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Unit III quiz

American History

Reconstruction program implemented by the federal government between 1865 and 1877 to repair the damage to the South caused by the civil war and restore the southern states to the Union
pardon an official forgiveness of a crime
radical republicans group of Congressmen within the Republican party who believed that the civil war had been fought over the moral issue of slavery and insisted that the main goal of reconstruction should be a total restructuring of society to guarantee blacks true equality
republicans mostly Northerners; favored quick unification with the South
democrats Mostly Southerners; strong belief in states’ rights without Federal interference
pocket veto type of veto a chief executive may use after a legislature has adjourned; it is implied when the chief executive does not formally sign or reject a bill within the time period allowed to do so
freedmen's bureau created by Congress in 1865, the first major federal relief agency in the United States
black codes laws that restricted freedmen's rights
fourteenth amendment constitutional amendment ratified in 1868 to guarantee citizens equal protection under law
civil rights citizens' personal liberties guaranteed by law such as voting rights and equal treatment
fifteenth amendment constitutional amendment ratified in 1870, that guaranteed voting rights to all male citizens
thirteenth amendment constitutional amendment ratified in 1865, abolishing slavery
10% plan Lincoln's reconstruction plan that pardoned Confederates as long as they pledged loyalty to the Union, but did not give African Americans any rights
wade-davis act required half of all white male citizens to declare their allegiance to the union, saying they would never rebell again, and southern states had to recognize blacks as free citizens
presidential reconstruction johnson's plan which pardoned everyone, but states were required to void secession, abolish slavery, and repudiate Confederate debt
reconstruction plan of 1867 South was divided into military districts; Needed to hold new state constitutional conventions; Freed slaves could vote & hold political office; Temporarily barred ex-Confederates from voting; Had to guarantee equal rights to all citizens.
Created by: emmie_studies
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