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KESM A&P Review

Module 2 Review

purpose of the senses is to: detect environmental changes and respond to them
the part of the nervous system that detects a stimulus is a sensory receptor
what sensory receptors are in the eye rods and cones
temperature sensors are a general sense
equilibrium sensors are a specific sense
what gland are tears made in lacrimal gland
what is the middle tunic of the eye ball coroid
what is the biconvex clear, circular part of the eye lens
rods in the eyes see what color, no sharp images
cones in the eye see what sharp images, no color
what does the iris do regulate the amount of light allowed into the eye
where is the tympanic membrane the ear drum
2 of the 3 bones in the ear are what stapis, incus (not the cochlea)
what are the 4 basic tastes sweet, salty, sour, bitter
receptors in arteries are what barrow receptors
the epidermal layer of the skin does not have what pressure senses
what regulatory chemical is made in the endocrine system hormones
what does the endocrine system work with? the nervous system
hormones fall into 2 categories lipids and amino acids
the measure of oxytocin is part of what a positive feedback loop
what hormone is produced in the adrenal cortex steroids (corticosteroids)
the pituitary gland is controlled by what the hypothalamus
what does the thymus help regulate in the blood? the amount of calcium
swedish massage with agromeglia ok with health care team (too much growth hormone)
cushings syndrome is a condition with what too much cortisol in the blood
addison's syndrone is a condition with what not enough cortisol in the blood
where does the body store calcium salts the skeleton
what 2 main things are in the blood plasma and formed elements
thrombocytes are also called what platelets
erythrocytes bind to oxygen to carry what to the body's cells hemoglobin
what is the main element in hemoglobin iron
the root "phil" means what attracted to (example: if the word ends in phil it produces a stain from a blood cell)
what is a mature monocyte macrophage
what is contraction of smooth muscle vasoconstriction
the root "lize" means what broke (example: blood transfusion gone bad because RBCs rupture -hemolize)
blood is a connective tissue true/false true
normal pH of blood is approximately 7.4 true/false true
normal/abnormal hemoglobin is measured by what electropoesis -which separates molecules by weight/electric charge
what is clumping of blood called glutenation
pain in tissue that feels like gel is called what hematoma
client presents with deep vein thrombosis, is swedish massage indicated? no -do not touch them, blood clot travels, etc.....
what is the largest vein aorta
intercolated discs do what communicate quickly (read about it)
where is the semilunar valve (look it up ?near pulmonary trunk?)
blood flowing in the pulmonary artery is high in oxygen concentration true/false false
what is the order of blood flow in the heart chambers right atria, right ventricle, left atria, left ventricle
ateries carry blood to the heart true/false false
what is the resting period of the cardiac system diastole (spelling ??)
each cardiac cycle represents what a heartbeat
the number of times the heart beats a minute is what the heart rate
the SA node is also known as what the pacemaker
what are the conduction myofibers in the the ventricles Perkenje
running a tube from a vein to the heart is called what catheterization
an abnormal sound in the heart is what a murmur
heart failure means what the heart is no longer able to function well enough to support life
what is a small vein called venule
which capillaries are found in pulmonary circulation lung capillaries
what vessels allow for the exchange of substances easily capillary
arteries become what as they get further from the heart arterioles
what is fossa a surface depression
what is the name of the system where blood flows through 2 capillary beds before returning to the heart Hepatic Portal System (liver)
what 2 things can force things through capillary walls diffusion and increased blood pressure
when reading BP, the diastolic number is where the bottom number
when reading BP, the systolic number is where the top number
BP is manually measured with a stethascope and what spigmometer
what causes varicose veins damaged valves in the veins (usually the lower leg)
what is milky lymphatic drainage called chyle
where are germinal centers located the cortex (pg 288)
what are the functions of the thymus develop lymphatic system before birth and during infancy (pg 289)
is interpheron specific or nonspecific nonspecific
is immunity specific or nonspecific specific
what does breast milk provide natural passive immunity
edema (swelling)will allow an increased range of motion true/false false
client presents with lymphangitis, is swedish massage indicated no
Created by: cecmagic
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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