
Samagnis balanced digestive power
Santosa contentment, acceptance
Satya truth, honesty
Shatavari Asparagus racemosus
Sparsana palpation
Svadhaya study, understanding
Swastha established in the Self
Udakavaha fluid carrying
Vulnerary wound healing
tada drashtuh svarupe avasthanam Then, the seer dwells in his own radiant nature
vritti sarupyam itaratra Otherwise, the seer identifies with the fluctuations of the mind.
adhyatmika oriented towards self-realization
advaita non-duality
agni-sara healthy/strong digestion
ahara diet "food"
ahara-rasa essence of digested food, precursor to rasa dhatu "food-essence"
akrti bodily form, apperance
anumana inference (in diagnosis)
anupa-desa watery place
arogya health "state of being without disease"
asthayi immature (tissue)
ausadhi medicine, plant, herb
avasthapaka stage of digestion (sweet, sour, of pungent)
ayus life, longevity
bala strength
bandha tie, bond, chain,fetter, connection
bhasma mineral ash
bhuta element, a being, a ghost
brahmana one who knows Brahma, one borne into the caste
buddhi intellect, part of chitta that makes decisions
candra moon, cooling principle
cikitsa treatment of disease
darsana observing (in diagnosis)
desa geographical place (in diagnosis)
Dhanvantari progenitor of Ayurveda, doctor of the Gods
dharma duty, law, personal path
dhatu-ksaya malnutrition "tissue destroying"
dhi wisdom, understanding
dhrti holding, maintaining, firmness of mind, determination
dosa bodily humour/force "defect"
dravya substance, contains guna (ttribute) and karman (action)
dusti disturbance, injury, corruption
gati gait, pace, phase
ghrta clarified butter (called ghi in Hindi)
grahi intestinal astringent
gurukula studying in the home of a teacher
hatha force, difficulty, type of yoga requiring great effort
iccha desire, will
istadevata desired deity, deity chosen for worship
Isvara personal God, universal teacher
jiva life, a living being
Jyotisa Vedic astrology/astronomy "pertaining to light/stars"
kala time
kaya body
khavaigunya weak space in body "space having disturbed quality"
kichadi cooked mung beans and rice, an easy to digest meal taken during pancakarma
kitta excrement, secretion
klista afflicted, painful
kosa sheath, layer
krama step, succession, series
ksaya atrophy, herbal preparation "destruction"
mantra sound yielding an energetic effect
marga pathway, channel
neti nasal cleansing using a thread or warm water with salt
nidana causative factor of disease
paka biochemical digestion
pathyaoathya dietetics "wholesome and hurtful"
peya liquid rice gruel "drinkable"
posana nutrition
deha prakrti constitution affected by gestation "body"
dosa prakrti dosa makeup of constitution, in terms of VPK
janma prakrti genetic aspect of constitution "birth"
manas prakrti mental constitution in terms of sattva, rajas, and tamas
prasa eating
prasna questioning (in diagnosis)
pratyaksa direct observation (in diagnosis)
rasa taste, flavor, essence, mercury
rasyana rejuvenative substance
roga disease
rtu season
rupa form, chief sympton
sabda verbal testimony (in diagnosis) "sound/word"
sadhana personal practice 'accomplishing"
sakti power, energy, ability
sama balanced, even
samprapti stages of desease
samskara acquired subliminal impressions, habits
samyoga association, union, mixture
sanga / sangha community
sannipatika tridoshic (good for all 3 dosas)
sarra body
smrti memory
sodhana purification therapy
sodasanga sixteen limbs
soma moon juice, yogic nectar, luminous fluid
sparsana palpating (in diagnosis)
srsti creation, offspring
sthayi mature (tissue)
sthiti stability
surya sun, heating principle
svastha good health
svastha-vrtta personal hygeine "activity for one's own health"
tapas austerity, practice causing change
tejas subtle energy of pitta; brilliance/color of immune system "fire"
upadhatu by-product of tissue formation
upaveda auxiliary Veda (one of which is Ayurveda)
vaidya physician of Ayurveda
vayu wind; the principle of movement
