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MS sys DD

Differential Dx MS

Arthogryposis:Characterized by?What MS complications can result? Differential Diagnosis(DDx)? Rigid joint of the extremities (symmetrical) sausage-like shapeless limbs that are weak and nonfunctioning. Other issues: hip dislocations & contractures, shld contractures and club feet. DDx: SB, JRA can also present with rigid jt contractures
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome::Characterized by?What MS complications can result? Differential Diagnosis(DDx)? abnormal sympathetic reflexx resulting in persistent painful lesion presents with pain, edema, decr circulation, osteoporosis, dry skin, decr proprioception, atrophy of mm in close proximity of involved area. DDx: tropic changes
Colles' Fx: results from most common are? Rx? FOOSH- distal radius dorsal displacement. Rx: early AROM, PROM, resistance, mobs, CC stabilization
Degenerative Joint Disease (OA): Characterized by?DDx? Disease progresses? affects WB joints, morning stiffness NOT usually present, any stiffness can be improved with exercise. Progression of dx: motion decr, flex contracture occurs, tenderness and crepitus may appear
Fibromyaligia:Characterized by?What MS complications can result? Differential Diagnosis(DDx)? aching or burning in the mm"migraine headaches of mm", diffuse pain or tender points. DDx: 11/18 tender points, sleep deprivation
Gout or gouty arthritis::Characterized by?What MS complications can result? Differential Diagnosis(DDx)?What drug is given to reduce hyperuricemia? metabolic disease marked by elevated level of serum uric acid and depostion of urate crystals in the joints, st and kidneys. DDx: elevated serum urate content. ALLOPURINOL der hyperuricemia
Hemophilia:what is it? PT concerns? hemorrhagic disorder-deficient clotting factors. PT: hemarthosis, MM pain, deformities (if severe), bleeding may cause peripheral neuropahies, parethesia, and mm atrophy.
ITB friction syndrome: caused by? occurs often with? irritation caused by rubbing of ITB over lateral epicondyle of femur. Runners often due to overuse. DDx: + obers, excessive hip IR, tender ITB
Myositis ossificans: caused by?what can induce it? what is NOT indicated for rx? trauma to mm resulting in hematoma that may calcify or ossify. May be induced by early mobilization & stretching w/ aggressive PT following trauma to mm. Rx NOT: passive stretching or manual stretching with overpressure at end-range be conservative
Osteochondritis dissecans: what is it? usually involves? separation of articular cartilage from the underlying bone(osteochondral fx) Usually involves the medial femoral condyle near intercondylar notch and ovserved less at fem head and talar dome
Osteomalacia: what is it cause from? decalcification of bones caused from Vit D deficiency which may cause deformities fx and severe pain
Osteomyelitis:what is it from? common site in children and adults? commonly due from combined traumatic injury and actue infection that results within the bone. Children:distal femur and prox tibia, humerus and radius. Adults: pelvis and vertebrae
Rx for osteoporosis? postural reeducation, breathing ex, pec stretching and abdominal strengthening
Paget's Disease: What is it?what is it associated with? metabolic bone disease. Associated with CHF, bone sarcoma or giant tumor cells, if vertebral collapse can lead to paraplegia.
Patellofemoral dysfunction: what ROM does instability and pain usually occur? DDx: 0-30 degr incr pain. DDx: Q-angle greater than 18 degrees, + chondromalacia test: pain under patel w/ compression of patel & quads contraction, Ab tracking of patel
What glides are used for patella alta and baja? Alta: inferior, baja: superior
Pronator teres syndrome: which N is entrapped? Rx? median: rx: manual N glides, US, NMES for nerve healing, AROM, stretching
Rheumatoid Arthritis: peak when? what other sys may be involved? 30-40, other sys: cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal
Sjorgen syndrome: characteristics? rheumatoid-like disorder by dryness of mucous membranes, jt inflammation and anemia
Smith's fx: where does it typically occur? distal fx of radius which dislocates in ventral direction
How long does it take for a second & third degree sprain to heal? 2nd: 2-3 weeks, 3rd: 5-6 months
TMJ three categories of dysfunctions 1. jt abnormalities result from trauma, arthritis, disease or neoplasm. 2. congenital structural. 3. loss of mobility of unknown
TMJ synovitis & capsulitis:SX unable to fully close teeth, opening less than 40mm secondary to pain, pain decr with rest
Hypermobility of TMJ indications? "my jaw feels like it is going out of place" opening is >40mm and deviates TOWARDS the noninvolved side
TMJ jt displacement: what tis the difference between displacement with reduction and without? with: reciprocal clicking, without:intermittent locking limited to 20-25mm
Tibial fracture: march fx, spiral fx, compound fx, how does each one occur? march: due from long walks when the person is not used to the activity. Spiral fx: fx occurs at middle & inferior thirds from resulting in torsion from skiing. compound: direct blow
Torticollis results in what position of mm? What N could it compress? lateral bending of head to the affected side with rotation to the opposite side. Accessory N
Created by: PT
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