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barbis-World War II

Barbis-World War II Unit (Nole)

Treaty of Versailles written after WWI; blamed Germany for WWI; ordered them to pay war reparations; reduce millitary; remove Kaiser; remove colonies, plus more
Nazi-Soviet Pact agreement for non-aggression between Germany and Soviet Union at start of WWII
Dunkirk city in Northern France; French & British armies were rescued from being defeated by Germany
London Blitz Germany continously launched rockets at this city during WWII
Battle of Stalingrad fierce battle between Soviet Union & Germany; heavy casualities on both sides; major turning point in Europe
Battle of Britain major air battle where British RAF pilots defended Great Britain from German Luftwaffe (air force)
D-Day day of Allied invasion of Normandy, France
Nuremburg Trials Nazi officers tried for crimes against humanity (Holocaust)
Pearl Harbor Japanese surprise attack against US fleet of naval ships in Hawaii
Battle of Midway turning point in Pacific Ocean where US successfully defended Midway Island
Iwo Jima one of islands US took back from Japan during island hopping campaign
Battan Death March Japanese captured Philippine and US soldiers; tortured and marched them to their death
Hiroshima & Nagasaki Japanese cities destroyed by US atomic bombs
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) formed to defend Western countries against spread of communism
Cold War non-violent "war" between US and Soviet Union over anxiety about nuclear weapons
UN (United Nations) international organization set up to secure peace worldwide.
capitalism economic system based on private ownership of business
nationalism people should be loyal to their nation; people share common culture, beliefs, language, etc.
socialism economic system where all factors of production of good are owned by the public and operate for welfare of all
communism economic system where all means of production are owned by the people; no private ownership
facism political movement promoting extreme nationalism; denial of individual rights; dictorial one-party rule
totalitarianism government controls all aspects of public and private life
democracy government contolled by citizens through voting and use of representatives
social Darwinism application of Darwin's theory of evolution where "survival of the fittest" applied to humans in societies; justifies imperialism
utilitarianism Jeremy Bentham's theory where government's actions should be the greatest good for the greatest amount of people
isolationism policy of avoiding political and military involvement with other countries
appeasement making deals or concessions with an aggressive nation in order to avoid going to war (ex. Hitler)
Kellogg-Briand Pact agreement signed by 62 countries promising to settle disputes peacefully
Main provision of Treaty of Versailles Germany will accept full responsibility for causing WWII
When Hitler began making war materials and building up military, what did he violate? Treaty of Versailles
A major factor that helped Germany and Japan recover economically after WWII was what? needed to replace destroyed factories
A factor that most enabled Japan to rebuild and modernize afer WWII was what? a well-trained work force
What reform took place in Japan after WWII? became a representative democracy
What British policy toward Germany during the 1930's prove unsuccessful in avoiding a war? appeasement
An example of appeasement in WWII would be what? British policy allowing Germany to take over territory if they "promise not to do it again"
What was common way Hitler and Stalin treated media? they had control of it; censored it
what conditions contributed to the rise of Hitler after WWI? strong feelings of resentment of bad treatment and nationalism
Why is WWII considered a turning point in history? European domination of the world began to weaken as nationalism in colonies increased
Why is Holocaust considered an unique event in modern European history? The genocide was planned and implemented in great detail; required cooperation of many people
genocide mass killing of a race of people
Winston Churchill Prime Minister of Great Britain who rallied against Nazi aggression; delivered "Iron Curtain" speech
Major result of Nuremburg trials National leaders held responsible for crimes against humanity (Holocaust)
Blitzkrieg "Lightening war" tactics used by Germany where attacks by land and air at same time.
Kristallnacht riots Nazi-led mobs attacked Jewish communities; burned and looted stores; synagogues; one of Hitler's terror tactics against Jewish people
One reason for outbreak of WWII ineffectiveness of League of Nations in stopping world-wide aggression
One reason Facist leaders came to power in era of Great Depression (1920-1930s) economic hardships caused people to look to them to solve these problems
Why was Germany having extreme economic hardships before WWII broke out? the Treaty of Versailles made Germany pay HUGE war reparations (payments)
Holocaust Mass killings of a group of people (particularly of the Jewish people during WWII)
anti-semitism prejudice against Jewish people
Mein Kampf Hitler's book (My Stuggle) where he outlines his reasons for hating and wanting to destroy the Jewish race
Aryan race the "Master Race" that Hitler wanted; generally considered blond hair, blue eyes Germans;(no Jewish or other races or disabilites allowed in Hitler's thinking)
Nuremburg Laws laws that were put in place to persecute Jewish people prior to concentration camps; (ex. curfews, not allowed in theaters, wearing Star of David, etc.)
