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ASMT- Cranial 2

Cranial Basic Info

What is Cranial Sacral Therapy? A gentle hands-on approach to bodywork that focuses on the bones of the head, spinal column, sacrum, and the underlying structures.
What is the main objective of CST? To find restrictions and/or compressions and use specifically designed techniques to release them.
What is CST useful for treating? chronic pain, headaches, TMJD, emotional trauma, auditory problems, stress-related dysfunction, arthritis, colic, inner ear problems, learning/behavioral disorders in infans & children
Who is the "father" of CST? William Sutherland
Who proved there was movement of CSF? John Upledger
What structures make up the Cranial Sacral System? Brain & Spinal Cord, Meningeal Membranes, CSF, The Bones
Osteopathic Theory Sutherland suggested that the brain has contractile capacity.
Upledger Theory Upledger suggested cranial movement is based on the rise and fall of CSF.
Energetic Theory Cranial movement is based an ancient rythm in our bodies.
What are the three theories of Cranial Sacral Rhythm? Oseopathic, Upledger, Energetic
What are the four characteristics of Cranial Rhythm? SQAR...symmetry, quality, amplitude, rate
Why can you feel Cranial Rhythm anywhere in the body? CSF flowing up & down spinal column causes a wave through the dural tube, and then sends wave through fascia.
Where are the palpation sites? feet, thighs, pelvis, shoulders, and head
What is CV4 and what is it used for? compression of ventricle produces a calming effect, releases minor restrictions and accumulated stress in the cranial sacral system.
What are some contraindications of CV4? children under 9, cerebral aneurysm, recent stroke, acute grand mal seisures, recent skull fractures
What are the three meningeal membranes of the skull? falx cerebri, tentorium cerebelli, and falx cerebelli
What are some important concepts to remember about fascia? follows length of body uninterrupted, majority of fibers run vertically, some locations have dense collection of horizontal fibers for support, and is very mobile.
What are some benefits of diaphragm releases? releases restritions in diaphragm areas and leads to return of cranial rhythm, increases respiratory & organ function, decreases dysfunction of underlying structures, and makes all other techniques more effective
Created by: Lizziewiz
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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