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AP World Unit2&3

boyar a member of a class of nobles in Russia with high rank
cannon a large, mounted gun for firing heavy shells
cosmopolitan of, drawn from, or common to all the world or all the peoples of the world
devshirme Ottoman practice of forcing Christian families to sell their children into the service of the sultan
divine of, from, pertaining to, or characteristic of a god or gods
gunpowder an explosive used to propel a gun projecile, especialy he explosive made from potasium nirate, sulfur; and charcoal;black powder
imam the officiating leader of prayer in a Muslim mosque
imperial designating or characterizing the authority of a sovereign state over colonies or dependencies
infrastructure the basic facilities and equipment, especially of a technological nature, that are necessary for a system or organization to function
janissary formerly, a member of a Turkish sultan's guard
principality the area ruled by a prince
reformation sixteenth-century religious movement in Europe that led to the creation of Protestant faiths in opposition to Catholicism
revenue government income from the collection of taxes
shi’a a messianic belief system and branch of Islam that accepts descendants of Ali, Muhammad's son-in-law, and the imams as the true successors of Muhammad and the faith
sikhism religious community founded in northern India by Guru Nanak that rejected caste divisions
sultan the ruler of an Islamic country
sunni branch of Islam that accepts the first four caliphs as the true successors of Muhammad and leaders of the faith
tariff a government tax on imports or exports, or a rate or schedule of such taxes; duty
tax a sum of money levied by government on income, property, or sales and used for its services and administration
treasury the funds of a government, business, or club
tsar the title of a male Russian ruler before 1917
authority the right, power, or ability to give orders, make decisions, or demand or compel obedience
caravan a band of people traveling together for safety, especially across a desert
commerce the exchange of goods or services for money
culture the sum of the language, customs, beliefs, and art considered characteristic of a particular group of people
diaspora a scattering of any people with a common culture
diffusion the spreading or wide scattering of something, such as technology or belief systems
economy the system, within a particular country, or region,. of handling wealth and resources, producing goods and services, and consuming goods and services
empire territory controlled by a central government, with one supreme ruler, who governs a diverse population
indigenous having origin in a country or locality
maritime of or concerning seagoing vessels, or intended for use in navigation at sea
merchant one who buys goods and sells them for a profit
migration the act or process of moving from one region into another
monsoon predictable winds that indicated the arrival of the rainy season, facilitating fast sailing and assisting maritime travelers
navigate to direct the course of a vessel, especially a boat or ship
network any physical system of interconnected roads, lines, canals, or the like; a process that involves a number of persons, groups, or organizations
pastoral of or relating to the country or country life
plague any disaster that affects a large population, especially a disease epidemic or the sudden influx of harmful insects
society a community or group of people who live in the same country or area and are linked with each other by such things as laws and customs
subjugation the act of winning mastery over, as by military conquest
syncretism an attempted combination or reconciliation of different principles, beliefs, or practices, especially in religion or philosophy
technology the various inventions and means of solving problems that result from research for use of industrial arts and applied science to achieve practice objectives
trade the act of buying and selling commodities, or all such acts collectively
trade network a series of roads, waterways, railroads, and air routes that allow groups to trade goods with one another; a loose organization
urbanization the process whereby towns and cities grow and societies become more urban
Created by: Emman09
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