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World History-Terms


Deforestation when cultivators moved into the more arid regions. The removal of trees altered the environment and the climate and led quickly to a process of desertification
Commodities Sugar, silver, and soap new addictive commodities.
Technology Textile mills, factories to work on the most modern technology; makes land more productive, few farmers to feed more people, horse plow, using steel, better understanding
Bourgeoisie Up and coming men and women, making money based on commerce and trade, not workers, the owners of factories and the people trading the goods.
Free trade The right to trade freely across borders as long as more business profited from commercial protection; Americas, first; cheap timber, cotton, leather, and minerals.
Tariffs the economic policy of restraining trade between nations. For political reasons, tariffs are usually imposed on imported goods, although they may also be imposed on exported goods
1769: Steam engine : Empty mine and run a hose to blow rocks away from wall; James Watt; burning coal provided vastly increased power and catalyzed a revolution in transportation; improved sugar refining, pottery making, and many other industrial processes
Mechanization With new machinery, a single textile operator could handle many looms and spindles at once and could produce bolts of clot with stunning efficiency. Gone were the hand tools, the family traditions, and the loosely organized and dispersed systems of hous
Fulani: (1754-1817) Muslim groups in West Africa that carried out religious revolts in an effort to return to the pure Islam of the past. The most powerful of these revolts was led by Dan Fodio (1754-1817). He managed to create a vast Islamic empire by having his followers
Jihad To engage in struggle and, if necessary, holy war toward the advancement of the cause of Islam.
Hijra Tradition of islam, where one withdraws from a community to create a more holy one. The practice is based off of Muhammed’s withdrawal from Mecca to Medina.
Sharia Laws of Islam that regulate the spiritual and secular actions of Muslims
Shaka Zulu 1787-1828, he was a n African tribal leader who led through military strength and conquest. Was incredibly brutal and massacred 7,000 people for the death of his mother. He was one of the many chiefs of that time to take control.
Taiping Rebellion 1851-1864, Chinese rebellion against the Manchu leaders, led by Hong Xiuquan. It failed however and was crushed by the Manchu leaders. Despite Xiuquan’s belief in Christianity, the west refused to support his rebellion, claiming it was a perversion.
Hong Xiuquan 1813-1864, ordinary person who could not pass the civil service exam. Began to have visions in 1837 which led him to establish the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Led a Christian revolt against the Manchu leaders.
Hakka women The ethnic majority that made up the female fighting group in the Taiping Rebellion. This ethnic sub-division had a sense of its own identity, an important part of which is that they refused to bind their feet
Reactionaries The group of people who emerged in response to the rise of the liberals, believed not only should all privileges should be restored to the kings and nobles but that also all secularization should be reversed and all democratic ideals should be reversed t
Liberals They were also a group that arose in reaction to the radicals. They desired political change, as in switching to democracy, but did not desire any kind of economic change, such as the ones that would be entailed in Socialism and Communism
Nationalists They’re a group of radicals, probably the least worrying one. They are the people who are under the rule of another and strongly desire a country of their own. For instance, the Greeks who were under the rule of the Ottomans. They wanted their own countr
Socialism This group of people believed that a political change was not enough, that there an economical one as well. They worried particulary over the negative effect that the new division of labor was having on the workers and how the gap between the workers and
Communism Mostly the same as Socialism at the time. See socialism.
Chartism 1839, 1842, 1848, was a mass movement led by the working class of Britain that called for universal suffrage for all adult males, the secret ballot, equal electoral districts, and annual parliamentrary elections. Was rejected by Parliament all three time
Utopian socialism The most visionary radical ideal. Was created by Charles Fourier (1772-1837). His idea was to organize the world into small communities of 1,500 -1,600. In this there would be 810 different personality types. This idea was so that efiiency would still be
Communist Manifesto Was written by Karl Marx and Frierich Engels in 1848. This manifesto called on the workers of all nations to unite in overthrowing capitalism. Was a socialist document and would later become the document that Russia was based off of.
