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Renaissance flowering of art and culture in central Europe
Columbus opened the new world to Europe
Henry the navigator Portuguese prince who funded that aviation
balboa Spanish explorer who named the pacific ocean
Magellan led the first voyage to circumnavigate the globe
Cortes Spanish solider who conquered the Aztec empire
Pizzaro Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incan empire
Henry Hudson explored NY for the dutch and English
Champlain french explorer who colonized eastern Canada
joint stock company pool of private investors who invested money into colonies
Jamestown (1607) 1st permanent colonial settlement
John Smith 2nd leader of Jamestown who kept it from dying
John Rolfe colonist of Jamestown who married Pocahontas
Royal Colony colony run by royal governor
Proprietary Colony colony run by 1 private person
Pilgrims people who wanted to separate from the church of England
Puritans wanted to purify the church of England of everything Catholic
John Winthrop governor of MBC who envisioned a utopia
MBC largest colony and puritan theocracy
Great Migration 1st mass movement of Europeans to the new world
House of Burgesses (1619) 1st leg in the new world limitations: white property owner male
Act of Toleration allows limited religious freedom for catholics, MD proprietary colony for lord Baltimore
Bacon's rebellion rebellion led over high taxes and protection against Native Americans, burned Jamestown
Governor Berkeley gov during Bacon's rebellion
Indentured slaves people who pay for their shelter, food, and their trip to the new world by doing labor
Headright system 50 acres of land for yourself and everyone you pay for, attempt by England to move people to the New World
Anne Hutchinson banished from MBC and found Plymouth
Fundamental Orders of CT 1639, Hooker's 1st colonial constitution, 1st written constitution in history that limits gov
Halfway Covenant attempt by MBC to soften religious restrictions,
New England Confederation mutual defense group made up of NE colonies (plymouth, MBC, CT, New Haven) to go against the indians and the dutch
Pequot war 1st major Indian war
King Phillip's war 2nd major Indian war created by the unification of tribes, ended Indian resistance
Mercantilism economic system that seeks balance of trades between colonies
Specie gold or silver
Balance of Trades exports - imports
Tariff tax on imports
Harvard 1st university in the world, to train ministers
JP Zanger NY reporter cleared of libel after accusing a royal governor with corruption
Triangle Trade a system of transatlantic trade in the 16th century between Europe, Africa, and the Americas
Middle passage slaves trip to the new world
Navigation Acts must use English ships, via English ports, Tobacco to England only, and oath = smuggling continues
Salutary Neglect crown leaves colonies alone
Salem Witch Trials 19 people and 2 dogs executed for witchcraft 1692
how long was the french and Indian war? 7 years
John Locke democratic philosopher who believed people are good and self government
Thomas Hobbes English philosopher who believed people are naturally evil
Iroquois League confederation of tribes who fought against the french and their Indian allies
King William's, Queen Anne's, King George's (1689-1748) 3 wars that spill into the colonies between Brit, France, & Spain
Albany Plan of Union (1754) rejected plan to create a mutual defense between colonies, Franklin tried to influence this by his "Join or Die"
Land Speculators people that buy western land who start to encroach on Indian territory
Fort Duquesne French fort where Washington and Braddock are defeated
french and Indian war (1754-1763) 1st real world war fought between Britain and France
Balance of Power no one European country would get too powerful
Edward Braddock British general in charge of all forces in North America
George Washington young colonial general fighting for the British during the french and Indian war
Guerilla Warfare sneak attack technique perfected by the Indians
William Pitt British politician who goes broke to win the French and Indian war, strat to take Canada, taxes colonists to assist in debt = bring out the American revolution
James Wolfe British general in charge at Quebec who dies in battle
Battle of Montreal last battle of the french and Indian war
Treaty of Paris 1760 treaty that ends French and Indian war, France gives up all NA possessions, Spain gets every land west of the Mississippi, and England get all land east of the Mississippi
Pontiac's Rebellion Indian king who led a rebellion against colonists who went to the frontier
Proclamation line of 1763 king set line at Appalachian mountains to prevent and protect colonists from Indians
King George II English tyrant king during French and Indian war and the American Revolution
George Grenville Finance treasurer of England who taxed colonists to help pay for the French and Indian war
Deficit Amount you are short in revenue per year
Debt Obligation to pay amount of deficits added up over time
Patrick Henry VA politician for independence “Give me liberty, or give me death”
No taxation without representation James Otis, result of the Stamp act