Munich Conference When Germany promised peaceful relations with Britain and France and was given control over Sudetenland (appeasement)
Locarno Treaty Treaty after Treaty of Versailles meant to improve tense post-war tensions; create a lasting peace; downfall of it: had to be a major infraction to get countries involved and was no strong military to enforce it
Weimar Republic Republic in Germany from 1919 to 1933 when Hitler came to power.
Third Reich third German empire established by Hitler in the 1930's
hyperinflation extremely high inflation rate; money loses it's value and product costs are super high
League of Nations international organization formed after WWI with goal of keeping peace among nations
Guernica Picasso painting showing horrible events of Spanish Civil War
Spanish Civil War Hitler and Mussolini supported this war by sending military aid to nationalists in Spain, allowing a facist leader to come to power (Franco)
Lebensraum additional territory that Hitler believed Germany needed because it was overcrowded
Sudetenland area in Czechoslovakia where about 3 million Germans lived; an area Hitler took by force
Pearl Harbor American military base in Hawaii attacked by Japan in 1941; brought US into WWII
Battle of Midway 1942 air and sea battle in WWII where US defeated Japanese in central Pacific ocean
Battle of Britain series of battles between Germany and Great Britain air forces fought over Great Britain in WWII
human rights rights and freedoms all humans are entitled to; becomes a problem when governments violate these (ex. genocide, unfair laws or imprisonment)
ghettos city neighborhoods where Jewish people were force by the Nazi's to live in
concentration camp A camp where civilians, enemy aliens, political prisoners, and sometimes prisoners of war are detained and confined, typically under harsh conditions.
Neutrality Acts laws that were passed by the United States Congress in the 1930s to keep America from being involved in turmoil or war in Europe
Lend-Lease Act program where the US supplied the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China, France and other Allied nations with war materials during WWII
island hopping military strategy employed by the Allies in the Pacific War against Japan and the Axis powers during World War II
Manhattan Project codename for a project conducted during World War II to develop the first atomic bombs
Yalta Conference 1945 wartime meeting of the US, United Great Britain, and Soviet Union to discuss Europe's postwar reorganization and re-establishment of the nations of war-torn Europe.
Potsdam Conference Soviet Union, Great Britain, and US met to decide how to administer punishment to the defeated Nazi Germany,
Occupation of Japan After bombing Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Japan was "occupied" by (had troops there) Allied forces
Benito Mussolini Italian Facist leader during WWII
Adolf Hitler German Facist leader during WWII; responsible for genocide of millions of Jewish and other people in WWII
Francisco Franco Facist leader of Spain who came to power after Spanish Civil War with help of Hitler and Mussolini
Franklin D. Roosevelt United States President during WWII; helped intitute Lend-Lease Act and declare war on Japan after Pearl Harbor attack
Harry S. Truman US President after Roosevelt who is credited with ordering use nuclear weapons against Japan, founding United Nations, Marshall Plan (rebuild Europe), Truman Doctrine to (contain communism), in office at start of Cold War, Berlin Airlift, creation (NATO)
Neville Chamberlain Prime Minister of United Kingdom known for appeasement policy and signing Munich Agreement
Joseph Stalin Leader of Soviet Union after Lenin who entered a non-aggression pact with Germany but later helped Allies defeat Germany after Germany violated pact in 1941
Emperor Hirohito Emperor of Japan who approved attack on Pearl Harbor
General Douglas MacArthur General in charge of leading island hopping campaign against Japan after Pearl Harbor attack in 1941
translation of Kristallnacht "night of broken glass"
the Allies The nations that opposed the Axis powers; US, Great Britain, and Soviet Union ("big three")and others like France
Axis powers nations opposing Allies; Germany, Italy and Japan
appeasement making deals or concessions with an aggressive nation to attempt to avoid going to war (giving in to demands)
kamikaze suicide attacks by Japanese pilots against Allied naval vessels near the end of WWII
Created by: vbarbis2
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