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History 1306 QUIZZES

All 15

The Mexican vaquero was the prototype for the Texas cowboy? True
Farmers in the Great Plains tended to live in: Sod homes
The Homestead Act of 1862 Gave a person 160 acres of land, if they lived on it for 5 years.
The inventor of barbed wire was: Glidden
The end of the cattle frontier was caused by: weather, barbed wire, and farmers (all).
Between 1866-1886 about 3,000,000 head of cattle were driven north from south Texas: False -- 5-6,000,000
In 1900 America had how many buffalo? 1,000
Who built the first railhead community? McCoy
The first state to give women the right to vote was: Wyoming
The first railhead community was in Kansas
The New South was after the Civil War.
Cotton mills in the South in the late 1800s were racially integrated as far as the work force: False
The diet of southerners in the late 19th century was based on: Corn
New immigrants were from?: Italy
Scandinavians settled in Minnesota
Agriculture in the new south is note for: tenant farming, share cropping, the crop lien system (all).
Irish immigrants were known for: Catholicism, boxing, heavy drinking (all)
A good example of "birds of passage" would be: Italians & Scandinavians
Which former confederate state prospered after the civil war? Texas
The first labor union was the NLU
Louis B. Mayer, David Sarnoff, Irvin Berlin were: Jewish
What needs to be present for unions to develop: concentration of population in cities, a large industrial base for the workers, a large population of laborers (all).
Cities in the late 19th century grew because of: immigrants, railroads, industrialization (all).
The electric trolley was developed by: Sprague
What percentage of Americans lived in cities by 1890? 30%
Agitate, educate, organize is associated with the: Knights of Labor
The leader of the AF of L was: Samuel Gompers
Cities in the U.S. in the late 19th century called attention to the right and the poor True
Which of the following is NOT a reason for union organization: Good Wages
Which of the following had a big impact on American Higher Education? Stanford, Duke, Rockefeller (all)
France E. Willard was: head of the WCTU, a suffragette, concerned about racial discrimination (all).
The Supreme Court in 1883 and 1896 protected Black Americans' civil rights: False
Churches in the late 19th century had to deal with: the secular trend & ministering to rich or poor.
The efforts of the WCTU, anti-saloon league, and the Prohibition Party resulted in a decrease in alcoholic consumption between 1870-1900: False
Adult education is associated with: The Chautauqua Movement
Mark Twain represents local color
"Maggie, A girl of the Streets" was written by: Steven Crane
Americans developed: sky-scrappers.
Sanford Dole is associated with: Hawaii & Pineapples.
Another name for American imperialism in most of the 19th century was: Manifest Destiny
Hearts and Pulitzer are known for: yellow journalism, newspaper, American intervention in Cuba (all).
The harbor of Pago Pago is located in: Samoa.
The influence of "Sea Power in History" was written by: Mahan.
The biggest killer in the Cuban Campaign for Americans was: disease.
The hero of the Philippines naval battle was: Dewey.
The leader in the charge up Kettle Hill was: Roosevelt.
Concentration camps in Cuba were associated with which man? Weyler.
Which of the following was not a reason for U.S. Imperialism: No need for new markets.
Who broke up more trusts? Taft
Parcel Post is associated with: Taft
Woodrow Wilson wins the election in 1912 because he is more progressive than Taft or Wilson False
The Ballinger-Pinchot hurt which President? Taft
The book, "the Jungle", broke up the RR monopolies? False
Wilson's foreign policy was called: Missionary Diplomacy
Beginning in 2010, you and I will be able to open checking accounts in Federal Reserve banks? False
Who was assassinated in June 1914? Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.
World War 1 saw the development of all of these weapons, except one. What is the exception? Surface to air missiles.
American Diplomacy from 1914-1917 went through how many stages? 4.
How many major reasons are there for the growth of American Industrialization? 8.
Pittsburgh and Birmingham are noted for: Steel.
The federal government in the late 19th century followed a policy of laissez-faire as it related to the construction of railroads: False.
James B. Duke was successful in selling cigarettes because: he advertised his products.
George Westinghouse invented: the air brake for railroads and the alternating current system for electricity.
The Central Pacific Railroad used: Chinese labor.
The Interstate Commerce Act was known in the 19th century for its effectiveness in controlling the railroads: False.
The steel industry is associated with the name: Carnegie.
The mining frontier from 1848-1890 was noted for its: Bringing people to the west.
The Pony Express disappeared because of: the telegraph.
