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# Physiology Final

Physiology Final

Which system keeps blood contently supplied with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide. Respiratory
Which system allows movement, maintains posture, generates heat and facial expression Muscular :)
Which system breaks down food into smaller units to be absorbed and elimination of waste Digestive
Which system regulates water, maintains electrolyte and acid-base balance, elimination of wastes Urinary
Which system contains glands that secrete hormones to regulate processes such as growth, metabolism, and reporduction Endocrine
Which system returns leaked fluid back to the blood, houses cells which protect the body against attack by foreign substances Lymphatic
Definition of Diffusion oxygen from the enriched blood moves into oxygen poor cells.
Definition of Osmosis Water moves across the semipermeable cell membrane in an attempt to equalize water content on both sides of the membrane
Definition of Filtration Fluids move from an area of high hydrostatic pressure to low through gaps between cells
Definition of Active Transport Sodium moves across the cell membrane against the concentration gradient which requires energy
Definition of Vesicular transport Acetylcholine is released from a neuron at the neuromuscular junction.
Which anatomical system provides protection to external influences, controls temperature, and utilizes UV rays integumentary system
Which anatomical system provide sensation, integration/comprehension, and motor response. Nervous
Which area of the skin is innervated by a particular sensory nerve? dermatome
Tissue type most rapidly reproduces, heals quickly, and does not have blood vessels within the cells' layers epithelial
Which system circulates blood and transports oxygen to cells Circulatory
Why are the effects of aging on the skin important to massage therapists? client may have increased pain, there is an increased risk of infection to to skin tears, loss of adipose tissue may affect temperature
Movement possible at any joint is determined by the shape of the ____A.____ and ____B___ of the muscle fibers which move it, and _____C_____ that cross the joint and finally by the _____D_____ of the muscles that oppose the the movement a. joint or articular surfaces b. direction c. ligaments/tendon/structures d. tone/relaxation
Bone is a storage reservoir for which two important mineral ions calcium and phosphate
T/F Al action potentials vary in intensity depending on the intensity of the stimulus False All or none
Skin has special nerve receptors that allow it to detect t___________, t____________________, p__________ and p __________. touch, temperature, pain, pressure
T/F The primary purpose of sweat is to detoxify the blood. False temperature reguation
T/F Lengthening growth in a long bone occurs at the epiphyseal plate True
Formation of the primary growth center occurs in the _______________ secondary growth center occurs in the __________ shaft/ diaphysis ends/epiphysis
List and explain two functions for all muscle tissues in general movement heat
central nervous system interprets sensory information from sense organs and sensory neurons in the PNS
a negative resting membrane potential is created primarily by differences in charged ions inside and outside a nerve cell sodium and potassium ions
Sensory neurons conduct impulses __________ the CNS, while motor neurons conduct impulses __________ the CNS and integration of impulses occurs ________ the CNS sensory - to motor - away integration - within
Special receptors found in skeletal muscle, tendons, and joints that alert the brain to body movement and changes in the tissue compression and stretch are called _________________ proprioceptors
Patellar (knee jerk) reflex is somatic reflex
Pupil light reflex is autonomic reflex
What are the 3 phases of the stress response? alarm, resistance, exhaustion
Description of the alarm phase flight or flight, short term, sympathetic reaction, increased anxiety, bp, respiration, hr, irritability, fatigue, decrease sleep, immune response, concentration, teeth grinding
Description of the resistance phase hypothalamic activation, long acting homeostatic hormones of adrenal cortex (corticosteroids, cortisol, aldosterone)
Description of the exhaustion phase prolonged stress response, adrenal fatique, depression/rage, sleep disruption, chronic health issues, Abdominal fat, joint problems, reproductive failure,
What is the primary function of Testosterone, Estrogen, and Progesterone sex cells mature, sexual characteristics develop, secondary sexual characteristics mature, follicular proliferation and sexual maturation
One one or more hormones that influence blood volume and blood pressure aldosterone, antidiuretic hormone
1 age related change and 1 massage benefit of the nervous system Age: loss of slowed monitoring, integration, and motor responses, Massage: stimulating effects, decreased anxiety, pain reduction
1 age related change and 1 massage benefit of the endocrine system Age: GH decreases, pathologies and diseases Massage: decreased stress response, increased immunity, homeostatic benefits
1 age related change and 1 massage benefit of the reproductive system Age: decreased testosterone and estrogen, increased bone loss, increase prostate size Massage: reduced stress response related to sexual function
Name one or more hormones that influence blood volume and blood pressure ADH, aldosterone
What 2 hormones of the anterior pituitary target the ovaries and testes LH, FSH
T/F Humoral stimulus refers to the stimulation of one endocrine gland from another endocrine gland False
What is the effect on the immune system from a prolonged stress response suppression/ exhaustion/ reduced effectiveness
What are the primary hormones involved in the resistance phase of the stress response Adrenaline and Cortisol
