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National Review

Introduction to Massage Therapy week 1-4

The study of the function of the human organism is Physiology
In Western theory, anatomical position is Standing erect, facing forward, palms forward, arms by side
The Hand is __ to the shoulder Distal
During a basic evaluation, which technique would you likely use Palpation, Gate Assessment, postural analysis
The Swedish Gymnastic movement system was developed by Per Henrik Ling
The Pericardial cavity is located within the Thoracic Cavity
The study of the tissues of the body is known as Histology
The basic unit of life is the Cell
Cephalad means in the direction of The Head
Antibodies are molecules of ___ involved in the body’s immune response Protein
The Swedish massage stroke used to loosen scar tissue and brake up adhesions is Friction
The Liver Is ___ To the heart Inferior
The plane that divides the body into front and back sections is the __Plane Coronal Plane
A client who is face up on the table is in what position Supine
Other than techniques, which is the most important part of a massage session Clear affective communication
Placing a bolster or pillow under the clients ankles when they are face down on table serves what function To prevent ankles form hyper extending
The Human body is an ___ Organism
What is not an effective of Swedish Massage Hydrostatic Effect
The __Plane divides the body down the middle Mid – Sagittal
The most important purpose of draping is To Ensure modesty and comfort of client
Another term for a percussive massage stroke is Tapotement
Ventral is another term for Anterior
Swedish massage is primarily directed at Circulatory and Muscular Systems
A client who is prone is lying Face Down
If you ask a client to raise their arm over their head, you are checking ___ Range of motion
The body system that regulates body activities through the release of hormones is the Endocrine System
An organism that lives in an oxygen environment is an Aerobe
The Epididymis is a part of which body system? Reproductive
Laboratory medicine such as chemistry, microbiology, histology and other disciplines are actually sub disciplines of Clinical Pathology
The Urinary bladder is housed in the Pelvic Cavity
The Irregular structural characteristics of a cell that identifies it as a malignant cancer cell Anaplasia
Which term means the study of the cause of disease Etiology
The Spleen is a part of which body system Cardiovascular System
A Short, Severe episode is referred to as Acute
Microorganisms that are capable of reproduction and may be harmful or beneficial are Bacteria
A Tumor that is not cancerous and does not spread is referred to as Benign
Massage is a French word that means Friction of kneading
Very light strokes, such as the feather or nerve stroke, are stimulating to Parasympathetic Nervous System
Inflammation is A Protective Response
A disease that affects the whole body is said to be Systemic
The Body’s first line of defense if the Integumentary System
The Thymus Gland is part of which body system? Lymphatic system
Alimentary Canal is another term for the GI tract
The Simplest component from which all other chemical structures are built is a Element
___Anatomy refers to those structures that can be studied without a microscope Pathophysiology
Study of the human body through observation and palpation is referred to as Surface Anatomy
The Swedish massage strokes were given French names by Johan Georg Mezger
Turning the Palm up is an example of Supination
The Occiput is __ To the Scapula Superior
Which swedish massage stroke serves the purpose of getting the client used to the therapists touch Effleurage
The articulating surfaces of synovial Joints are referred to as Facets
Which statement describes Synarthrotic joints They Don't Move
The __ Functions as a fulcrum Joint
The Depression in the clavicle is referred to as the Sternal Notch
The Place were two bones meet is an Articulation
The Human Body has __ Bones 206
The Tibia is a __ Bone Long
A Cavity within a bone or organ is referred to as a Sinus
THe elbow joint is a ___Class Lever 3rd class
Bones are the hardest substance in the body exept for Dentine
The bone cells that produce substances to break down unneeded bone tissue Osteoclasts
A condyloid joint will allow what kind of movement Flexion, extention, adduction, abduction, and rotation
___is the application of scientific information to the design of objects, systems, and environments for human use. Ergonomics
The Vestibular system is located in the Inner Ear
The ongoing process of self-regulation of movement and posture is referred to as Body Mechanics
Who identified the three laws of mition Sir Isaac Newton
The Thumb is a ___Joint Saddle
The Study of the muscular system is known as Myology
The Point where muscle attaches to stationary bone Origin
The lower arm bone on the medial aspect of the forearm is the Ulna
Effleurage strokes should be applied in the direction of the heart
Sticking your leg straight out from your side is an example of Abduction
Asking your client to offer resistance as you move them through ROM exercises is an example of Active Join Mobilization
The __ is an example of a freely moveable joint Hip
Bone marrow produces __ Red blood cells every minute
A fossa is a Slight Depression
Osteonecrosis is a term that means Bone death
Another term for lordosis is Sway back
The ring of fibrous cartilage forming the circumference of intervertebral discs is the Annulus Fibrosis
Arthritis in the peripheral joints caused by a build up of uric acid in the joint space is Gout
The Greater Trochanter is located on the Femur
There are ___ Bones in the Face 14
The ___ Is the larger of the lower leg bones Tibia
The Partitioning bone between the nostrils Nare
The Bone where the gland that secretes tears is located is referred to as the Lacrimal
Using improper body mechanics can cause Carpal Tunnal Syndrom, Low back pain, eye strain
The Linea Aspera is located on the Femur
How Many Vertebrae are fuzed together to form the sacrum 5
Striated muscles are the ___ Muscles Skeletal
Muscle is surrounded by Fascia
___Are thick cords of tissue that serve as attachments between the skeletal muscle and bone Tendons
The Muscle that has its insertion at the olecranon process of the elbow is the Triceps Brachii
The biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus are collectively knows as the Hamstrings
The Muscles opposing the main muscle resposible for an action is the Antagonist
The 2 types of muscle fibers are the Fast-Twitch and Slow-Twitch