vega natural urge "momentum"
vikrti current imbalanced state of health
viyoga dissociation, separation, disunion
vyadhi disease
vyayama exercise
Vayu or anila air
rakta or asri blood
kaya or sarira or deha body
roga or vyadhi disease
prthivi or bhu or ksiti or ksoni earth
purisa or sakrt feces
tejas or agni or anala fire
slesma or "affection" kapha
usna or usana or katu pungent
lavana or patu salty
akasa or kha or vyoman space
svadu or madhu or madhura sweet
ambu or apas or jala or nira or paniya (for drinking) or toya or udaka water
Nyaya founded by Gautama "method, plan, logic"
Vasiesika founded by Kanada "particular, special"
Sankhya founded by Kapila "enumeration"
Yoga expounded by Patanjali "union"
Purva-Mimamsa founded by Jaimini "early investigation"
Uttara-Mimamsa founded by Badarayana "late investigation" (also known as Vedanta)
mahat universal intelligence "great"
manas mind- takes in sensations and thoughts
karna ears
tvak skin
caksus eyes
jihva tongue
ghrana nose
vak speach, talking
pani hands, grasping
pada feet, walking
upastha genitals, procreation
payu anus, elimination
artha making a living, resources "wealth"
kama marrying, having children "desire"
moksa liberation, release from material attachments
kayacikitsa general medicine "treatment of the body"
bala-cikitsa pediatrics "treatment of children"
kaumara-bhrtya pediatrics "children nourishing"
graha-cikitsa psychiatry "treatment of possession"
bhuta-vidya psychiatry, ghosts "knowledge of ghosts"
manasa-roga psychiatry "disease of the mind"
urdhvanga-cikitsa diseases of the head and throat "treatment of upper parts"
salya-tantra surgery "spear/surgical instrument science"
damstra TOXICOLOGY, antidotes "fang"
agadatantra TOXICOLOGY, antidotes "anti-poison science"
visagara-vairodha toxicology, antidotes "poison-swallowing-counteraction"
jara-cikitsa geriatrics "treatment of aging"
vrsa aphrodisiacs, virilization "bull"
vajikarana aphrodisiacs, virilization "strength-causing"
bhesaja-kalpana pharmacy (medicinal preparation) "medicine-arranging"
dravyaguna pharmacology (herbs) "qualities of substances"
prasuti-tantra obstetrics "procreation-science"
rasasastra science of minerals, alchemy "mineral-essence-science"
rasayana rejuvenation "rasa-moving"
rogavijnana pathology and diagnosis of disease "knowledge of disease"
sarira anatomy and physiology "pertaining to the body"
striroga gynecology "diseases of women"
svastha-vrtta preventive, social medicine "self-established-behavior"
Astanga-Hrdayam by Vagbhata, condensation and reorganization of the Cataka and Susruta texts "the heart of the 8 limbs"
Caraka-Samhita est. 1500 BCE, the oldest known text on general medicine "compilation by Caraka"
Susruta-Samhita mostly on surgery "compilation by Susruta"
Bhava-Prakasa specializes in medicinal formulas "illuminated by Bhavamisra"
Madhava-Nidana specializes in diagnosis "diagnosis/cause of disease by Madhava"
Samgadhara-Samhita specializes in pharmacy and pharmaceutics "compilation by Samgadhara"
Dhanurveda martial arts, science of war; healing via marma points "bow science"
Gandharvaveda music, dance, are, theater, healing by sound, music "celestial musician science"
Sthapatyaveda sacred architecture, healing by arrangement/directions "arrangement science" (also called Vastu Sastra)
Rg-veda the first Veda- source of mantras
Sama-veda the second Veda- singing of mantras
Yajur-veda the third Veda- appoication of mantras in ritual
Atharva-veda the fourth Veda- supplemental vedic mantras Ayurveda is an auxiliary (upa) veda of this
abhyantara endoderm (innermost cell layer); lso relates to internal srotas "interior, inner"
adharaguda anus
amasaya stomach "ama storehouse"
amsa shoulder
anga limb, part
angustha big toe, thumb
avatu thyroid
bahu arm
bahya ectoderm (outer layer of a cell); also relates to external srotas "external, outer"
basti urinary bladder
bhru eyebrow
bhuja arm
caksus eye
cibuka chin
danta tooth
