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Last Quiz

Liz's Last Muscle Quiz (A,I,O)

External Intercostal Origin Superior Ribs
External Intercostal Insert Inferior Ribs
External Intercostal Action Elevate rib below (active and forced inhalation)
Orbicularis Oris shincter muscle around the mouth- closed lips; puckering, whistle.
Interspinalis Origin spinous processes
Interspinalis Insertion superior spinous processes
Interspinalis Action extension, hyper, postural muscles
Semispinalis Capitis Origin C3 - T3 transverse processes
Semispinalis Capitis Insertion nuchal lines below upper trapezius
Semispinalis Capitis Action extension, hyper, lateral flexion, rotation opposite side.
Erector Spinae (Spinalis, Longissimus, Iliocostalis) Location deep to trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi.
Erector Spinae (Spinalis, Longissimus, Iliocostalis) Origin sacrum, iliac crest, lumbar spinous process via thethoracolumbar aponeurosis.
Erector Spinae (Spinalis) Insertion superior spinous process to the cervival spinous processes.
Erector Spinae (Longissimus) Insertion superior transverse process to the mastoid process.
Erector Spinae (Iliacostalis) Insertion ribs to the cervical transverse process.
Erector Spinae (Spinalis, Longissimus, Iliocostalis) Action Bilateral; extension, hyperext, Unilateral; lateral flexion.
Splenius Capitis Location posterior neck, deep to upper trapezius, superficial to erector spinae.
Splenius Capitis Origin C3-T3 spinous processes
Splenius Capitis Insertion mastoid process of temporal bone.
Splenius Capitis Action extension, hyper, lateral flexion, rotation same side.
Transverse Abdominus Location deepest abdominal, fibers run horizontally.
Transverse Abdominus Origin inguinal liagament, iliac crest, throracolumbar fascia, lower ribs.
Transverse Abdominus Insertion rectus sheath to linea alba.
Transverse Abdominus Action compression of abdominal contents : exhalation.
Semispinalis Capitus Origin C3-T3 transverse processess.
Semispinalis Capitus Insertion nuchal lines below upper trapizus.
Semispinalis Capitus Action extension, hyper, lateral flexion, rotation opposite side.
Zygomaticus Major smiling muscle, draws lips superiorly.
Intertransversarii Origin transverse process
Intertransversarii Insertion superior spinous prcesses
Intertransversarii Action extension, hyper, postural muscles
Quadratus Lumborum Location deep bac muscle, posterior to psoas major
Quadratus Lumborum Origin iliac crest
Quadratus Lumborum Insertion 12th rib, transverse process of lumbar vertebrae.
Quadratus Lumborum Action bilateral; extention, hyper unilateral; lateral flexion, hip hiker, fixator of 12th rib during inhalation, depress 12th rib during exhalation.
Splenius Cervicis Location deep to splenius capitis
Splenius Cervicis Origin T3-T6 spinous processes
Splenius Cervicis Insertion C1-C3 transverse processes
Splenius Cervicis Action extension, hyperext, lateral flexion, rotation of same side
Suprahyoid Origin mandible +
Suprahyoid Insertions superior aspect of hyoid
Suprahyiod Actions elevates hyoid bone, depress jaw (when hyoid is stable)
Internal Intercostal Origin Inferior ribs
Internal Intercostal Insertion rib above/ superior rib
Internal Intercostal Action depress rib during active and forced exhalation
Masseter Origin inferior zygomatic arch
Masseter Insertion external surface of ramus of mandible
Masseter Action strong elevator of the jaw; retraction, protraction, side to side.
Diaphragm Origin internal surface of the lower ribs, posterior xiphoid process, T12-L1-3 via crura tendon.