Sons of Liberty Group of American patriots who used terroristic methods in their fight for their rights
Daughters of Liberty Colonial women who boycotted British goods
Non Importation Agreement Colonial attempts to boycott British goods to force political rights/recognition
Townshed Acts 1767 taxes on colonial imports of tea, glass, and paper; revenue went straight to pay crown officials in colonies; also can search private homes for smuggled goods. repealed by Lord North in 1770
Writs of Assistance British could unreasonably search & seizure colonial goods and property
John Dickinson founding father involved in several key documents, letters from a Pennsylvania
John Hancock Famous and wealthy smuggler who used his money for the sons of liberty
Sam Adams Failed businessman turned leader of the Sons of Liberty
Boston "Massacre" 1st bloodshed of the revolution
Lord North British Prime Minister who lost the colonies
The Gaspee British customs ship that was looted and burned in Rhode Island in 1772, smugglers dressed as Indians order British crew on shore
Boston Tea party Event where Sons of Liberty overthrew all British tea in the Boston Harbor
Intolerable Acts name of the Coercive Acts and Quebec Act by the colonists
Coercive Acts Series of laws passed by Britain in response to the Boston Tea Party, Bostonians have to pay, expanded the quartering acts
Quebec Acts organized Canadian lands gained from France;
Thomas Gage Massachusetts royal governor and main British general at start of Rev War
1st continental congress Group of colonial delegates petition King George III of grievances 1. Boycotts British goods 2. Calls up militias 3. Reaffirms allegiance to Britain
Minute men Colonial militiamen ready to fight in a short notice
Lexington and Concord 1st military engagements of the Rev War
2nd continental congress Attempt by colonists to form a government, post office, army, and currency were created
Breed's hill 1775 1st battle of the Rev War & occurs in Boston
Olive Branch Petition 1775 last colonial attempt to stop war with Britain
Benedict Arnold colonial general who switches sides after a failed promotion
Thomas Paine author of Common Sense, "is he in jersey?"
Ethan Allen Leader of Green Mountain Boys who took Fort Ticonderoga from British
Thomas Jefferson Main author of the Declaration of Independence and diplomat to France during the war
Patriots Pro-independence colonists
Loyalists Loyal to the crown
Stamp Act congress 1765 9 colonies meet in NYC; resolved that only their own elected representatives had the legal authority to approve taxes
Declaration of Independence written by T.Jefferson; establishes natural rights for the US and declares independence from GB
Mum Bett Massachusetts slave sued for her freedom after war and won
Articles of Confederation 1777 Drafted by John Dickinson; first constitution of the U.S. which included state sovereignty
Paul Revere, Dawes, and Prescott patriot freedom riders who warned the colonists that the British are coming
Von Steuben Prussian general who updates & trains the Continental Army at Valley Forge
Marquis de Lafayette French colonel who was G.W.’s right hand man who helped train the Continental Army
Thaddeus Kosciuszko Polish general who trains the Continental Army’s artillery
Casimir Pulaski Polish general who trains the Continental Army’s cavarly
George Rogers Clark Patriot Indian fighter who defeated Br. Henry “the Hair Buyer” Hamilton
“Mad” Anthony Wayne Patriot who fought like the Indians on the frontier
Joseph Brant British allied/backed Indian chief on the frontier
William Howe 75-78, – Br. general; Takes NYC & Philly; fired after Battle of Saratoga
Henry Clinton 78-82, Br. general; takes over for Howe; focus is on the southern strategy
John Burgoyne Br. general who surrendered at Saratoga
Southern Strategy Br. strategy adopted in 1778 to focus on the $ colonies of the South & to untie loyalists
John Paul Jones Continental Navy captain, wins in North Sea (by England) in battle of Flamborough Head
Francis Marion “Swamp Fox”; used guerilla tactics to bother the British in the South
Nathaniel Greene led victory vs the loyalists at king's mountain in SC, Commander of the troops in the South during Britain’s “Southern Strategy”
Henry Knox Continental artillery general who brought cannons to Boston, ultimately moving the war out of Boston
Alexander Hamilton Continental colonel & G.W.’s right hand man during the war
Siege of Yorktown Last battle of the Revolutionary War where Br. general Cornwallis surrenders; effectively ending Br. support of the war in Parliament
Treaty of Paris 1783 Treaty that ends the Revolutionary War
Federalists Supporters of the Constitution, Party that favored a strong national government, wealthy interests, and close association w/ British
Anti-federalists Opposed to the Constitution, Party that favored strong state governments, small family farms, and close association w/ France
James Madison Father of the Constitution and creator of the Virginia plan
Amendments changes in the constitution
Duties Taxes on imported goods
Popular sovereignty rule by the people
