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India A

Study Guide

How did the subcontinent affect civilization in Ancient India? It was surrounded by natural barriers, which separated it from other civilizations.
Why were the monsoons important in the lives of the ancient Indians? They brought heavy amounts of rainfall.
What contains texts where Hindu scholars present their interpretations and explanations about Vedas and the main ideas of Hinduism? Upanishads.
Why are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva important gods in Hinduism? They represent creation, preservation, and destruction.
Who is the popular Hindu god of new beginnings and the remover of obstacles that also has the head of an elephant? Ganesha.
What is the ultimate life goal for a person who practices Hinduism? Recognize that life is an illusion and reunite the atman with Brahman.
Who was the founder of Buddhism? Siddhartha Gautama.
What is the meaning of "Buddha?' Enlightened one.
Why did the Buddha leave his family and home at the age of 29? He searched for the answers on how to end pain and suffering among people.
According to Buddhist tradition, how did the Brahman reach enlightenment? He meditated under a fig tree for several weeks.
Buddhists who follow the Middle Way find a balance between which two lifestyles? Poverty and wealth.
What are the Four Noble Truths in Buddhism? All people suffer, suffering is caused by cravings, suffering can be avoided by letting go of cravings, and the way to end suffering is a path followed by the Buddha himself.
What are the main ideas of the Eightfold Path in Buddhism? An intentional perspective, honorable actions, and mindfulness will lead to nirvana.
Statement that most accurately compares Buddhism and Hinduism. Buddhists believe that anyone can escape reincarnation, Hindus believe that social class could determine escape from reincarnation.
Created by: lporter
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