dhamani vessel that throbs/pulsates (vein, nerve, artery)
drk eye
ganda cheek, side of face
gandha sinuses "smell"
garbha womb
grahani small intestine, duodenem "grabbing"
guda anus
gulpha ankle
hanu jaw
hasta hand
hrd heart
hrdaya heart
ida left, fiminine, lunar nadi
indriya sense organ
jangha calf of the leg
janu knee
jathara stomach, belly, abdomen
jatru clavicle/collar bone
adha-jatru-granthi thymus gland "sub-clavicular knot"
urdhva-jatru-granthi thyroid gland "supra-clavicular knot"
jihva tongue
kala membrane
kantha throat
kama ear
kati pelvic cavity; waist
kesa hair
kloman lungs; pancreas, choroid plexus in brain
kostha abdominal viscera; alimentary canal from the end of the stomach through the colon
ksudrantra small intestine
kukundara hips
lala saliva
lasika saliva/sebaceous secretions/lymph
linga penis, male genital organ
madhya mesoderm-middle layer of a cell "middle"
mani wrist
mukha face, mouth
Murdhan head ( also seen as murdha or murdhni)
nabhi navel, belly button, umbilicus
nadi energy channel; pulse,
nasa nose
netra eye
nitamba hips
ostha lips
pada foot, leg
pakvasaya colon "receptacle for what has cooked"
pani hand
parva joint
pesi muscle
pingala right, masculine, solar nadi
pliha spleen
prstha back
purisadhara pelvic colon "holder of feces"
sadhaka (pitta) gray brain matter
sakthi thigh
sandhi joint
sepha penis
Sira white brain matter; head
sira-brahma cerebral cortex
sira vein
sirsa head
siva-granthi pineal gland "know of Siva"
slesmavhu tonsils "arising from kapha"
snayu sinew (ligaments and tendons)
sphik buttocks
srotas energy/bodily channel system
srotra ear
stana breast
sthulantra large intestine
susumna-jala cerebro-spinal fluid
talu palate
tvak skin
udara abdomen
ura chest
uru thigh
uttaraguda rectum "upper anus"
vanksana groins
vapavahana omentum "carrying fat"
vasa subcutaneous fat
vastisirsa pelvis "head of abdomen"
vrkkau 2 kidneys
vrsana testicles "fertilizing, raining"
yakrt liver
yoni womb, uterus, female genital organ
sthana normal, in place "stable"
vrddhi increase of dosa
ksaya decrease of dosa
rasa taste
virya energy; hot or cold
vipaka post-digestive effect "ripening"
prabhava special effect, not explained by rasa, virya, vipaka
muladhara base of the spine "root-support"
svadhisthana reproductive area
manipura navel area "filled with jewels"
anahata heart area "unstruck (sound)"
visuddha throat area "purified"
ajna between the eyebrows, command, will "enhanced knowledge"
sahasrara crown of the head "one thousand-spoked"
alambusa central:"barrier, limit"
gandhari left; "a musical note"
hastijihva left "elephant's tongue"
ida left: primary feminine/lunar "that which inspires"
kuhu central: "hidden or new noom"
payasvini right: "juicy"
pingala right: primary masculine/solar "red"
pusan right: "nourisher"
sankhini left: "like a seashell"
sarasvati central: "goddess of speedh"
susumna central: "very blissful"
varuna central: 'pervader"
visvodhara central: "carrier of all"
yasasvati right: "abounding in glory"
adhipati top of head "overlord"
amsa shoulder
amsaphalaka shoulder blade
ani lower part of upper arm or leg "point of a needle"
apalapa armpit or axilla "unguarded"
apanga outer corner of eyes "looking away"
apastambha midway between nipple and clabicle " stands to the side"
avarta above each eye "calamity" (its very sensitive)
bahvi inside of upper arm "relating to the are"
basti lower abdomen "bladder"
brhati broad region of upper back "wide, large"
guda anus
gulpha ankle joint
hrdaya heart
indrabasti center of forearm or calf
janu knee joint
kaksadhara top of shoulder joint "upholds the flank"
katikataruna hip joint "newly risen from the hip"
krkatika neck joint
ksipra between thumb/index finger or big/second toe "quick to give results"
kukundara sides of lower iliac spine "marks the loins"
kurca bottom of thumb or big toe "knot, bundle"
kurca-sira base of thumb or big toe joint "head of kurca"
kurpara elbow joint
lohitaksa lower frontal end of shoulder or hip joint "red-joint"
