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final review

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5 Themes of Geography location, place, region,human-environmental interaction, movement,
historian writes down the past
geographer maps out the past
archeologist digs-up the past
geography the study of the earth's environment and how it shapes people's lives
social scientist detectives of the past
artifact an object made by someone in the past
carbon-14 dating a scientific method of dating an object
primary source a first hand account of an event or artifact created during the time under study
secondary source a record of the past based on a primary source
oral tradition a way of passing down culture and information by word of mouth
prehistoric before written times
absolute location a specific area, using longitude and latitude
relative location an area using cardinal and intermediate directions
cardinal directions north, south, east, west
intermediate directions northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest
silt fertile soil deposited by a river
cuneiform first form of writing - Mesopotamia
ziggurat religious building in Mesopotamia stairs to heaven
technology the use of skills and tools to meet practical human needs
Mesopotamia land between two rivers
Fertile Crescent named because of its shape and the fertile soil it gave to its people
Zagros Foothills (Mountains) became very crowded and forced people to move by the Tigris and Euphrates River
food shortage not having enough food to survive
characteristics of a civilization religion, writing, stable food supply(job specialization),technology, arts, government,social structure,cities,public works
irrigation system a system of carrying water from one area to another
canals, levees, dams, reservoirs methods of irrigation systems
Hammurabi-Code of Laws first laws that were ever written down
Nile River Located in Egypt over 4,000 miles long. Empties into the Mediterranean Sea
Indus River provides fertile silt to the Indus Plain in India
delta a fan-shaped land made of silt at the mouth of a river
Neolithic had domestication and a stable food supply and stone tools
Paleolithic used the first stone tools
Black Plague disease that took over 25 million lives during the Middle ages. Spread by rats and fleas
mosque Islamic place of worship
Charlemagne emperor of the Franks
Allah Islamic word for God
Why did Rome fall? Too much land, disease,no control, invaders
large estate during Middle Ages manor
serf bound to a manor and worked the land
feudalism a organized society of loyalty and land
cathedral large ornate church built began building during the Middle Ages
prophet person who speaks with God
Code of Hammurabi first written down laws
Twelve Tables laws written down in Roman Republic
monarchy one ruler whose power in inherited
tyranny one ruler who is powered by the military
oligarchy government that is run by a few wealthy
democracy government where decisions are made by the people
political map map that shows the countries and boundaries
polis a city-state in Ancient Greece
agora marketplace-the center of the polis
Patrician In the Roman Republic a rich man who held power
Plebeian In the Roman Republic a person who had no say in government in the beginning. Not wealthy
archeologist an expert who studies the past by examining objects that people have left behind
republic a form of government with elected leaders-began in Ancient Rome
citizen a member of a democracy who has certain rights and responsibilities
government the people or group that rule a particular region
legacy a contribution of a culture or civilization
reincarnation the belief that when you die you come back to life in another form
dharma your duty
karma good or bad deeds
BC Before Christ
BCE Before Common Era
CE Common Era
Caste System Hindu belief about social structure
5 pillars charity, prayer,belief in one god,fasting,pilgrimage
What connected China with the rest of the world? Silk Roads
10 Commandments rules given to Moses
Monotheistic belief in one god
polytheistic belief in many gods
Which religions are examples of monotheistic Judaism,Christianity,Islam
Who was polytheistic? Greeks, Romans(in the beginning),Mesopotamians,Hindus
Why does someone live near a river? To use it for food, transportation,daily living,crops
What lead to the beginning of the Byzantium Empire The fall of the Roman Empire
How did Diocletian try to save Rome Divided it in two
What was Athens called at its height? Golden Age
What was Rome called during its time of greatest peace? Pax Romana
A.D. Anno Domini
What did King John sign to stay in power Magna Carta
Which leader never lost a battle Alexander the Great
How did Alexander The Great show his love of everything Greek? Spread Hellenism
Who was a dictator of Rome Julius Caesar
What types of government did Rome have Republic, Empire
What took us from the Paleolithic Era to the Neolithic Era Agricultural Revolution
How did we learn to read Hieroglyphics Rosetta Stone
Upper class in Rome Patrician
Lower class in Rome Plebian
Upper class in Greece aristocrats
Created by: cpapachristou
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