Karl Marx: (1818-1883) A communist theorist. The most consequential of the restoration-era radicals. University educated. German born. He and Engels believed that more and more people would become exploited as industrialization proceeded and that they would not share in the pr
The Rebellion of 1857 A major revolt in India. The rebels appealed to the locals by bonds of solidarity supported by religious bonds. Was started by the greased cartridge controversy were there was a rumor that said that the cartridges the sepoys had to bite open had cow and
Azamgarb Proclamation 1857 Is a representative of the numerous petitions of the Indian leaders. Attacks the British for subverting Indian traditions and calls on its followers to restore the Mughal Empire.
“What is a nation?” Bismarck Very republican and argues with racial, religious, and dynastic interpretations of nationhood. He believes that these things are not what define a nation but the sense of nationalism and inhabitants.
1810 – 1861 Camillo di Cavour astute conservative prime minister of Piedmont. Exploited radical and very liberal nationalist sentiment to rearrange the map of Europe. Used nationalist feelings and small scale limited wars to enlarge their states.
1870 – 1918 Habsburg Empire Ruling house of Austria, which once ruled both Spain and Central Europe but came to settle in lands along the Danube River; it played a prominent role in European affairs for many centuries. In 1876 the Hapsburg Empire was reorganized into the Austro-Hun
1870-1871 Franco-Prussian War compromised nationalist aspirations. Prussian troops delivered a swift and sound drubbing and the German army broke through French defenses captured the French emperor and besieged Paris. Germans left in power and the French government signed an embarr
19th late century steel Important to the economic development. It was more malleable and stronger than iron and became an essential ingredient for shipbuilding and railways. Celebrated through the construction of the Eiffel tower. Steel was part of a bundle of innovations tha
19th century electricity A new source of cheap energy. As it was perfected, workers learned that they did not have to be close to their energy source which slashed their production costs.
1869 Suez Canal across the Isthmus of Suex to connect the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea and to lower the costs of international trade.
commodities and global integration early imperialism in Africa was based on the export of Ivory but then other places like the tropical rain forest which had cocoa, coffee, and palm oil, and East Africa which had tea, coffee, and sisal joined and became major exports.
1809 -1882 Charles Darwin British naturalist in 1831 sailed on the Beagle researched turtles and finches. In 1895 he wrote Origin of the Specials about natural selection and survival of the fittest; some adapted this theory to humans.
1875 Raj, and on, referred to the British crown’s administration of India following the end of the East India Company’s rule after the Mutiny of 1875.
1891 – 1903 Indian railways - The trans-Siberian railroad. Russia’s decision to build a railway was derived from a desire to expand the empire’s power in East Asia and forestall British advances in Asia. The railroad ferried Russian troops over long distances to battles.
1833 Great Trek, Afrikaner migration to the interiors of Africa after the British abolished slavery in the empire
“scramble” for Africa, because conquest of a new territory was so important to the prestige of these states, Germany, France, the united states, Russia and Japan scrambled to colonize peoples from Africa to the Amazon, from California to Korea. (European rush to colonize part
1880’s Congo Independent State, Large colonial state in Africa created by Leopold II the king of Belgium. During the 1880s and ruled by him alone. After rumors of mass slaughter and enslavement, the Belgian parliament took the land and formed a Belgian colony.
colonial administration page 746-748 this one legit can’t be summarized its such a big concept.
Orientalism, Western scholars who specialized in the study of the East. They contributed with knowledge to the scientific reform in Africa and influenced the thinking of leaders.
1853 August 7, Commodore Perry, he sailed a tall American ship and when it arrived in Japan it marked the ending of Japan’s ability to fully control the terms of its interactions with foreigners
1868-1912 Meiji Restoration, the reign of the Meiji emporer, which was characterized by a new nationalist identity, economic advances, and political transformation.
“rich country, strong army” belief that the military strength is based on the economy of the country.
1945 up until Zaibatsu (Sumitomo, Yasuda, Mitsubishi), . Zaibatsu’s are large scale family owned corporations in Japan. They consisted of factories, import-export business, and banks that dominated the Japanese economy up until 1945. These brands are examples of the corporations.
1894 – 1895 Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95, Conflict over the control of Korea in which China was forced to cede the province of Taiwan to Japan
1853 to 1856 Crimean War, War waged by Russia against Great Britain and France Spurred by Russia’s encroachment on Ottoman territories, the conflict revealed Russia’s military weakness when Russian forces fell to British and French troops
1880s Self-Strengthening Movement, movement in which reformists Chinese bureaucrats attempted to adopt western elements of learning and technological skill in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
Russification, Programs to assimilate people of over 146 dialects into the Russian empire.
