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Interpersonal Communication final

Accommodation way of handling conflict in which one person sacrifices goals for the goals of another
Affect Display intentional or unintentional nonverbal behavior that reveals a real or pretended emotion, such as a frown, a choked sob, or a smile intended to disguise fear
Agentic friendships voluntary relationships focused on achieving specific practical goals, such as those among peers in a study group or colleagues at work
Artifacts nonverbal code that represents the way we use what we possess to express ourselves or influence how others view us. example-Jewelry can indicate economic means, marital status, religious affiliation, style preferences and taste
Beautiful-Is-Good-Effect tendency for physical attractiveness to create the perception of competence and intelligence.
Birds-of-a-Feather-Effect tendency to be attracted to others if we perceive them to have similar levels of physical attractiveness, values, and interests
Bonding relational stage in which an official, public ritual unites two people by the laws or customs of their culture.
Chronemics nonverbal code that represents the way you use time to communicate in interpersonal encounters
Circumscribing relational stage in which partners avoid talking about topics that produce conflict.
Collaboration way of handling conflict by mutual problem solving
Communication Apprehension the fear or nervousness associated with communicating with others
Communal friendships voluntary relationships focused on sharing time and activities together
Companionate love intense form of liking defined by emotional investment and interdependent lives
Competition way of handling conflict by pursuing your own goals in a direct confrontation without concern for the goals of another
Compromise agreeable resolution to a conflict achieved when both people sacrifice some of their goals
Conflict transactional process between two people who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, or interference in achieving their objectives
Cross-Sex Peers work-place friendship involving male and female. Usually must go to great lengths to publicly defend their relationship as platonic. Often maintain boundaries by limiting their interactions with each other or by socializing only when both individuals' ro
Defensive Communication incompetent responses to suggestions, criticism, or perceived slights
Dogmatic Messages defensive responses that refuse to recognize other viewpoints as valid, such as saying "I know I'm right, no matter what you say"
Domination one person persuading another to abandon his goals to resolve a conflict
Ethnocentrism belief that your own culture's ways are superior to those of all other cultures
Environment nonverbal code that represents the physical features of our surroundings
Experimenting relational stage in which two people become acquainted by sharing factual information about themselves and making light conversation or small talk
Family Communication Patterns beliefs about the role communication should play in family life and the interactions that result from those beliefs. Among families there are variations in how much or how little conversation and conformity are expected in a family
Family Stories narratives of family events retold to bond family members
Friendship Rules guidelines for appropriate communication and behavior within friendships, such as keeping a confidence and showing support
FWB Relationships friendships negotiated to include sexual activity without a commitment to deeper emotional bonds
Haptics nonverbal code that represents messages conveyed through touch
High Self-Monitor people who are highly sensitive to appropriateness and can adapt their behavior accordingly
Intercultural Competence ability to communicate with people from different backgrounds in ways that are ethical, appropriate, and effective
Integrating relational stage in which two people become a couple and begin to share an identity
Intensifying relational stage characterized by deeper self-disclosures, stronger attraction, and intimate communication
Intimacy Currency power that comes from a close bond with someone
Intimate Distance the narrowest proxemic zone-0-18 inches space-between communicators
Kinesics nonverbal code that represents messages communicated in visible body movements such as facial expressions, posture, body movements, gestures, and eye contact
Kitchen-Sinking response to a conflict in which one person uses accusations that have very little to do with the disagreement at hand.
Loving an intense emotional commitment based on intimacy, caring, and attachment
Low Self-Monitor people who are not sensitive to appropriateness or resist adapting their behavior
Loyalty Strategy passive, constructive approach to a relational problem in which individuals rely on time rather than an open discussion to solve the problem.
Mere Exposure Effect phenomenon where you feel more attracted to those with whom you have frequent contact and less attracted to those with whom you interact rarely.
Mixed Marriage marriage between people of different races or ethnicity
Mixed Messages verbal and nonverbal behaviors that convey contradictory meanings
Mixed-Status Relationship associations between people at different levels of power and status in an organization
Model Minority Myth the belief that certain immigrant groups have overcome all the barriers to success, and are self-effacing, reliable, hardworking, and technically proficient
Nuclear Family family type consisting of a father, mother, and their biological children
Nonverbal Communication intentional or unintentional transmission of meaning through an individual's nonspoken physical and behavioral cues
Online Disinhibition tendency to share more personal information openly and directly during online interactions than in person
Open Marriage marriage in which partners can see other people
Passionate Love state of intense emotional and physical longing for union with another
Peer Relationships workplace relationships
Personal Currency power that comes from personal characteristics that others admire, such as intelligence, beauty, charm, communication skill, or humor
Power an ability to influence or control events and people
Power Currency control over a resource that other people value
Proxemics nonverbal code for communication through physical distance
Pseudo-Conflict mistaken perception that a conflict exists when it doesn't
Public Distance the widest proxemic zone. it ranges outward from 12 feet and is most appropriate for formal settings
Resource Currency power that comes from controlling material items others want or need, such as food, money, or property
Sexual Harassment unwelcome sexual advances, physical contact, or requests that render a workplace offensive or intimidating
Social Distance proxemic zone that ranges from 4 to 12 feet between communicators. It is the spatial separation most often used in the US for conversations between acquaintances and strangers
Territoriality tendency to claim personal spaces as our own and define certain locations as areas we don't want others to invade
Verbal Aggression tendency to attack the appearance, behavior, or character of others-rather than their positions
Virtual Networks groups of coworkers linked solely through email, social-networking sites, or the internet
Vocalics vocal characteristics we use to communicate nonverbal messages, such as volume, pitch, rate, voice quality, vocalized sounds, and silence
Workplace Cliques dense networks of coworkers who share common perspectives about life and values in the workplace
Worldmindedness the ability to practice and demonstrate acceptance and respect toward other cultures' beliefs, values, and customs
Created by: faedra
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