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Vocabulary Lesson 31
Te | Definition |
struct (root word) | build |
en- (pre)fix | cause to |
construction | the act or process of building something such as a house or a road; the way something is built or made. |
destructive | causing a large amount of damage; causing destruction or harm. |
instruct | to teach someone a subject or skill; to give someone an order or command. |
reconstruct | to rebuild something damaged or destroyed; to find out and describe or show the way an event or series of events happened. |
structure | the way something is built, arranged, or organized; something that is built by putting parts together and likely stands on its own. |
enforce | to make a law or rule active or effective; to make sure that people do what is required by rule or law. |
enlighten | to give knowledge or understanding to someone; to explain something to someone. |
entitle | to give a right to someone. |
encourage | to make someone more determined, hopeful, or confident; to make something more appealing or more likely to happen. |
encounter | to have or experience problems or difficulties; to meet someone (or something) with expecting or intending to. |