Diaphragm Insertion central tendon (no boney insertion)
Diaphragm Action descends w/contraction/ flatten; inhalation when it relaxes/passive movements; returns to original shape
Infrahyoid Origin areas below hyoid
Infrahyoid Insertion inferior aspect of hyoid
Infrahyoid Action depress hyoid bone
Temporalis Origin parietal, frontal, temporal bones
Temporalis Insertion coronoid process of mandible (runs posterior to zygomatic arch)
Temporalis Action elevation; retraction
Rectus Abdominous Origin pubic crest, pubic symphysis
Rectus Abdominous Insertion ribs 5,6,7, costal cartilage and xiphoid process
Rectus Abdominous Location anterior abdomen- vertival fibers
Rectus Abdominous Action trunk flexion, compression of abdominal contents- exhalation posture; balance pelvic tilt, if weak contributes to an anterior pelvic tilt
Corrugator Supercilli frown, draws eyebrows together
External Obliques Origin ribs 5-12
External Obliques Location superficial anterolateral abdomen, fibers run like "^"
External Obliques Insertion linea alba via the rectus sheath, iliac crest, inguinal ligament.
External Obliques Action trunk flexion, lateral flexion, rotation to the opposite side, compression of abdomen contents-exhalation
Risorious draws angles of mouth posteriorly while chewing.
Transversospinalis (Semispinalis,Multifidus,Rotators) Origin transverse processes of vertebrae.
Transversospinalis (Semispinalis,Multifidus,Rotators)Insertion superior spinous prcessess.
Transversospinalis (Semispinalis,Multifidus,Rotators) Action bilateral; extention, hyper unilateral; rotation to the opposite side
Mentalis pouting muscle, pulls lower lip down
Internal Obliques Origin inguinal ligament, iliac crest
Internal Obliques Location deep to external obliques; fibers run like a "^".
Internal Obliques Insertion ribs 9-12 and rectus sheath to linea alba
Internal Obliques Action trunk flexion, lateral flexion, rotation to same side, compression of abdominal content; exhalation
Scalnes (Anterior, Middle, Posterior) Location partically deep to SCM
Scalnes (Anterior, Middle, Posterior)Origin C2-C7 transverse processes
Scalnes (Anterior, Middle, Posterior) Insertion rib 1 and 2
Scalnes (Anterior, Middle, Posterior) Action flexion, lateral flexion of neck, elevates ribs for inhalation, Ant Scalnes rotation of neck to opposite side.
Frontalis wrinkles forehead, raises eyebrows
Sterncleidomastoid (SCM)Origin Sternal fibers; sternal notch on manubrium of sternum ::: Clavical fibers; superior medial clavicle
Sterncleidomastoid (SCM) Location deep to platysma
Sterncleidomastoid (SCM)Insertion mastoid process and occiput
Sterncleidomastoid (SCM) Action flexion of head, lateral flexion, rotation opposite side, extension, hyper, @atlantoocipital, lift sternum, thorax for inhalation.
Nasalis two portions, flares and constricts nose
Platysma Origin pectoral fascia (deep fascia over pec major) {no boney origin}
Platysma Insertion body of mandible
Platysma Location superficial anterior neck
Platysma Action facial expression -grimace, scream, wrinkle ant neck, depress madible.
Lateral Pterygoid Origin lateral pterygoid process of sphenoid
Lateral Pterygoid Insertion mandible condyle of mandible
Lateral Pterygoid Action depress jaw, side to side, protration
Buccinator "trumpeter" draws cheeks inwardly while chewing
Serratus Posterior Inferior Location deep to latissimus dorsi
Serratus Posterior Inferior Origin T11-L2 spinous processes
Serratus Posterior Inferior Action depress ribs for exhalation
Serratus Posterior Inferior Insertion Ribs 9-12
Orbicularis Oculi sphincter muscle around eyes; closes eyes, wrinkle edges, squinting.
Medial Pterygoid Origin medial pterygoid process of sphenoid
Medial Pterygoid Insertion internal ramus of mandible
Medial Pterygoid Action elevate jaw, side to side, protraction
Serratus Posterior Superior Origin C6-T2 spinous processes
Serratus Posterior Superior Location deep to trapezius and rhombiods
Serratus Posterior Superior Insertion ribs 2-5 (under scapula)
Serratus Posterior Superior Action elevation rib for inhalation
Created by: 1636851386
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