1898 Hundred Days’ Reform, Abortive modernizing reform program of the Qing government in China
1898 summer Empress Dowager Cixi decided to put into practice many of the reformers ideas but her effort was short-lived. The aunt of Guangxu, who officials rallied behind and she was put under house arrest.
1815 – 1898 Otto Van Bismark the conservative prime minister of Prussia who used nationalist feelings in small scale limited wars to unify and enlarge his state. In the 1860s war with the northern German states, 1864 war with Denmark, 1866 war with Austria, 1870 war with France. “Gre
1845 Manifest Destiny New York newpaper editor John O’Sullivan used the phrase to explain how the design of providence supported the territorial expansion of the US
Urbanization is the physical growth of urban areas as a result of global change. New industries drove economic growth and urbanization. Urbanization, industrialization, and colonialism led many in the world to question the Enlightenment idea of "progress".
Modernist Reformers who wrestled with the problems of progress, intellectuals, artists, and scientists. People who have broken with tradition, originated from experimental thinking – people like Sigmund Freud. There were modernist movements and culture became less
1840’s - Migration The nineteenth century witnessed a demographic revolution in terms of migration and urbanization patterns. At the end of the century, there was emigration of enormous numbers of Europeans to North America, Australia, Argentina, Africa, and Cuba. People t
1899-1902 - Boer War The most devastating colonial war in Africa during this time was the South African (Boer) War (1899-1902), which pitted Britain against the Afrikaners, descendants of Dutch settlers living in the Transvaal and the Orange Free State in southern Africa. Th
1899 - Concentration camp in 1899 the British couldn’t control the Africans during the Boer War and in order to contain the African population they instituted concentration camps in which much of the population perished.
1899- 1900 - Boxer Uprising Chinese peasant movement that opposed foreign influence, especially that of Christian missionaries; it was put down after the Boxers were defeated by an army composed mostly of Japanese, Russians, British, French, and Americans.
“Woman question” Women in Western countries increasingly challenged the idea of separate spheres. At century's end, women were increasingly employed as teachers, secretaries, typists, department store clerks, and telephone operators and thus gained some social and econom
1875-1907 - Qiu Jin She studied in Japan and dressed as a man and tried bomb making. She returned to China in 1906 and she founded the Chinese Women’s Journal and urged women to fight for their rights. She remained a radical and was executed.
Working class radicalism increasing inequalities in income led to sharper conflicts b/t the classes, some radicals even gave up capitalism and on the political process and turned to violence to achieve their aims; many radicals like in America or Europe adopted numerous new tact
1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War The Japanese defeated the Russians. Negotiations between Russia and Japan had proved futile. Japan chose war to maintain exclusive dominance in Korea. The resulting campaigns, in which the fledgling Japanese military consistently attained victory over the
1905 Revolution The temporary success of the 1905 Russian Revolution gave rise to a representative government that used workers' soviets, which were groups of delegates, to represent particular industries.
Progressive reforms U.S. reform movement in the early twentieth century that aimed to eliminate political corruption, improve working conditions, and regulate the power of large industrial and financial enterprises.
Elite culture Culture was becoming less elite and more democratic so more people could enjoy it. The European elites did not give up their opera houses and paintings, however, in favor of arts and entertainments that were popular among urban workers or colonized peopl
Popular culture Popular culture changed in the late nineteenth century. New forms appeared such as dance halls, vaudeville, and sports. Publishers catered to different markets, especially as more and more people could read. The kind of culture one consumed became a refl
“Yellow press” Newspapers that sought a mass circulation by featuring sensationalist reporting that appealed to the masses.
Picasso In intellectual and artistic terms, Europe at the turn of the century experienced perhaps the richest age it had experienced since the Renaissance. Picasso led the way in incorporating non-Western themes into his art.
