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Science Finall

Study for 7th grade science

What is the function of the diaphragm on a microscope? controls the amount of light that enters a microscope
What is the function of the stage on a microscope? flat area supporting slide
What is the function of the mirror on a microscope? used to pass light through stage and slide
Name 3 differences between plant and animal cells. Plant cells have cell walls, larger vacuoles, and chloroplasts.
Which objective of a microscope do you use first? Low power objective
If a microscope has an eyepiece with a power of 4x and the objective power is turned to 40x, what is its total magnification? 160×
What is DNA? the code contained in the chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell
What is a haploid? cell that has only one of each chromosome.
What is a diploid? cell whose chromosomes come in pairs.
what is regeneration? the process that uses cell division to regrow body parts.
What is a Hybrid? an offspring that was given different genetic information for a trait from each parent.
How many pairs of chromosomes do cells in your body have (including skin cells, lung cells, muscle cells, etc)? 23 pairs.
What are arteries? blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart.
what are veins? vessels that bring blood back to the heart.
what are capillaries? tiny blood vessels that connect arteries and veins.
what are atria? upper chambers of the heart.
what are ventricles? lower chambers of the heart.
what is pulmonary circulation? the flow of blood to the tissues of the lungs.
what is systemic circulation? the flow of blood to all body tissues except heart and lungs.
what is coronary circulation? the flow of blood to the tissues of the heart.
what is blood pressure? a force exerted on the walls of blood vessels by blood.
what is lymph? the water and dissolved substances remaining between cells and diffused into lymphatic capillaries.
How many chambers does the human heart have? 4
what are the different components in blood? Cells, cell fragments, liquid.
what are the different functions of blood? carries waste products, carries oxygen, carries nutrients, clots so you can heal.
which organs are included in the lymphatic system? Spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, tonsils.
What is the diaphragm? muscle beneath lungs that helps air move in and out.
what is the larynx? where your vocal cords are attached.
what is the trachea? cartilage rings prevent this tube from collapsing.
what is the alveoli? clusters of tiny, thin-walled sacs surrounded by capillaries.
what is the epiglottis? flap that covers your larynx when you swallow.
what is the bronchi? two branches that carry air from the trachea to the lungs.
what is the urethra? carries urine from bladder ra to outside of the body.
what is the bladder? organ that holds urine until it leaves the body.
what are the kidneys? organs that filter blood to remove wastes collected from all cells.
what is the urinary system? made up of organs that rid your body of wastes and control blood volume.
name some disorders of the respiratory system. Bronchitis, emphysema, asthma.
what is breathing? air going in and out of lungs.
How much of your blood passes through your kidneys each day? All.
what organs help your body excrete wastes? Urinary system (bladder, kidneys, etc.), lungs, skin.
what are vitamins? organic nutrients needed for growth, regulating body functions, and preventing disease.
what are amino acids? building blocks of proteins.
what are minerals? inorganic nutrients that regulate chemical reactions.
what are carbohydrates? the main source of energy for your body.
what is peristalsis? wave of muscle contractions in esophagus that moves food along digestive system.
what is saliva? watery substance produced by glands in the mouth.
what is chyme? watery liquid that moves from stomach to small intestine.
what is the esophagus? muscular tube which food passes through to move from the mouth to the stomach.
what is amylase? An enzyme in your stomach which aids in digestion.
what are the 6 nutrients your body needs for life? Vitamins, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats, Minerals, and Water.
Name some examples of carbohydrates. Sugar, Starch, Cellulose (breads, pastas).
Which organs aid in digestion, but food does not physically pass through them? Pancreas, Liver, Gall Bladder.
How would liver damage affect the operations of the digestive system? It would inhibit the production of enzymes necessary for digestion.
What is periosteum? tight-fitting membrane that makes up outer covering of bone.
what is marrow? substance that produces red and white blood cells inside bones.
what is cartilage? flexible tissues without blood cells that cushions ends of bones.
what is ligament? tough bands of tissue that holds bones together.
what are tendons? thick bands of tissue that attach muscles to bones.
what are skeletal muscles? muscles that look striped and are used to move bones.
what are smooth muscles? involuntary muscles that have no striations.
what is melanin? pigment that gives the skin color.
what are osteoclasts? break down bone tissue.
what are osteoblasts? build up bone tissue.
Are pivot, ball and socket,and hinge joints movable joints or immovable joints? movable.
Do skeletal muscles work by themselves or in pairs? in pairs.
What are the 5 functions of the skeletal system? Provides shape and support, place for muscles to attach, protects internal organs, stores minerals, produces blood cells.
In what ways does skin protect your body? Glands secrete fluids that destroy bacteria, prevents excess water loss from body tissues, prevents internal damage.
What are the 5 functions of your skin? Protects, excretes wastes, forms Vitamin D, regulates body temperature, sensory response.
What do sweat glands release? salt and water.
What do dendrites do? They receive messages from other neurons and send them to the cell body.
What types of jobs is your cerebrum responsible for? Interprets impulses from the senses.
Name the sense organs. Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue, Skin.
The spinal cord is an extension of what? Brainstem.
Give some examples of actions controlled by homeostasis. Heart rate, breathing, digestion.
Give 3 examples of reflex responses. Withdrawing hand from something hot, withdrawing your foot if you step on something sharp, putting arms out to brace you from falling.
Name the different parts of your middle ear. Hammer, anvil, and stirrup.
Created by: Carolineeliz
Popular Science sets




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