manibandha wrist "bracelet'
manya side of upper neck "honor"
nabhi navel
nila base of throat "deep blue"
nitamba upper region of buttocks "buttocks"
parsva-sandhi upper hips "side of the waist"
phana side of nostrils "serpent's hood"
sankha temple "conch shell"
simanta fissures on the skull "summit"
sira-matrka base of neck "mother of blood vessels"
srngataka soft paalate of mouth "where 4 roads meet"
stana-mula base of the breast
sthapani between the eyes "gives support, fixes in position"
tala-hrdaya center of palm or soul of foot "hear of surface"
utksepa above the ears "upwards"
urvi mid-region of upper thigh "wide"
vidhura behind and below the ears "distress"
vitapa perineum "hot or painful"
ahara eating "food"
baspa crying "tears"
chardya vomiting
jrmbha yawning
ksava sneezing
ksut hunger
mutra urination "urine"
nidra sleep
nihsvasa breathing after exertion
pipasa thirst
purisa defecation "feces"
retas ejaculation
vata flatus "wind"
ahara diet "food"
vihara lifestyle "pastime"
ausadhi medicine "plant"
avila cloudy, turbid
cala mobile, active motion
drava fluid
guru heavy
hima cold
kathina hard
khara rough
laghu light (in weight)
manda slow, dull
mrdu soft
picchila slimy, slippery
ruksa dry
sandra dense, thick
sara flowing, passive motion
sita cold
slaksna smooth
snigdha oilu, unctuous
sthira stable, firm
sthula gross
suksma subtle
tiksna sharp, quick, penetrating
usna hot
visada clear
anna-maya-kosa most gross-physical "sheath made of food"
prana-maya-kosa "sheath made of breath/life force"
mano-maya-kosa "sheath made of mind"
vijnana-maya-kosa "sheath made of knowledge"
ananda-maya-kosa most subtle-ethereal "sheath made of happiness"
svadu sweet/pleasing
amla sour/acidic
lavana salty
katu pungent
tikta bitter
kasaya astringent
rasa plasma, chyle, lymph
rakta blood
mamsa muscle
meda fat/adipiose
asthi bone
majja nerve, bone marrow
sukra male reproductive tissue
artava female reproductive tissue
prakrti nature of food, qualities like heavy, wet etc.
karana preparation of food "instrument"
samyoga food combining
rasi quantity of food
desa place where food is grown
kala time of eating
upayoga-samstha way of eating
upayokta person's physical condition
mutra urine
purisa feces
sveda sweat
manda poor "slow"
sama balanced
tiksna high "sharp"
visama variable
prajnaparadha mistaken judgement - identifying with individual objects instead of the whole
asatmya-indriyartha-samyoga inappropriate use of the senses
parinama effect of tie/seasons "change"
atiyoga overuse (of sense objects, actions or time)
ayoga underuse/nonuse (of sense objects, actions or time)
mithyayoga misuse (of sense objects, actions or time)
samcaya accumulation (of ama at primary site of dosa)
prakopa provocation, aggravation (at the site)
prasara spreading, migration (ama overflows and is carried to a weak, defective dhatu where it sticks)
sthana-samsraya lodging "taking shelter in a place" (ama lodges into the dhatu causing dysfunction and damage)
vykta manifestation of symptoms "which can be seen"
bheda differentiation, complications (disease can now be labelled, severe impairment of dhatu)
ajirna indigestion "not broken down"
amavata arthritis "toxic-vata"
apasmara epilepsy "loss of memory"
arocaka anorexia "one who does not have hunger"
arsas hemorrhoids
atisara chronic diarrhea "excess flowing"
grahini intestinal disease "catching, absorbing"
gulma enlargement of the spleen "clump, mass"
hrodroga heart disease
jvara fever "heated"
kamala jaundice
kampa-vata Parkinson's disease "shaking vata"
kustha leprosy
krmi worms, parasites
mudhu-meha diabetes mellitus "sweet urine"
medo-roga pbesity "fat disease"
pandu-roga pbesity "fat disease"
pandu-roga anemia "white/pale disease"
parmeha excess urine (includes diabetes)
pravahika dysentery
raktapitta bleeding, hemorrhage "pitta in the blood"
sira-sula headache "sharp pain in the head"
sosa dehydration, consumption "drying up"
sotha edema "swelling"