Federalism Political system where power divided between national and state governments
Separation of Powers Government power divided among different branches
Legislative Branch Made up of two houses of Congress; Makes the laws
Executive Branch Headed by the President; Implement and enforce laws passed by Congress
Judicial Branch System of federal courts; Interpret federal laws and render judgment in cases involving these laws
Checks and Balances system which prevents one of the branches from becoming too powerful
Impeach Formally charge a public official with misconduct in office
Sovereignty power
Virginia Statute for Religion Freedom (1779) Written by Jefferson; creates a wall of separation between church and state
Land Ordinance of 1785 640 acre towns at $1 per acre where 1 section per town for public education, created under the aoc
Northwest Ordinance (1787) sets up 5 states, 5,000 voters for a territory, 60,000 voters for a state, no slavery, Fugitive Slave Law
Depression Severe economic downturn in the economy
Deflation more goods than $ in the economy
Inflation more $ in the economy then goods
Shays’s Rebellion 1786 Mass. Farmer who revolts over high taxes, imprisonment for debt, and lack of paper money
Riot Act by Sam Adams authorities can jail anyone without trial
Mount Vernon Conference/Convention( 1785) G.W. held a conference in his home @ Mt. Vernon, VA; 4 states show (VA, MD, PA, DE). Agree that the AOC problems are significant enough to have another convention
Annapolis Convention 1786 a. Setup trade agreements b. calls for a new convention and revise the AOC
Constitutional Convention 1787 Meeting in Philly to amend the Articles of Confederation; attended by 12 out of 13 states -G.W. unanimously elected chairperson 9/13 to ratify
Virginia Plan Calls for a bicameral legislature based on a proportional representation which included a Chief Executive; includes national sovereignty
Bicameral 2 house system
Proportional Representation idea that the more people you have the more representation
Equal Representation 1 state = 1 vote
NJ Plan calls for a unicameral legislature based on equal representation
William Paterson Created the NJ Plan and champion of small states rights
Roger Sherman Created the CT Plan aka Great Compromise
Great Compromise current 2 house system a. each state would be given equal representation in Senate b. representation in the House of Representatives based on size of population c. National sovereignty d. Chief executive
3/5ths Compromise Every 5 slaves count as 3 people for determining state’s level of representation and taxation
Commercial (Tariff) Compromise congress can regulate interstate & foreign commerce and place tax on imports BUT NOT exports
The Federalists papers Written anonymously by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay in favor of the Constitution
Bill of rights first 10 amendments in the constitution that guaranteed rights for every American
Cabinet treasury: Hamilton, state: Jefferson, war: Knox, attorney: Randolph
Judiciary Act of 1789 established the supreme court
John Jay 1st Supreme Court Justice & one of the authors of the Federalist Papers
Strict Constructionists literal interpretation of the constitution (Jefferson)
Loose Constructionists Broad interpretation of the Constitution (Hamilton)
Hamilton's plan 1- pay off all national debt, 2- tariffs, 3- National Bank
Assumption Plan Hamilton's plan to assume state debts
National Bank Hamilton’s economic plan, safe unified currency, loans, and south will get the capital
Bond Payment gov plan to pay off all bonds
Whiskey Rebellion 1794 western PA rebellion broke up by Washington and troops over tax on corn
Impressment British sailors kidnap Americans into military service
Citizen Gent French diplomat that criticizes Washington
Jay's treaty 1794 British agree to abandon forts on American frontier, treaty meant to stop impressment
Little Turtle Indian leader who united tribes against Americans
Battle of Fallen Timbers Last battle of Little Turtle's confederacy
Treaty of Greenville 1795 gives US power of Ohio, promises Indian land but breaks it
Public Land Act established procedures for dividing and selling federal land
Farewell Address Washington's warning on alliances, political parties, foreign affairs, and sectionalism
XYZ affair 3 French officials ask for a bribe before Americans can speak to Tallyrand
Quasi war unofficial naval war with France
Alien and Sedition Acts 1798 1) 5 to 14 yrs to qualify for citizenship (naturalization) 2) Alien Acts: pres can detain aliens if they are dangerous 3) sedition acts: made it illegal for the press to criticize government
Matthew Lyon Republican Congressman jailed for 4 months for Sedition
VA/KY resolutions 1799 by Jefferson and Madison, says that states can nullify federal laws they find unconstitutional
Revolution on 1800 complete bloodless change of gov from federalists to republicans
John Marshall man who made the court supreme; one of the most powerful Chief Justices over 30 years
Marbury v. Madison 1803 A decision that was established for the first time that federal courts had the power to overturn an act of Congress on the ground that it violated the U.S. Constitution.