Freud In intellectual and artistic terms, Europe at the turn of the century experienced perhaps the richest age it had experienced since the Renaissance. Freud studied and theorized about human behavior and focused on irrational behavior. Freud introduced sexua
Nietzsche In intellectual and artistic terms, Europe at the turn of the century experienced perhaps the richest age it had experienced since the Renaissance. Overall, faith in rationalism declined. Nietzsche argued that rationality without passion led to machinelik
Chinese Modernism Intellectuals in China offered different answers to the question of modernity. As in the West, Chinese authors could now write for a wider audience. In many ways, they presented competing modernities. They offered critical reflection on Chinese tradition
Biological ancestry person’s origin was defined by their biological ancestry; people sought for new, fixed roots in an age that seemed to be burning all its bridges to the past; debates about race and national purity evolved from a combination of fears about he loss of indi
Jim Crow Laws that codified racial segregation and inequality in the southern part of the United States after the Civil War. Racial roots became a crucial part of cultural identity. Who one was became increasingly defined by biology. Race was discussed worldwide
Anti-Semitism Europeans shared similar anxieties as Americans. Millions became obsessed with racial purity. Jews were blamed for "decadence" in society, especially in Austria, Germany, France, and Russia. As Russian persecution drove Jews westward, German resentment i
Race-mixing in Latin America Doctors warned against racial mixing, believing that mixed types were weak and likely to become prostitutes, criminals, and homosexuals. Racial identities hardened in colonies where racial mixing became discouraged. Race mixing and the problem of nationh
1866-1925 Sun Yat-sen Chinese revolutionary and founder of nationalist party in China. He blasted the Manchu’s and trumpeted the image of a "true" Chinese political community. Sun, who was from Canton and Western educated, lived much of his life overseas because of political
1885 Indian National Congress Political party was deeply committed to constitutional methods, industrialization, and cultural modernism. The growth of print cultures went hand in hand with the growth of a new public sphere where the intelligentsia discussed and debated social and pol
Hindu revivalism Movement to reconfigure traditional Hinduism to be less diverse and more amendable to producing a narrowed version of Indian tradition. Hindu revivalism became a powerful political force by the close of the nineteenth century. When British authorities pa
1906 Indian National Muslim League Others based on religion or regionalism generated support. The Indian National Muslim League was formed in 1906, dedicated to the advancement of political interests of Muslims. League was dedicated to advancing the political interests of Muslims in India
1710/Present Liberal Political and social theory that advocates representative government, free trade, and freedom of speech and religion.
1910/Present Authoritarian Centralized and dictatorial form of government, proclaimed by its adherents to be superior to parliamentary democracy and especially effective at mobilizing the masses. This idea was widely accepted in parts of the world during the 1930s.
1914 /anti-colonial While European imperialists consolidated their hold oer their colonial possessions, they found themselves suppressing unrest and uprisings in their colonies with more force and more blood shed. The situation got insensified as colonial subjects challenge
1914 28 July 11 /November 1918 Central Powers: Defined in World War I as Germany and Austria Hungary
1914 28 July– 11/ November 1918 Triple Entente Alliance developed before World War I that eventually included Britain, France, and Russia
1914 28 July – 11 /November 1918 Western Front Military front that stretched from the English Channel through Belgium and France to the Alps during World War I
1916 July 1 /Somme River The British launched an offensive along the Somme River(East France). By November, when the futile attack was halted, approximately 600,000 British and French and 500,000 Germans had perished. One of the most devastating war happened during “The Great Wa
1914 28 July – 11 /Mass mobilization After young men were off to the war, Mass mobilization kicked in and made a visible gathering breach in gender boundaries as well. Tens of thousands of women served in auxiliary units at or near the front as doctors, nurses, and technicians. Even more w
1914 28 July – 11/ Duma The Russian Parliament
1917 February/ Russian Revolution After Bolsheviks over thrown Tsar Nicholas II (execution July 1918), in October 17 with the tsar gone but the war still going on, left wing Socialists (Bolsheviks) decided the time was right to seize power. Led by Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky, Bolshev
1870-1924/ Vladimir Lenin Vladimir Lenin was one who was the leader of the Bolsheviks. He is a person who stared the Russian Revolution, and he caused the uprising of Socialist party. Lenin thought that Russia is going in to wrong path as peasants suffers, and economy goes down,
1917 April/April Theses The Tsarist autocracy in Russia, tottering after nearly three years of crippling warfare, collapsed in a few days of rioting in the streets of St. Petersburg in February 1917. It gave the opportunity to middle-class politicians, hitherto excluded from th
1918/ January 8 Fourteen Points Wilson's speech took many of the principles of progressivism that had produced domestic reform in the U.S. and translated them into foreign policy (free trade, open agreements, democracy and self-determination). The Fourteen Points speech was the only ex
1919 /January Treaty of Versailles Thirty seven delegations devised a punitive treaty, largely dictated by the leaders of Britain and France. It assigned Germany sole blame for the war and forced it to pay reparations. In addition, the victorious states took over Germany’s colonies.