svasa dyspnea "inhalation"
trsna polydipsia (excessive thirst) "thirst"
vatarakta gout "wind-blood"
unmada mental disorder, psychosis
nidana etiology, causative factor of disease
purvarupa premonitory symptoms
linga (also rupa) actual symptoms "mark, sign"
upasaya exploratory therapy
samprapti pathegenesis
akrti general appearance
caksus eye
tvak skin
vak voice, speech
jihva tongue
prakrti physical/genetic constitution
vikrti current condition
sara tissue vitality
samhanana/bala body build, tone, strength
pramana body measure, proportion
satmya adaptability to food, herbs, climate
sattva mental constitution
ahara-sakti food capacity, digestive strength
vyayama-sakti exercise capacity
vayas age
angula/anguli width of 1st interphalangeal joint of right middle finger
anjali what fits in both open palms (about 1 cup)
gutika size of a pill
Nimesa/pala 1 blink of an eye (1/3 second
ksana moment (one second)
kasta 15 nimesa (5 second)
kala 30 kasta (144 seconds, 2:24)
muhurta 20 kala (48 minutes)
ahoratra 30 muhurta (24 hours, 1 day)
paksa 15 days (1 fortnight, 1/2 lunar cycle)
masa 2 paksa (1 month)
rtu 2 masa (2 months, 1 season)
varsa 12 masa (12 months, 1 year)
ayana 1/2 varsa (1/2 year, solstice to solstice)
samvatsara 1 year
bhanga whiplash
bhedana breaking, hammering pain
duhkha extreme pain, suffering
harsana tingling, numbness
sanga stiffness
samkoca contracting pain from fear
toda pricking pain
vartma involuntary convulsions, eyelash tremors
visada extreme grief
ama-pacana herbs to destroy ama "ama cooking"
atapa-sevana sunbathing "sunshine service"
dipana herbs to increase digestion "kindling"
ksut fasting or light diet "hunger"
maruta-sevana fresh air and exposure to wind "wind-service"
trt restricting fluid intake "thirst"
vyayama exercise
basti enema, liquid held in place to bathe an area "bladder"
nasya nasal cleansing
rakta-moksa blood-letting, often with leeches
vamana therapeutic vomiting
virecana laxative therapy
gaja elephant
hamsa swan
jalauka leech
kaka crow
kapota pigeon
krmi worm
lavaka quail
manduka frog
mayura peacock
padma lotus
pippilika ant
sarpa serpent
tittiraka partridge
ustra camel
Vasanta Spring
grisma Summer
Varsa Rainy
sarad Autumn
hemanta Winter
anaha distention
alpa-nidrata scanty sleep
habahina loss of strength, weakness
bhrama vertigo
chardi vomiting
daha burning
dinata loss of energy, weakness
hrllasa hiccough
kampa tremors
kasaya-rasata choking on an astringent
karsya emaciation
karsnya darkness under eyes
krkala intestinal rumbling
murccha fainting
pralapa talkative
sada general body pain
sakrt constipation
samtapa rise in body temperature
sita-kamita craving for cold food and drink
stambha stiffness
stambhana constipation
usna-kamita craving for hot food and drink
langhana reducing, cleansing, fasting
brmhana building, tonifying
ruksana drying
snehana oiling
swedana sweating, diaphoretic
stambhana stopping, astringency
abhayanga external oleation
anjana collyrium (eye salve/wash) "smearing, anointing"
dhuma-pana inhalations, fumigations
karna-purna filling the ear with oil
netra-basti bathing the eye in oil
niruha-basti decoction enema
picu oiled cotton on forehead or as tampon "cotton"
sirobasti bathing the top of the head in oil
sirodhara stream of oil bathing the third eye and crown of head
usma-baspa hot steam
uttara-basti urethral and vaginal cleansing
avaleha jam, jelly "licking"
dhuma smoke inhalation
draksa medicinal wine(asava or arista)
dugdha warm milk
ghrta clarified butter (called ghi in Hindi)
guda jaggery, rew sugar
guggulu resin
ksyay herbal tea "destruction"
kumari aloe vera
madhu honey
madya alcohol
navanita fresh butter
sitodaka cool water
usnodaka hot water
vilepi thin rice porridge
arogyavardhini "health-expanding"
caturbija "four seeds"
cyavanaprasa "eating like the sage Cyavana"
dasamula "ten roots"
hingvastaka "group of 8 beginning with hingu"
mahasudarsana "great benevolent seer"
pancavalkala "five barks"
sitopaladi "sugar etc."
