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Unit 10

The Cold War Years

Joseph McCarthy Senator who claimed he had a list of communists who had infiltrated the federal government.
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Executed after being convicted of spying and selling atomic secrets to the Soviet Union.
Arms Race Competition between the U.S. and Soviet Union to build up their respective armed forces and weapons.
Dwight Eisenhower 34th President (Republican, 1953 - 1961) who negotiated an armistice to end the Korean War and ordered U.S. troops to integrate Central High School in Little Rock Arkansas.
Fidel Castro Communist leader who gained control of Cuba.
Bay of Pigs 1961 - Failed invasion by a force of Cuban exiles who were trained to land in Cuba and overthrow Castro.
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 - Confrontation between the US and USSR over Soviet constructed nuclear missile sites in Cuba.
John F. Kennedy 35th President (Democrat, 1961 - 1963) who ordered a quarantine of Cuba to pressure the Soviet Union into negotiations during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The Cold War Era of military tension, political conflict, and economic competition between the US and USSR - 1945 - 1991.
Containment U.S. Cold War policy to stop any further spread of Soviet influence and communism in the world.
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization Collective security alliance between the United States, Canada, and Western Europe.
Warsaw Pact Collective security alliance between the Soviet Union and the communist nations of Eastern Europe.
Ronald Reagan 40th President (Republican, 1981 - 1989) who recharged the U.S. economy and increased U.S. defense spending to put economic pressure on the Soviet Union.
Mikhail Gorbachev Communist leader of the USSR who withdrew from Afghanistan, decreased defense spending, and created reforms to modernize the USSR and its communist system.
Lyndon B. Johnson 36th President (Democrat, 1963 - 1969) - Created the Great Society to make war against poverty and ordered U.S. troops into combat to defend South Vietnam in 1965.
Vietnamization The gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam as the responsibility for fighting the war is handed over to South Vietnam.
China Entered the Korean War in support of North Korea.
Harry Truman 33rd President (Democrat , 1945 - 1953) who ordered the Berlin Air Lift and sent U.S. troops to defend South Korea in 1950.
Richard Nixon 37th President (Republican, 1969 - 1974) who pursued Vietnamization and then visited China and signed SALT Treaties with the USSR during the Detente period.
Vietcong Communist guerrilla fighters in South Vietnam who fought to overthrow the non-communist government of South Vietnam.
Communism System of the Soviet Union and its allies during the Cold War.
Capitalism Economic system of the United States and its allies during the Cold War.
Glastnost Reform by Mikhail Gorbachev that allowed for limited freedoms of speech and the press in the USSR.
Perestroika Reform by Mikhail Gorbachev that allowed for limited private ownership in the USSR economy.
38th Parallel Border between North Korea and South Korea that was defined at the end of the Korean War in the 1953 armistice.
North Korea Communist part of Korea that invaded non-communist South Korea in 1950.
Domino Theory Belief by the United States that if South Vietnam fell to communism, other nations in Southeast Asia would follow.
North Vietnam Communist part of Vietnam that supplied and aided the Viet Cong in the Vietnam War
Reagan Doctrine Cold War policy that the U.S. would send aid to groups in foreign nations who were fighting to overthrow communism.
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) President Reagan's proposal to develop a high tech defense system that was capable of intercepting incoming nuclear missiles that might hit the U.S.
Afghanistan An Islamic uprising against this nation's community government led to a Soviet invasion of it in 1979.
Detente Period of decreased Cold War tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union in the 1970's.
The Tet Offensive 1968 - Major surprise attack by Vietcong and North Vietnamese forces against South Vietnam - Turning point of the Vietnam War.
INF Treaty 1987 - Agreement by President Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev to eliminate both nations' short range and medium range nuclear arsenals.
Berlin President Truman ordered U.S. planes to supply the citizens of West ______________ when it was blockaded by the Soviet Union in 1948.
Red Scare Fear of Americans that communist subversion would destroy democracy and capitalism in the U.S. during the Cold War.
Douglas MacArthur American general who led the 1950 landing of U.S. troops at Inchon and drive North Korean forces out of South Korea.