1920-1930 /mass culture(radio, film, Model T) Modern World were new forms of mass communication and entertainment. Mass Mobilization is also a wartime products. To mobilize populations for total war, leaders disseminated propaganda as never before. Through public lectures, Theatrical productions, mu
1920s/ The Great Depression Worldwide depression following the U.S. stock market crash on October 19, 1929
1936/ “Keynesian Revolution” Post-Depression economic ideas developed by the British economist, John Maynard Keynes, wherein the state took a greater role in managing the economy, stimulating it by increasing the money supply and creating jobs.
1930s/ New Deal President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s package of government reforms that were enacted during the 1930s to provide jobs for the unemployed, social welfare programs for the poor, and security to the financial markets
1917-1921/ Russian Civil War With world war U still going on and the empire strained the most radical of Russia’s political parties, the Bolshevik Party, seized power in the capital. Fearing the spread of Socialist revolution, Britain, France, Japan, and the United States sent armie
1921-1927/ New Economic Policy To revive the economy in Russia, the Bolsheviks enacted dozens of decrees (collectively known as the New economic Policy) that grudgingly sanctioned private trade and private property.
1878-1953/ Joseph Stalin Leader of the Communist Party and the Soviet Union; sought to create “socialism in one country.” Since capitalism in Russia had “bourgeois” parliaments serving the interests of the rich, Socialism, as elaborated by the Stalinist leaders, would have sovie
Late 1920s Collectives Peasants had long been organized in village communes, leasing the land together while working it individually. Stalin wanted to combine the farms into larger units, called collectives, that would be owned and worked collectively and that would be run by
1928 Five Year Plan Soviet effort launched under Stalin in 1928 to replace the market with a state owned and state managed economy to promote rapid economic development over a five-year period of time and thereby “catch and overtake” the leading capitalist countries. The Fi
1936-1938 mass terror Both public and closed trials of supposedly treasonous “enemies of the people’ resulted in the execution of around 750,000 people and the arrest or deportation of several million nmore. Such purges decimated the loyal soviet elite- party officials, state
1883-1945 Benito Mussolini Italy for example mass strikes, occupations of factories, and peasant land seizures swept the country in 1919 and 1920. In response to this disorder rightists, under the leadership of Benito Mussolini, a former socialist journalist, seized power in Italy
1889-1945 Adolph Hitler In Germany, too, fear of Bolshevism and anger over the peace imposed after the war glped to propel the right to power. Dictator was Adolf Hitler whose rise to power like Mussolini’s was any thereafter, Germany was in political ferment, marked by the appe
1933 Germany 1933 the Nazis were the only legal party. Hitler, who had become a German citizen only in 1932, was dictator of Germany. He aggressively curbed dissent and banned strikes, jailing political opponents and building the first concentration camps when the jails o
anti-Semitism Hatred against Jews
1883-1954 Getulio Vargas Brazlilian civilian politician. He sought to cerate a strong political following by enacting socially popular reforms. Vargas dubbed himself the “father of the poor” and encouraged workers to organize. The government bean to build schools across Brazil.
1894 – 1978 August 22 Jomo Kenyatta Jomo Kenyatta, one of Kenya’s leading nationalists, wrote a moving account of his own Kikuyu community in Facing Mount Kenya. He wanted western technologies but not the cultures.
1869-1948 Mohandas Gandhi Indian leader who led a nonviolent struggle for independence from Britain
Satyagraha Moral and political philosophy of nonviolent resistance developed by Indian National Congress leader Gandhi.