talisadi "talisa etc."
trikatu "three pungents"
triphala "three fruits"
asita food that does not require chewing
khadita to be eaten
peya to be drunk
lehya to be licked
arsaghna anti-hemorrhoidal "hemorrhoid-removing"
balya tonic; promotes strength and energy "pertaining to strength"
bhedana/bhedaniya bulk promoting agent; increases body weight and tissue "building"
caksusya ophthalmic; food for eyes "pertaining to the eyes"
chardini-nigrahana anti-emetic "holding down vomiting"
dahaghna anti-inflammatory "heat-removing"
dipana/dipaniya kindles agni; digestive stimulant "kindling"
hrdya cardiac tonic; strengthens heart function "pertaining to the heart"
jivana/jivaniya vitalizing agent; promotes longevity "life"
jvarahara febrifuge "fever-removing"
kanthya soothes sore throats and improves the voice "pertaining to the throat"
kasahara anti-tussive; stops a cough "cough-removing"
kesya hair tonic "pertaining to hair"
krmighna anthelmintic; destroys parasites "worm-removing"
kusthaghna relieves dermatitis; reduces skin inflammation "skin-disease-removing"
lekhana/lekhaniya reducing agent; reduces fat, kapha and other accumulations "scraping"
medhya improves memory
mutra-samgrahaniya stops excessive urination "urine-grabbing"
mutra-virecaniya diuretic; promotes the flow of urine "urine-evacuation"
mutrastha stops urinary incontinence "urine-stays"
nidra-janana hypnotic; induces sleep "sleep-producing"
pacana/pacaniya digestive "cooking"
rasayana rejuvenative "rasa-moving"
sandhaniya healing agent; promotes healing of fractures, wounds or cuts "pertaining to mending"
sonita-sthapana hemostatic; stops bleeding "causing blood to stop"
stabhana stops diarrhea, binds stools "stopping"
stany-janana galactagogue; promotes secretion of breast milk "breast milk-producing"
stanya-sodhana detoxifies breast milk "breast milk-purifying"
sukra-janana spermatogenic; increases sperm count "sperm-producing"
sukra-sodhana detoxifies sperm "sperm-purifying"
sulaghna analgesic "pain-removing"
svasahara anti-asthmatic; stops wheezing, eases breathing "asthma-removing"
tarpana nutritive, tonic, energizer "satisfying"
trptighna relieves satiety "satiety-removing"
trsna-nigrahana relieves thirst; aids in tissue hydration "holding down thirst"
vajikarana aphrodisiac; improves sexual vitality and function "causing amorous desire"
vamaka emetic; induces vomiting "contrary/the wrong way"
varnya improves complexion, skin tone and luster "pertaining to color"
virecaria purgative, laxative "evacuating"
visaghna anti-toxin "poison-removing"
ajamoda ajwan, wild celery seeds
amalaki amla "sour"
ardraka fresh ginger root
arjuna "not twisted; makes person innocent in the heart"
asoka "without grief"
asvagandha winter cherry "smells like a horse"
bala Indian country mallow "what gives strength"
bhrngaraja "ruler of the hair" or "queen bee"
bibhitaka "to be feared (by diseases)"
bilva bael fruit
bola myrrh
brahmi gotu kola "having Brahma (higher consciousness)"
candana sandalwood
citraka "bright"
dadima pomegranate
dhanyaka cilantro
ela cardamom
eranda castor
goksura caltrops, goat's head
guduci heartleaf moonseed, amrta
guggula Indian bedellium, resin
haridra turmeric
hartaki "what carries away disease"
hingu hing, asafoetida
jambu rose apple
jatamamsi "twisted muscle"
jati jasmine "birth"
jatiphala nutmeg
jira cumin "quick"
jyotismati "having light"
kapikacchu "itcher of monkeys"
katuka kutki, hellbore "pungent"
kumari aloe "a young girl"
kunkuma saffron
lavanga clove
manjistha Indian madder
marica black pepper "sun"
methi fenugreek
musta nutgrass
nagakesara cobra's saffron
narikela coconut "that which loves a woman"
nimba meen
padma lotus
pippali long pepper
punamava hogweed "again fresh"
rasona garlic "lacking one taste"
sankhapuspi "conch flower"
sarsapa mustard seed
satapatri rose flowers "a hundred petals"
satapuspa fennel seeds "a hundred husbands"