Mao Zedong Communist leader who gained control of China in 1949.
Berlin Wall Torn down by the German people in 1989.
Joseph Stalin Communist leader of the USSR who ordered a blockade of Berlin in 1948 in response to the formation of a West Germany.
Tonkin Gulf Resolution 1964 - Congress authorized President Lyndon B. Johnson to expand U.S. involvement in South Vietnam.
Tonkin Gulf 1964 - U.S. ships were reportedly fired on by North Vietnamese boats off the coast of North Vietnam.
Quarantine The U.S. naval blockade to halt Soviet ships that were carrying supplies to Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) Congressional group that carried out investigations and hearings of suspected communist activities within the U.S.
Taiwan The U.S. backed nationalist government of China, led by Chiang Kai Shek, fled to this island after the Chinese Civil War.
United Nations Voted to defend South Korea from foreign aggression in 1950.
Nikita Khrushchev Communist leader of the USSR who secretly placed nuclear missiles sites in Cuba.
17th Parallel After Vietnam won its independence from France in 1954 it was split into North Vietnam and South Vietnam along this line.
Ho Chi Minh Trail Transportation route that North Vietnam used to send supplies, weapons, and troops to aid the Viet Cong in South Vietnam.
South Vietnam Non-communist part of Vietnam that fell to communism after it lost the Vietnam War in 1975.
War Powers Act 1973 - Law passed by Congress to restrict the President's authority to use the armed forces without consent from Congress.
Mujaheddin Islamic rebels in Afghanistan who sought to overthrow the nation's communist government - They received aid and arms to fight invading Soviet forces from the U.S.
Revolutions of 1989 Movement that swept across the Eastern European nations within the Iron Curtain to overthrow their communist governments.
McCarthyism The act of making public accusations of disloyalty with insufficient evidence.
My Lai Village in South Vietnam where U.S. troops massacred hundreds of South Vietnamese men, women, and children in a search and destroy mission in 1968.
Truman Doctrine Cold War policy that the U.S. would assist nations that were threatened by Soviet and communist aggression.
Berlin Air Lift U.S. and British pilots flew supplies to West Berlin from 1948 - 1949 during a Soviet blockade of the city.
Subversion When a nation's institutions are overthrown secretly from within.
Barbara Johns Black student who protested school segregation in Farmville (VA) and was represented by the NAACP in Davis v. County Board Prince Edward County.
Brown v. Board of Education 1954 - The Supreme Court overturned "separate but equal" and ruled that schools must be desegregated.
Thurgood Marshall NAACP lawyer who argued the Brown v. Board of Education case before the Supreme Court.
Rosa Parks Civil Rights activist who was arrested for protesting the segregation of the city buses in Montgomery (AL).
Montgomery Bus Boycott Black residents refused to ride city buses from 1955 until they were desegregated in 1956.
Martin Luther King Jr. Leading voice of the Civil Rights Movement who advocated nonviolent protests to bring national support for racial integration.
Sit Ins Black students protested segregation of restaurants and stores by sitting in Whites Only seats in Greensboro (NC).
Freedom Rides Civil Rights activists rode buses across the South to protest segregation of interstate transportation.
March on Washington 1963 - Martin Luther King Jr. led 250,000 protesters to Washington D.C. to call on Congress to pass a Civil Rights Bill.
Malcolm X Civil Rights activist who opposed Martin Luther King Jr.'s strategies and instead promoted Black Nationalism, Black power, Black self defense, and racial separation.
Civil Rights Bill of 1964 Congress banned discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, or national origin.
Voting Rights Act of 1965 Congress prohibited all discriminatory voting practices.
Great Society Policies, initiatives, and programs created by the federal government and supported by President Johnson to combat poverty and racial injustice in the U.S.
Medicare Federal program that provides health insurance for persons 65 years of age and older.
Medicaid Federal program that provides health insurance for low income persons.
Russian Federation Established in 1993 after the collapse of the Soviet Union and fall of communism.
Reaganomics Economic policies of President Reagan to grow the U.S. economy by reducing inflation, lower tax rates, and removing economic regulations.
Created by: MhsUSHistory
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