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World History Ch.12

Christianity vocab

gladiator armed men trained to fight and kill other men for sport
Colosseum huge outdoor arena in Rome
martyrs Christians who willingly give up their lives rather than deny their Lord
catacombs underground chambers used as cemetaries
Paul the first great missionary of the Christian church
Nero Roman emperor who made it a crime to be a Christian
Polycarp an elderly martyr who refused to blaspheme
Blandina a slave girl martyred in Gaul
Tertullian an African Christian who said, "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church."
serfs poor people who work for the landowner in exchange for protection
lords landowners in the Middle Ages
manor the lord's land
moat deep ditch of water surrounding the castle
knight trained warrior who fought for his lord
pope the leader of the Roman Catholic Church
monks church men who separated themselves from the world
monasteries the place where these men lived
hermits monks who chose to live alone
friars monks who traveled and taught
nuns women who lived apart in convents
pilgrimages long trips for religious purposes
Crusades eight different attempts to retake Jerusalem
heretics people who refused to obey the Roman Catholic church
Inquisition a special court set up to find and kill heretics
Constantine emperor who made it a crime not to be a Christian
Charlemagne crowned emperor of the Romans by the pope
Otto the Great first Holy Roman Emperor
Peter of Bruis preached the gospel in southern France until he was burned at the stake
Peter Waldo translated the Bible into the language of the people of the Alps
John Wycliffe translated the Bible into English
John Huss preached the gospel in Bohemia until he was burned at the stake
indulgences certificates from the pope that excused a person from doing penance for his sins
purgatory according to the Roman Catholic Church, a place of suffering where penitent sinners are cleansed of sin and made ready for Heaven
Ninety-five Theses Luther's list of 95 reasons why the sale of indulgences is wrong
printing press the most important invention in the history of the world is the
Johann Gutenberg inventor of the printing press
Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation
Created by: Studycards23
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