satvari "having a hundred husbands"
silajit mineral pitch "conquering rock"
sunthi dry ginger root
tagara form of valerian
talisa bay leaf
tila sesame seed
tulasi holy basil, tulsi in Hindi
tvak cinnamon "bark"
uma flaxseed
vaca calamus root, sweet flag "speech"
vamsa bamboo manna
vidanga embelia
vidari wild yam root
yastimadhu licorice "stem sweet"
abhraka mica
gandhaka sulphur
hingula cinnabar
hiraka diamond
loha iron
mandura iron slag/rust
marakata emerald (panna in Hindi)
mukta pearl (moti in Hindi)
naga lead
pravala coral
rajata silver
rasa mercury
sankha conch shell
sphatika alum
svarna gold
tamra copper
vanga tin
yasada zinc
kanda tuberous root, bulb
kastha wood
ksara milk juice from the stem, latex
mula root
nala stem
pallava bud
patra leaf
phala fruit
puspa flower
RASA/SARA sap "essence"
svarasa juice "(its) own essence"
taila oil
tvak bark "skin"
anjana ointment
arista medicated wine made be fermenting a decoction
arka liquid extract
asava medicated wine made be fermenting uncooked hervs in water
avaleha jam, jelly
bhasma mineral ash
bhavana maceration of powder in its own fluid
cuma powder
ghana decoction evaporated to a solid
ghrta clarified butter, usually medicated
gudika pill
guggulu resin, balsam
guti/gutika pill, tablet
hima cold infusion
kalka paste/pulp from herb pounded with water
ksara extraction of alkalis from plants
ksaya decoction
ksirapapka milk decoction
kvatha decoction
lepa paste
mahalara ointment
modaka bolus, big round ball
panaka syrup
phanta hot infusion
pramathya cooked pulp
putapaka wrapping in leaves and roasting
sara resin
sitaksaya cold infusion
sura-kalpa tincture "alcohol preparation"
svarasa pressed juice
tailapaka medicated oil
uddjulana dusting powder
upalepa poultice, ointment
vati/vatika pill, tablet
abhakta on an empty stomach "lack of food"
adho-bhakta after food
antara-bhakta between meals "between food"
grasantara between swallows
madhya-bhakta with food "mid-food"
muhurmuhu repeatedly, every few seconds/minutes
nisa at night
prag-bhakta before food
sagrasa with each bite
sama-bhakta mixed in with food "same food"
samudga before and after food "completely pervading"
bhuta agni element digestion (5, one per element)
nabhasa agni ether: maintains cell shape "sky"
vayavya agni air: regulates cellular respiration
tego agni fire: maintains cellular metabolism
apo agni water: maintains sellular fluid
parthiva agni earth: regulates minerals
dhatu agni stomach digestion
jatru agni thymus/thyroid hormones that stimulate cellular metabolism
kloma agni digestion of sweet taste and water regulation in the pancreas
pilu agni cell membrane activities
pithara agni creates proteins from DNA/RNA in cell, transforms cell nutrients into consciousness
prana agni digestion of prana
vata "wind"
apana "downward air/breath"
prana "lead air/breath"
samana "equalizing air/breath"
udana upward air/breath"
vyana "pervasive air/breath"
pitta "that which heats"
pacaka "that which cooks"
ranjaka "that which colors"
alocaka "that which shines"
sadhaka "that which accomplishes"
kapha "mucus"
avalambaka "that which supports"
bodhaka "that which perceives"
kledaka "that which moisturizes"
slesaka "that which embraces"
tarpaka "that which satisfies"
prana-vaha-srotas oxygenation "breath/life force"
ambu-vaha-srotas hydration "water"
anna-vaha-srotas digestion "food"
rasa-vaha-srotas plasma, chyle, lymph
rakta-vaha-srotas red blook cells
mamsa-vaha-srotas muscle
meda-vaha-srotas fat/adipose
asthi-vaha-srotas bone
majja-vaha-srotas nerves, bone marrow
sukra-vaha-srotas male reproductive system
rajo-vaha-srotas female reproductive system
stanya-vaha-srotas lactation "breat"
purisa-vaha-srotas fecal elimination "feces"
mutra-vaha-srotas urination "urine"
sveda-vaha-srotas temperature regulation "sweat"
mano-vaha-srotas thinking, sensation "mind"
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