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Exam Review 2011

Science Second Semester Exam Review 2011

loss of a natural habitat habitat destruction
when a habitat is divided into smaller pieces by roads or buildings habitat fragmentation
when a species is in danger of becoming extinct endangered
when a species is in danger of becoming endangered threatened
the disappearance of all members of a species from Earth extinct
a species that influences the survival of many other species in an ecosystem keystone species
the mating of animals in zoos or wildlife preserves captive breeding
a species that is not native to an area and takes over the ecosystem invasive exotic species
the number of different species in an area biodiversity
3 factors that affect biodiversity area climate niche diversity
3 threats to biodiversity habitat destruction pollution exotic species
having no lines of symmetry like a sea sponge asymmetrical
when an organism has many lines of symmetry like a starfish or sea anemone radial symmetry
when an organism has only one line of symmetry like a frog or cat bilateral symmetry
type of succession that starts from bare rock like after a volcano primary succession
type of succession that occurs when there is already an ecosystem there such as after a forest fire, logging a forest, a pond filling in secondary succession
the general name for the first species to appear during primary succession pioneer species
type of energy found in the gears of a bicycle or engine of a car mechanical energy
type of energy found in the light from a lightbulb or the light from a TV screen radiant
type of energy found when you hear a guitar playing or music coming out of your ipod sound
type of energy found in food, batteries, or gasoline chemical
type of energy found when you plug something into an electrical outlet electrical
type of energy found in stars or atomic weapons nuclear
type of energy found in the heat from a fire or the heat from boiling water thermal
the energy of motion kinetic energy
stored energy or the energy of position potential energy
the law stating that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms law of conservation of energy
the units for energy joules
type of change that alters the form of a substance but not its identity such as ice melting, boiling water or melting buter physical change
type of change when one or more substances combine or decompose to form a new substance such as burning paper or heating sugar to form caramel chemical change
the amount of matter in an object mass
how much space something takes up volume
amount of mass per unit volume of an object density
the process where bacteria take unusable nitrogen and "fix" it into nitcogen that can be used by other organisms nitrogen fixation
the bumps on the roots of certain plants that are involved in nitrogen fixation nodules
what animals give off during respiration carbon dioxide
what plants give off during photosynthesis oxygen
layer of the atmosphere that is closest to Earth, where airplanes fly and weather happens troposphere
layer of the atmosphere where the ozone layer and jet stream are located stratosphere
layer of the atmosphere that is the coldest layer where meteors burn up mesosphere
layer of the atmosphere that is furthest from Earth, where the Northern lights are and satellites orbit thermosphere
type of air mass that brings wet and cold weather maritime polar
type of air mass that brings wet and warm weather maritime tropical
type of air mass that brings dry and cold weather continental polar
type of air mass that brings dry and warm weather continental tropical
tool used to measure temperature thermometer
tool used to measure air pressure barometer
tool used to measure relative humidity psychrometer
tool used to measure wind speed anemometer
tool used to measure the amount of rainfall rain gauge
puffy, low-level clouds that indicate fair weather cumulus
thunderstorm clouds cumulonimbus
flat, layered clouds stratus
high-level, wispy clouds cirrus
a boundary between air masses front
type of front that would bring storms followed by cool weather cold front
type of front that would bring rain followed by warmer weather warm front
the process in which water vapor in the air cools and turns into liquid water condensation
the process in which water (in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail) falls from clouds in the sky precipitation
the process in which liquid water warms up and becomes water vapor evaporation
type of air pressure that would indicate a rainy day low
type of air pressure that would indicate a sunny day high
heat transfer by direct touching such as your hand touching the burner of a stove conduction
heat transfer by hot air/liquid rising and cool air/liquid sinking such as boiling water on a stove convection
heat transfer through space such as feeling the heat from the sun or a campfire radiation
the curving of winds caused by the rotation of Earth Coriolis Effect
the percent of moisture the air holds relative to the amount it could hold relative humidity
lines on a map connecting areas of equal air pressure isobars
lines on a map connecting area of equal temperature isotherms
a breeze blowing from the land to the sea land breeze
a breeze blowing from the sea to the land sea breeze
wind is caused by differences in air pressure
the most abundant gas in the atmosphere nitrogen
layers of the atmosphere are classified by differences in temperature
as altitude increases, air pressure decreases
the primary cause of all weather on Earth sun
97% of Earth's water is found in oceans
in which part of the U.S. is tornado alley located? central
rating scale for hurricanes Saffir-Simpson
rating scale for tornados Fujita
major way that hurricanes cause destruction flooding
major way that tornados cause destruction high winds
Created by: mountaingirl38
Popular Science sets




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