Swaraj self-governance or "home-rule" but the word usually refers to Mahatma Gandhi's concept for Indian independencefrom foreign domination. Swaraj lays stress on governance not by a hierarchical government, but self governance through individuals and communi
18891 November 4–1964 May 27 Jawaharlal Nehru Be was good friend of Gandhi and more ambition than Gandhi. Nehru wanted modern technology (western), and Soviet economy. Government controlling agriculture, industry trade.
1887-1975 Chiang Kai-shek seized control of the communist party following Sun’s death. Chiang launched a military campaign, Northern Expedition to reunify the country under the Guomindang. Although Chiang’s success was only partial, he was able to establish a new national governm
1910 White Wolf Popular myth depicted this mysterious militia leader as a Chinese Robin Hood with the mission to rid the country of the injustices of Yuan Shikai’s government in the early years of the new Chinese Republic in the 1910s.
1881-1938 Mustafa Kemal Ataturk He helped forge the modern Turkish nation state. Until 1914, the Ottoman Empire was a colonial power in its own right. But having fought on the losing German side, it collapsed. He also introduced the Latin alphabet for the Turkish language as part of hi
1938 Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian organization founded in 1938 by Hassan al-Banna. It attacked liberal democracy as a façade for middle-class, business, and landowning interests and fought for a return to a purified form of Islam.
1945 early February Yalta Meeting between President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, and Premier Stalin that occurred in the Crimea in the middle of 1945 to make preparations for the postwar order.
1939 to 1945 First World Liberal Capitalism countries such as United States, and Britain
1939 to 1945 Second World Term invented during the cold war to refer to the Communist countries, as opposed to the West (or First World) and the former colonies (or Third World).
1939 to 1945 Third World Nations of the world, mostly in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, that were not highly industrialized like nations of the First World or tied to the Soviet Bloc (the Second World).
1939 to 1945 Blocs U.S.-Liberal Capitalism; Soviet Union-communism; Third world countries-Both
1939 to 1945 Axis powers Union of countries that supported racial hierarchy (Germany, Japan, Italy)
1939 to 1945 Allied powers Union of countries that opposed racial hierarchy, and those who supported capitalism (Russia, USA, Britain)
1939 to 1945 Blitzkrieg “Lightning war” in which the Germans used tanks followed by motorized infantryman to overwhelm opposing armies during World War II.
1942 June 4-7 Midway After Pearl Harbor incident America was seeking for revenge. America hits Tokyo with Bomb and Japan guessed it was from midway. Japan comes to midway and had a bit loss. 4 out of 8 carriers got destroyed
1942 October el Alamein Great Britain & America fights Germany and wins the battle in Egypt.
1942 July Stalingrad Most horrible war during WWII. Russians and Germans throw everything at each other. German surrounded Russians and Russians surrounded Germans. Fight till the last man
1944 June 6 D-Day Day of the Allied invasion of Normandy under General Dwight Eisenhower to liberate Western Europe from German occupation.
1939 to 1945 strategic bombing Planning to bomb before the actual bombing. For example, the NIPAM in order to destroy Japanese civilian houses. The reason that they had to plan the bombing was that because since America had a strong dedication for winning the war, therefore they searc
1939 to 1945 Auschwitz-Birkenau The worst among other Jewish concentration camp. In this camp, most of people died out of working to death, hunger, disease. It was very horrible as they execute people in Auschwitz too.
1937 December - 1938 February Rape of Nanjing Attack against the Chinese wherein the Japanese slaughtered at least100,000 civilians and raped thousands of women in the capital between December 1937 and February 1938
1941 December 7 Pearl Harbor American naval base in Hawaii on which the Japanese launched a surprise attack on December 7, 1941, bringing the United States into World War II.
1940 Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere Japan’s plan for colonization. Their point was your country should be our colony rather than western’s. Japan increased their colony as they move throughout the Asia.
1945 August 6-8 atomic bombs The first usage of atomic bomb was during WWII in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was a result of most modern technology and the results were devastating. Many people died of heat from the explosion and other people who survived got radiation poisoning which
1948-1949 Berlin Airlift Gave Berlin people food in order to make them survive. Since West was soviet’s zone and East was US’s zone Germany started to have a inner conflict building between west and east side Germany. West: Socialists, East: Capitalists.