Deltiod describe a muscle that is __ in shape Round
A muscle that increases the angle of a joint is an extensor
An example of a cuboid bone would be the Lateral bone at the distal end of the tarsus
there are ___ Muscles in the body Over 600 (Skeletal Muscles)
The ___ is the outermost layer of fascia Epimysium
The Ability of a muscle to return to its original shape after it has been contracted or stretched is referred to as Elasticity
the gab that nerve signals are transmitted across is reffered to as the Synapse
The contractile proteins that produce force during muscle contractions Actin and Myosin
Lack of oxygen to the muscle causes The buildup of Carbolic Acid
The muscles of the rotator cuff are Teres Minor, Subscapularis, Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus
A progressive loos of muscle fibers without any nervous system involvment Muscular dystrophy
Another term for Shin Splints Anterior compartment Syndrom
A benign tumor composed of Muscle tissue is referred to as Myoma
Piriformis Means Pear-Shaped
Aquired Toxic Myopathy is a condition that can be caused by ___ Environmental Pollution
The motor unit of a muscle is composed of A motor neuron plus all the muscle fibers it can stimulate
Connective tissue stretched over a broad, flat area is referred to as an Aponeurosis
The Agonist is also referred to as the Prime Mover
ASIS is the acronym for Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
Bending over at the side is an example of Lateral Flexion of the Trunk
A Muscle that decreases the angke of a joint is a Flexor
Making the "Okay" sign requires Inversion of the index finger and the Thumb
___ Is a Condition that has been linked to Epstein-Barr Virus Shingles / Chickenpox
The Muscles commonly referred to as the "six-Pack" are the Rectus abdominus
___ Are regulatory protiens that switch muscle constractions on and off Troponin and Tropomyosin
An accumulation os calcium deposits in muscle tissue is know as Myositit Ossificans
Tender areas of hyperirritability are referred to as Trigger Points
Arm Abduction rotates ___ toward the first rib The Clavicle
The law that states a stimulus must be strong enough to excite the whole muscle fiber is referred to as the All or None Effect
The Term that means perpendicular to the midline is Transverse
___ is an inflammation of the tendon covering Tenosynovitis
A muscle that turns inferiorly or posteriorly is a Pronator
A sprain is a stretching or tearing of a Ligament
A chronic condition is a condition that Is longer than three months duration
___ is a painless thickening of the fascia in the palm of the hand that results in the inability to move the fingers. Dupuytren's Contracture
Cardiac Muscle is Striated
The Point where a muscle attaches to the moving bone is the Insertion
The Longest muscle in the body is the Sartorius
Which body system is not directly affected by massage, but can have indirect effects Reproductive System
Proper draping may be accomplished with Atleast 1 over sheet and 1 towel (Females)
The Masseter is the muscle for Mastication
Proprioneuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is a ___ Modality Joint Mobilization Modality
A client's shoes are badly worn on the inside heel, this is due to Eversion of the foot
When a person is standing in western anatomical position, the forearm is Supinated
If a client reports they hurt their back while bending straight over, the muscle that is strained is probably the Latissimus Dorsi
For the therapist's safety and comfort, a good height for a massage table is Approximately the level of the therapist's pelvis
A client who refuses to be draped should be Dismissed
During a Swedish Massage, the best stroke to use for transitioning from one area to another is Effleurage
The Sensationfelt by the therapist as she passivly moves a join to the full extent of its possible range is End Feel
Necro - is a prefix that means Death
An explination that is formulated on an attempt to explain observations in the natural world is a hypothesis
Any Factor that moves the body away from homeostasis could be referred to as Stress
The Physiological rhythm that cycles every 24 hours is known as the ___ rhythm circadian Rhythm
-tripsy is a suffix that means Surgical Crushing
The rotator Cuff muscles are collectively referred to as SITS Muscles
The power of suggestion is termed the Placebo Effect
The prefix Lipo- means Fat
An effective technique for breaking up adhesions and scar tissue Cross-Fiber Friction
When a body part is neither flexed nor extended, it is said to be in the ___ position Neutral
People who work in factory jobs are prone to what type of condition? Repetitive Motion Injury
The xiphoid is a Process
A dancer holding a pose is an example of Static Balance
The Elbow joint is a ___ Class Lever 3rd Class Lever
To Every action there is always a ___ and ___ reaction Equal and opposite action
The massage stroke that is like kneading bread dough is Petrissage
Static touch is another term for Holding
A lateral curvature of the spine is referred to as scoliosis
The principle of reciprocal inhibition is When a muscle is contracting, the antagonist Must relax
The Bursae are located around the joints
The normal human hand has how many phalanges? 14 - 2 in the thumb, 3 in digits 2-5
the condition sometimes referred to as wryneck is Torticollis
One possible cause of sciatic pain could be a taut piriformis
A pregnent woman in her 3ed trimester will probably feel the most comfortable --- Side-lying
A condition characterized by chronic, progressive stiffening of the joins is Ankylosing Spondylitis
Crepitus is The creakind and popping sounds around the joint
A shallow depression in a bone is a Fossa
If your client is taking a prescription drug that has a side effect of causing drowsiness, asssuming that massage is not contraindicated for his condition, you may want to give him a massage that is more ____ in intent Stimulating
The best way to assess ROM in a particular joint is Ask the client to show you their full Range without assistance
The lack of oxygeb ub a muscle causes constricted blood flow, buildup of lactic acid and other toxins and results in pain that is ____in nature Ischemic
Which substance lubricates the joint surfaces Synovial fluid
The medical term that means pain is -Algia
In a full session of swedish massage, what is the usual order in which the strokes are performed Effleurage, petrissage, friction, tapotement,vibration
A bone that is not broken all thway through is a Greenstick Fracture
Created by: hdarguzis
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