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Unit 4 part 2
Term | Definition | Translation |
a pipe dream | a hope or a plan that is impossible to achieve or not practical | rožinė svajonė |
to praise | to express strong approval or admiration | girti |
precaution | sth that is done in advanced in order to prevent problems or to avoid danger | atsargumo priemonė |
privileged | having special rights or advantages that most people do not have | privilegijuotas |
a protagonist | the main character in a play, book, film | pagrindinis veikėjas |
queshionable | keliantis klausimų, abejotinas | |
to reaffirm | to state something again in order to emphasize that is still true | patvirtinti |
rebel against | maištauti, sukilti | |
rebellion | maištas, sukilimas | |
receptive | willing to listen to or to accept new ideas or suggestions | imlus |
regression | the process of going back to an earlier or less advanced form or state | regresija grįžimas (į pradinį tašką, ankstesnę būseną) |
to reinforce | to make a idea, belief or feeling stronger | sutvirtinti, (su) stiprinti |
relevance | a close connection with the subject you are discussing or the situation you are in | tinkamumas, aktualumas |
remarkable | unusual or surprising in a way that causes people to take notice | stebėtinas |
to resolve | išspręsti | |
to resonate | to remind sb of sth; to be similar to what sb thinks or believes | rezonuoti |
respective | belonging or relating separately to each of the people or things already mentioned | atitinkamas |
to revolt | to protest against authority | sukilti, maištaauti |
to sacrifice | (pa)aukoti | |
to sadden | (nu)liūdinti | |
to safeguard | (ap)saugoti | |
sensational | causing great surprise, excitement or interest | sensacingas |
sensible | practical, able to make good judgments based on reason and experience rather than emotional | protingas, nuovokus, sveiko proto |
a setback | nesėkmė, pralaimėjimas | |
to stake | to risk harming or losing sth | rizikuoti, statyti ant kortos |
status quo | the existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues | |
a storyline | pagrindinė siužeto linija | |
to take shape | įgauti pavidalą, išryškėti | |
a transation | pervedimas | |
to try one's hand at something | išbandyti, išmėginti save | |
to undermine | to make sb/sth less effective or important | (pa)kenkti |
to unfold | to happen or develop | 1)skleistis, atsiskleisti 2)rutuliotis, plėtotis |
an uprising | sukilimas, maištas | |
an urge | a strong desire or wish that can seem difficult to control | potraukis |
vulnerable | pažeidžiamas | |
within reach | ranka pasiekiama | |
a lanky thai chi aficionado | a tall, thin and enthusiastic person who practises Thai Chi art | plonas, aukštas žmogus praktikuojantis Thai Chi |
to topple (the government) | to remove the existing government from power, often through force | nuversti |
to root out (corruption) | to get rid of corruption | panaikinti korupciją |
to have global ramification | to have consequences worldwide | turėti globalius padarinius |
to maintain one's edge over its adversaries | means to stay ahead over opponents. | išlaikyti pranašumą prieš savo priešus |