1949 Truman Doctrine Truman’s proclamation that promising that America will send military and economic aid where needed.
1952 Marshall Plan General George c. Marshall launched the Marshall Plan, an ambitious program through which, between 1948 and 1952, the United States provided over $13 billion in grants and credits to reconstruct Europe. Earmarked for the purchase of technology and capita
1947–91 NATO Allies of US, Union build by Churchill and Harry S. Truman. They are realists who wants anything that it is good for our security, they will do. (Countries such as Norway, G.B., Netherlands, Denmark, and etc. [Pg. 863])
1947–91 Warsaw Pact Allies of Soviet Russia Joseph Stalin Pathologically paranoid during WWII Russia had a huge distruction therefore Stalin worried that people will revolt against him. [Pg 863]
1950 June 15 - 53 July 27 Korean War North Korea’s attacked on South Korea in order to communize South Korea. Russia, China became allies with North Korea, and America became a allies with Korea.
1893 December 26 – 1976 September 9 Mao Zedong the communists had established so called erd bases, or soviets, and tehe Mao Zedong had emerged as the leader of the largest soviet. In late 1934 under attack by Chiang’s Nationalist forces, Mao and his associates abandoned their base and embarked on a a
1934 Long March South China people with Mao start a 6000 miles march. Mao committed murder or two to become top of the communist party. 10% survived the march and people who survive throughout the march were became communist elites.
1949 People’s revolution After Japan surrenderd to china, Chinese went through civil war. Communist vs. Nationalists. However Nationalists proved no match for the invigorated Communists and fled to set up a rival Chinese state on the island of Taiwan. Mao proclaimed that China h
18891 November 4–1964 May 27 Jawaharlal Nehru Be was good friend of Gandhi and more ambition than Gandhi. Nehru wanted modern technology (western), and Soviet economy. Government controlling agriculture, industry trade.
1947 August 14 India-Pakistan conflict After India gained independence from Britain, people of India had to go through civil war between Hindu and Muslim. Therefore on August 14, Pakistan gained independence from Britain; a day later, India did the same. The euphoria of decolonization, howeve
1909-1972 Kwame Nkrumah In 1957 the Gold Coast (Ghana) under Prime Minister Kwame Nkrumah became tropical Africa’s first independent state.
“negritude” Statement of the virtues of the black identity and the validation of African culture and African past, even in a westernizing world. This idea was shaped by African and African-American intellectuals like Senegal’s first president, Léopold Sédar Senghor.
1948-1949 Arab-Israeli War of 1948-1949 In May 15, 1948 a Jewish provisional government proclaimed the establishment of the state of Israel. The Palestinians were shocked at the partition, and they looked to their better-armed Arab neighbors to take back Israeli territories. The first of many
1952 Free Officers Movement Secret organization of Egyptian junior military officers who came to power in a coup d’état in 1952, forced King Faruq to abdicate, and consolidated their own control through dissolving the parliament, banning opposing parties, and rewriting the constitu
1956 Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal An egyption company, mainly run by French businessmen and experts, the Israelis as well as the British and the French invaded Egypt. The invaders seized territory along the Suez Canal, but they had to agree to a ceasefire before they were able to control
FLN Front de Libération Nationale (FLN) Algerian anti-colonial, nationalist party that waged an eight-year war against French troops, beginning in 1854, that forced nearly all of the 1,000,000 colonists to leave.
1894 – 1978 August 22 Jomo Kenyatta Jomo Kenyatta, one of Kenya’s leading nationalists, wrote a moving account of his own Kikuyu community in Facing Mount Kenya. He wanted western technologies but not the cultures.
ANC African National Congress (ANC) Multiracial organization founded in 1912 in an effort to end all racial discrimination in South Africa.
1948 Apartheid Racial segregation policy of the Afrikaner-dominated South African government. Legislated in 1948 by the Afrikaner National Party, it had existed in South Africa for many years.
1890 May 19 – 1969 September 3 Ho Chi Minh Vietnamese leader towards communism. French government, Japanese leaders. Vietnam and French collaboration, Japan schemed off of Vietnam. In 1954 Ho Chi Min, Viet Mihn defeats French and America then America thought about nuking Vietnam. Because America
Created by: orng
Popular World History sets




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