What is the effect of stress on the musculo-skeletal system increased muscle tension, backache, tension headaches, teeth grinding. Increased protein and lipid mobilization promotes loss of muscle and joint integrity
The usual site of embryo implantation is the uterus
What will occur as a result of nondescent of the testes viable sperm will not be produced, resulting in sterility
The menstrual cycle can be divided into 3 continuous phases, starting from the first day of the cycle, their consecutive order is menstrual, proliferative, secretory
secondary sex characteristics are a result of male or female hormones increasing at puberty
the sex of a fetus is determined by the sex chromosome contained in the sperm
Endocrine chemical messengers are much --- than ---- the other system maintaining homeostasis. slower and prolonged nervous
Endocrine glands make ______ whereas neurons make messengers called ____. hormones neurotransmitters
Cells that recognize, remember and destroy specific targets acquired
Antigens produced by plasma cells stimulate additional defensive responses humoral immunity
Secretions that wash or contain enzymes that inhibit or destroy microbial proliferation non-specific
a genetically determined immunity or resistance present at birth innate immunity
antibodies transferred through ingestion of breast mil or serum injection acquired immunity
Describe the difference between a primary and a secondary immune response. Primary "low and slow" secondary "rapid" threat stress response
What accounts for the declining efficiency of the immune system with age? atrohy of thymus gland dec. T lymphocyte numbers, B cells dec and are less responsive, dec in natural killer cells = increase in cellular malignancies and autoimmune disorders
6 ways in which infections may be acquired direct physical contact, open wound, injection, penetration of infectious agent, indirect contact via materials, ingestion
A person who has received a transfusion of plasma has received electrolytes, albumin, nutrients
Describe 2 distributive functions of blood 1. distributes oxygen and nutrients to tissues and cells 2. metabolites from tissues / cells
Describe 2 regulatory functions of blood 1. regulates temperature 2. acid base balance 3. water volume
Describe 2 protective functions of blood 1. protects against blood loss through clotting 2. protects against disease through immunity
One hemoglobin molecule can transport ___ molecule(s) of oxygen 4
What is the hormone which regulates the production of red blood cells? Erythropoietin
In the process of hemostasis or blood clot formation, what is the correct sequence? Vascular spasm>platelet plug formation> clotting
T/F Pacemaker cells of the heart depolarize due to an influx of calcium True
T/F Vagus nerve stimulation of the heart reduces heart rate true
T/F sympathetic nerve stimulation of the heart decreases time available for ventricular filling True
T/F Cardiac output is the volume of blood pumped out of the heart per minute true
diastolic pressure is the volume of blood pumped out of the heart per minute false
Describe the P wave of an ECG Trace atria depolarize
Describe the QRS complex of an ECG trace ventricles depolarization and atria repolarize
Describe the T wave of an ECG Trace repolarization of the ventricles
What does the ECG trace measure ECG is a record of all the electrical activity of the heart at any given time
What is the volume of air inhaled or exhaled during normal breathing tidal volume
What is the volume of air in any respiratory passage that cannot participate in gas exchange dead space volume
what is the term for total volume of air in the respiratory system total lung capacity
What is the max volume of exhalation after max inhalation vital capacity
What is the amount of air that can be forcibly exhaled after a normal exhalation expiratory reserve volume
Define ingestion take food into the digestive tract, usually by the mouth
Define peristalsis an action of moving food through the alimentary canal autonomically
process including chewing and mixing which break food into smaller pieces mechanical digestion
a series of steps which break complex molecules into more basic building blocks chemical digestion
active transport from intestine to blood or lymph absorption
removal of ingestible substances from the body defecation
What is the primary internal mechanical stimuli for GI activity Sensory nerves (stretch receptors) detect presence of food as it stretches' tissue walls
What is the primary center for regulating food intake hypothalamus
Describe the digestion and absorption of lipids Lipid digestion begins in the mouth> small intestine with enzymes (lipase)> Bile from liver and lipase from the pancreas emulsify fats into lipids. Lipids absorb through intestinal wall>interstitial spaces>lymph system>circulatory system via thoracic duct
Where do you get most of your cholesterol? Your body makes it
What is the functional unit of the kidney the nephron
what are the 3 functions of the renal system Filtration: filter blood and make filtrate Reabsorption: reabsorb water, electrolytes, and nutrients Secretion: get rid of nitrogenous wastes: uric acid, drugs, metabolites, etc
T/F The kidneys receive 25% of total cardiac output per minute True
If you were a kidney, sort your renal filtrate according to your top priorities. (what would you keep in the body?) water, sugars, proteins, lipids (nutrients), sodium, potassium, calcium, hydrogen (electrolytes), bile, formed elements (cells), hormones, enzymes
The presence of glucose and ________________ in urine are abnormal blood cells, bile, proteins
T/F Tubular secretion is important for elimination of bile False
Most water is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule
Name 2 hormones which together help kidneys conserve water Antidiuretic hormone and aldosterone
When blood pH becomes too acidic, kidney tubules actively secrete more _____ ions. hydrogen
Created by: Zenfenn
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