Judicial Review court has the ability to declare a law unconstitutional or not
Louisiana Purchase 1803 Jefferson buys the Louisiana Territory from France for 15 million (4 cents and acre)
Lewis and Clark 1804-1806 led the expedition to map out the Louisiana Territory, Sacagawea was a guide
Aaron Burr vp under TJ, who killed Hamilton
Impressment when Britain kidnaps American sailors and force them into military service
Chesapeak-Leopard Affair refers to the event when a British ship attacked an American vessel
Barbary Pirates North African Pirates who held American Cargo
Embargo Act Stop on international trade to stop impressment
Non Intercourse Act of 1809 trading with every country but Britain and France
Macon's Bill #2 1810 1st country to recognize US neutrality we trade with. Napoleon agrees but is a backstabber
War Hawks led by Henry Clay and John Calhoun, young members of congress who want war with Britain
Canada Canada Canada war hawks' cry to the war of 1812
Tecumseh Indian leader who sides with Britain in the war of 1812
William Henry Harrison General who defeats Tecumseh's confederacy
Battle of Tippecanoe 1811 Harrison's battle against Tecumseh's confederacy
Oliver "Hazard" Hayward Perry Naval commander who defeats the British at Lake Erie
Lake Champlain win Thomas Macdonough, forces the British to retreat
Battle of Thames Battle where Tecumseh is killed
Francis Scott Key Writer of the star spangled banner during the Siege of Baltimore
Hartford Convention Federalist convention to determine the the future of the party
Andrew Jackson symbol of the common man, general who wins at the battle of New Orleans
Treaty of Ghent 1814 Treaty that ends the war of 1812
Battle of New Orleans 1815 Last battle of the war of 1812 that makes Jackson a national hero
Nationalism Birth of American pride
Era of Good Feelings time of prosperity
America System proposed by Clay, included protective tariffs, national bank, and internal improvements
Tariff of 1816 Drives up prices to support Northern manufacturers
Internal Improvements Building of roads & canals throughout the country; paid by federal government
Second Bank of the US set up common currency; hated by “old” Republicans
Market Revolution Industrial explosion of trades & crafts & the beginning of mass production in America
Panic of 1819 The economic disaster was largely the fault of the Second Bank of the US, which had tightened credit in a belated effort to control inflation. The depression was most severe in the West
Impact of the Panic of 1819 Many state banks closed and unemployment, bankruptcies, and imprisonment for debt sharply increased. Nationalistic beliefs were shaken. The economic crisis changed many voters' political outlook. Westerner's began calling for land reform.
Henry Clay the great compromiser, kentucky politician, proposed the America system and the Missouri Compromise
John Calhoun Flip-flop politician, great nullifier, vp under JQA and Jackson
Fletcher v. Peck 1810 invalidated a state law as unconstitutional for the first time and determined states could not enact legislation that violated contracts
Dartmouth College v. Woodward 1819 Protected the rights of business interests & upholds private property rights
McCulloch v. Maryland Maryland cannot tax National Bank out of existence due to National Supremacy
Gibbons v. Ogden 1821-24 Greatly expands commerce clause and gives the gov’t the right to regulate ANY trade between states
Missouri Compromise 1820 An agreement proposed by Henry Clay that allowed Missouri to enter the union as a slave state and Maine enter as a free state
1st Seminole War War by Jackson which gives U.S. control of Western Florida after series of border attacks and Spain agrees to give up Eastern Florida
Adams-Onis Treaty 1819 Spain gets $5 million from U.S. for all of Florida & its claims to Oregon Territory and U.S. gives up territorial claims of Texas to Spain
Monroe Doctrine foreign policy position that opposes European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere, written by JQA
Corrupt Bargain an illegal agreement between politicians, Clay, JQA, Jackson, andd Crawford
Caucus closed-door meeting of a political party in Congress or State Legislature to nominate a president
Mudslinging Attempting to ruin someone’s reputation w/ public insults
Spoils System giving gov’t jobs in return for party loyalty
Kitchen Cabinet Jackson's unofficial group of advisory, Peggy Eaton affair
Indian Removal act 1830 Forced relocation of Indians from States east of the Mississippi River to West
Cherokee Nations v. Georgia 1831 Cherokees are NOT a foreign nation and have the right to sue in federal court
Worcester v. Georgia 1832 Laws of Georgia had no force within the boundaries of Cherokee territory
Trail of tears 1838 Refers to when the Cherokees forcibly left Georgia to Oklahoma ,under Van Buren’s presidency
Secede withdraw from the union
Nullification created by John Calhoun, theory that States have the right to declare a federal law invalid
Force bill JAX tells Calhoun / S.C. he will bring in the military to enforce any federal law
Whigs Political party started to oppose JAX (favored Clay’s American System)
Panic of 1837 depression caused as a result of banknotes losing value, speculation of western lands, inflated goods, and closing of banks
William Henry Harrison Former governor, war hero, and Whig President who dies after 32 days due to pneumonia
John Tyler V.A. politician and former states’ rights Democrat who joined Whigs, whig in name only
Nativism hating immigrants
Know nothings Nativist Anti-Immigrant political party
Transcendentalism The theory that man has the ability to give up his material possessions & become one w/ the natural universe/God
Henry David Thoreau Embodied the Transcendentalist movement when he gives up all possessions & moves to Walden Pond
Ralph Waldo Emerson Founder of Transcendentalism movement & leading literary figure
Brook Farm
Created by: sal99
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