Herbert Hoover was a do nothing president in fighting the depression: False
The major cause for the depression of 1929 was: under-consumption
Which of the following was sick in the 1920s: coal, cotton textile (all).
Agriculture was in trouble in the 1920s because of: rayon, change in diets, fashion changes (all).
Teapot Dome and Elks Hill are associated with: corruption, naval oil reserves (both).
Coal was in trouble in the 1920s because of oil, natural gas, hydroelectric power (all).
Free enterprise did not exist in many industries during the 1920s. True.
President Hoover did which of the following to fight the depression? government economy, voluntary measures, investigations, RFC (all).
Who was elected president in 1932? FDR.
When the economy started to slow down in the late 1920s the automobile was quick to reduce the prices on their cars? False.
Who was the first head of the SEC? Kennedy
This act provides security in old age and security for dependent children? Social Security
FDR moved to the political left because of: Coughlin, Townsend and Long (all).
The Great Depression ended because of: WW2.
To protect bank deposits Congress passed the: FDIC
What is the difference between the PWA and WPA? size of projects.
FDR communicated with the American public by: "fireside chats"
CCC, FERA, and CWA are: Relief
The NYA worked with: students.
Rural Americans benefited from REA? True
FDR succeeded in packing the Supreme Court False
FDR was successful passing civil rights legislation False
In 1937-38 FDR accepted: Keynes
The modern presidency began with FDR
FDR was highly regarded for his poor administrative abilities: False
The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 renounced war as an instrument of national policy. True
After 1919: The Manchu Dynasty was gone, the Austro-Hungarian Empire had disintegrated, the US rejected the League of Nations (all).
The Washington Naval Conferences of 1921-1922 were successful because violators of the agreements could be punished: False
The U.S. recognized Japan's take over of Manchuria in 1931: False
FDR encourage labor legislation during the New Deal: True
The U.S. Senate approved the Treaty of Versailles in 1919: True
1919 saw: race riots, red scare, influenza (all).
The Knox Resolution ended American involvement in WW1: False
The seeds for WW2 were in the Treaty of Versailles: True
The Attorney General of US in 1919 was: Palmer
Treaties must be passed in the Senate by what approval number? 2/3
Who was the Democrats VP candidate in 1920? Franklin
During WW1 a number of Black Americans moved primarily to the ; North
Germany was forced to pay France and England for their cost of WW1 in the Versailles Treaty: True
America's mobilization at home was critical to the U.S., Britain, and France winning WW1: True
In the presidential election at 1916 president Wilson's opponent was: Charles Evans Hughes
The best weapon the Germans had in WW1 was: the submarine (u-boat).
Germany invaded what neutral country in WW!? Belgium
The British from 1914-1916 never violated international laws? False
The sinking of this ship resulted in the Germans agreeing not to attack passenger ships without first removing all passengers and crew: Sussex
The US Commander of the American Expeditionary Force to France was: General Pershing
Which of these events pushed the U.S. toward declaring war in April 1917? Zimmerman Telegram
World WW1 succeeded as the "war to end all wars" True
The key factor for the U.S. to enter WW1 was: the submarine.
The turning point for the US in WW2 in the pacific was Midway and Coral Sea. True
Stalin wanted a second front in: Western Europe.
The Battle of the Bulge was the last great German offensive in Western Europe in WW2? True
The Allies in the Pacific used island hopping to get close to the Japanese main islands in order to bomb them. True
General George Patton was used by Eisenhower as a decoy for the Normandy invasion. True
Which of these nations was given the honor of going first into Berlin to finish off Hitler? USSR
The American military in WW2 was fully integrated racially? False
The German's objective in North Africa was Suez Canal
Technical advances in WW2 were: atomic bombs, flame throwers, radar (all).
WW2 began in? 1931
Which country invaded Ethiopia in 1935? Italy
During the Spanish Civil War in 1937, which country supported France? Germany
The Germany Army was stopped in the USSR because of: Snow and cold (freezing).
The Maginot line stopped the Germany advancement in the USSR? False (through Belgium).
When German troops marched into the Rhineland in the mid-1930s, the British and French fought back: False
Hitler's "cat and mouse" plan back fired at Dunkique? True
One of the great appeasers in the late 1930s to German aggression was: Chamberlaan
The Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor resulted in Germany declaring war on the U.S. after Roosevelt received a declaration of war against Japan on December 8,1941? True
Hitler's plans to invade Russia was delayed by: Italy's attack on Greece.
Created by: kserrano005
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