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Mid-Term Flash Cards

Anatomy and Physiology Flash Cards

Define Homeostasis A relative uniformity of the normal body's internal environment.
Describe: Organic Compounds Organic Compounds are large molecules that contain carbon and G-C Bonds and or C-H Bonds.
Describe: Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are organic compounds containing C,H,and O.
Describe: Triglycerides Triglycerides are lipids that are synthesized from fatty acids and glycerol or from excess glucose or amino acids.
Describe: Phospholipids Phospholipids are fat from molecules.
Describe: Cholesterol Cholesterol is a steroid found in many body tissues and in animal fat.
Describe: Proteins Protein is one of the basic nutrients needed by the body; a nitrogen-containing organic compound composed of a folded strand of amino acids.
Describe Supine and Prone. Supine means face up. Prone means face down.
What are the structural levels of the body? 1. Chemical 2. Cellular 3. Tissue 4. Organ 5. Organ System 6. Organism
What are the planes of the body? Sagittal Plane - Front and Back Frontal Plane - Side to Side Transverse(horizontal) Plane - Horizontal or Crosswise
What do Cell Organelles do? They Carry out specific functions within the cell .
What are the four elements that make up the body? 1. Carbon 2. Oxygen 3. Hydrogen 4. Nitrogen
The Elbow is ______ to the Wrist. Proximal
The Hand is ______ to the Lower Arm. Distal
The Lungs are ______ to the heart. Lateral
The Heart are ------ to the lungs. Medial
The nose is ______ to the surface of the body. Anterior
The Shoulder blade is ______ to the surface of the body. Posterior
The Lungs are ______ to the diaphragm. Superior
The Stomach is ______ to the diaphragm. Inferior
What Anatomical structure divides the thoracic and the abdominal cavities? The diaphragm divides the thoracic and the abdominal cavities.
What is hematopoiesis? A formation of blood.
What are the two major body cavities? The two major cavities are ventral and dorsal.
What are tissues? Tissues are groups of cells that come together to make a cell. There are four types, Cranial, Spinal, abdominal-pelvic and pelvic cavities.
What is the anatomical position? It is when the body is standing erect with the feet slightly apart and the arms at the sides with palms turned forward.
What type of tissue allows for rapid communication between various parts of the body? Nervous Tissue.
What type of tissue covers the body and lines many of the parts of the body? Epithelial Tissue.
What type of tissue is the most abundant and widely distributed tissue in the body? Connective Tissue.
What type is tissue specializes in movement of the body? Muscle Tissue.
What type of tissue contains glia cells? Nervous Tissue
What type of tissue makes up most of the heart? Muscle and Cardiac Tissue.
What type of tissue has a few cells embedded in the intercelluar matrix? Connective Tissue.
Is the humerus a short,long,odd,or the funny bone? Its the funny bone.
What is diaphysis? The shaft of a long bone.
What is epiphyses? The end oflong bones.
What are the Carpals? Wrist bones.
What are the Femurs? Thigh Bones.
What are the Humerus? A Long bone of the upper arm.
What are the Metacarpals? The Hand Bones.
What are the Metatarsals? The Feet Bones.
What are the Radius? The Thumb side. (Lower Arm)
What are the Tarsals? The Ankle Bone/Foot Bone
What is the Tibia? The Lower Leg Bone (Shin Bone)
What is bursae? Small Fluid filled, synovial-lined sacs that lie between tendons and bones.
What is cutaneous membranes? Primary organ of the integumentary system superficial layer of epithelial and supportive connective tissue.
What is Parietal peritoneum? Serous membrane that lines and is adherent to the wall of the abdominal cavity.
What is Parietal Pleura? Serous membrane that lines and is adherent to the wall of the thoratic cavity.
What is synovial membrane? it lines the spaces between bones and joints.
What is Visceral peritoneum? Serous membrane that covers and is adherent to the abdominal viscera.
What is Visceral pleura? serous membrane that covers and is adherent to the surface of the lungs.
Name the bone-building cells. Osteoblasts.
Name the bone-resorbing cells. Osteoclasts.
Name is primary function of the skin. A protective barrier.
What is the longest bone in the body? The Femur.
What type of muscle tissue is found in the heart? Cardiac tissue.
What is an example of rotation? Shaking your head no.
Describe Axons and Dendrites. Axons conduct impulses away. You would find Axons in the nervous tissue. Dendrites conduct impulses to the cell body. You would find Dendrites in the Cell Body.
Describe the types of neurons. Motor neuron, sensory neuron, associative neuron. Associative neurons connect motor neurons and sensory neurons. Sensory neurons pick up signals from a receptor. Motor neurons send a signal to a gland or muscle to make something happen.
Flexon is the opposite of ______? Extension
Which structure is considered the window of the eye? Cranial, Pupil and Lens.
What are the divisions of the nervous system? Central Nervous System is the Brain and the spinal cord. The Peripheral Nervous System is the nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord to peripheral structures such as the skin surface and the skeletal muscles.
What are the divisions of the ear and what can be found in them? In the External you can find the Auricle, The Temporal Bone, and the Acoustic meatus. In the Middle you can find the Auditory Ossicles, the Malleus, Incus and the Stapes. You can also find the Tympanic membrane.
In The Inner ear you can find the acoustic nerve, which consists of the vestibular nerve and the Cochlear nerve. You can also find the Vestibule, the cochlea, the oval window, the auditory tubes, and the Semicircular Canals
Locate the Following: -Biceps Brachii -Deltoids -Pectoralis Major -Stenocleidmastroid -Triceps Brachii The Biceps Brachii are located in the radius, where the scapula flexes the forearm. The Deltoids are located in the Humerus and is the clavicle. The Pectoralis Major is located in the Humerus and is the upper arm.
The Stenocleidmastroid is located in the sternum and the clavicle and is flexes the head and neck. The Triceps Brachii is located in the ulna and it extends the elbow.
Name the three layers of the meninges. 1.Dermater 2.Arachnoid 3.Pia
Name the three layers of tissue that forms the eyeball and which one is considered the white of the eye. 1.Sclera 2.Retina - White Part 3.Choroid
The eye is considered part of the ______ nervous system. Peripheral
The Medulla oblongata hours the ______ centers. Vital
Visceral Muscle is also called what type of muscle? Involuntary
What is adduction and abduction? Adduction is to add to. Abduction is to take away from.
What is the origin insertion of a muscle? The origin and insertion are the two points of muscle attachment. The origin is the immovable (or slightly movable) point and the insertion is the movable end. When a muscle moves, the insertion point always moves towards the origin.
Where are modes of Ranvier? The endentions between the Schwann Cells.
Where do you find CSF circulating? Subarachroid Space
Created by: twilightwoods09
Popular Science sets




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