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Learning Styles

Essay: Learning Styles Don't Exist

meticulous extremely careful and precise
laudable worthy of praise
curate select, organize, and present e.g. information, typically using professional or expert knowledge
replete with filled with
an endeavour an attempt to achieve a goal
explicit stated clearly and in detail
retrieve bring back
retrieval the process of getting information out of memory storage
contend assert something as a position in an argument
perceptual relating to the ability to interpret or become aware of something through the senses
sense perception the use of our senses to acquire information about the world around us
olfactory relating to the sense of smell
prevalent widespread, generally accepted
august having great importance and respect in society
cognitive science field of study that examines how humans and other animals acquire, process, store, and retrieve information
intuitive appeal evaluation of an argument based on gut feeling instead of reason
broad appeal wide popularity
individual agency the capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices
retrospective looking back at past things
absolution formal release from guilt
paraphrase restate in other words
endorse approve, support
discernible distinguishable, perceivable
affirm declare to be true, confirm
to champion defend or support
disposition a person's inherent qualities of mind and character
taxonomy the classification of something
progressive favouring change or innovation
traction the extent to which e.g. an idea or product gains popularity or acceptance
impart pass on, transmit, bestow
utilitarian designed to be useful or practical
burgeoning expanding or growing rapidly
rote memorisation learned from repeating and not from thinking
state-sanctioned approved by the state
punitive inflicting or aiming at punishment
eschew avoid, shun, keep away from
corporal punishment physical punishment
rife abundant, prevalent
infringement violation, breach
anathema something that is strongly disliked
espouse adopt or support an idea or cause
benign kind and gentle
innate inborn, natural
coercive methods using force to persuade people to do things that they are unwilling to do
to purport to suppose, to claim
empirical based on observation or experiment
delineation the action of marking the edge of something
retain to hold or keep
retention preservation
tactile relating to the sense of touch
modalities of intelligence different intellectual abilities
monolithic massive and uniform
validity the extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to
behemoth something of tremendous power or size
postulated suggested, proposed
discrete distinct, separate
nebulous vague
Delphic deliberately obscure or ambiguous
the ring of truth seems to be true
divination foretelling the future by means of magic
staunch loyal and committed in attitude
consistency behaviour or treatment done in the same way over time so as to be accurate
efficacy effectiveness
analogy comparison
emblematic of symbolic of
malaise set of problems affecting a particular situation
faddism a tendency to like a style, activity, or interest for a very short period of time
snake oil product or policy of little real value that is promoted as the solution to a problem
a veneer surface appearance
pseudoscientific falsely or mistakenly claimed as being based on scientific method
stakeholder a person or organization with an interest in a particular place or issue
self-perpetuating the capability of something to cause itself to continue to exist
confirmation bias the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories
robust strong
cognitive having to do with an organism's thinking and understanding
expenditure the use of energy, time or other resources
soliloquy a long speech expressing the thoughts of a character alone on stage
proxy indicator indirect evidence that serves as substitutes for direct measurements
rationale fundamental reason
interleave to mix by alternating between something
pre-emptive action undertaken to prevent another action
post-hoc occurring or done after something
allure the power to attract or charm
commonality a shared characteristic
folly lack of good sense, foolishness
autodidact self-taught person
ethical imperative extremely morally necessary
defective faulty
dereliction of duty neglect of one's duty
delusion false belief
Created by: ENAOtis
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