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Experiential Week 10

UI & UX Visual Design (as a part of Experiential Game Design)

What is the name of the principles/laws that form the psychology behind visual design, meaning "shape" or "form" in German? gestalt
The Gestalt Laws can be used to better understand the PX aspect of ___ and how to improve it. visual design
Which Gestalt Law relates to mentally grouping items with similar colours, shapes or structures? similarity
Which Gestalt Law relates to the perception of objects as either in the foreground or the background, or sometimes ambiguously as both? figure-ground
Which Gestalt Law relates to elements that are close together being more related than elements that are far apart, powerfully enough to override other laws? proximity
Which Gestalt Law relates to perceiving elements that are in a line or curve as more related to each other, naturally following them with the eye? continuity
Which Gestalt Law relates to the automatic completion of incomplete shapes in our head through recognisable patterns? closure
Which Gestalt Law relates to elements visually enclosed together being perceived as a unique group? common region
Which Gestalt Law relates to attention being grabbed by elements that visually stand out? focal point
Which visual design principle relates to arranging similar or identical elements multiple times for consistency? repetition
Which visual design principle relates to arranging elements with varying distances in several frequencies? rhythm
Which visual design principle relates to guiding the user's eye down a predetermined path, without necessarily making the path a line of elements? movement
Which visual design principle relates to creating equilibrium between two or more sections, without necessarily making them identical or symmetric? balance
Which visual design principle relates to the relationship between two objects' size and weight? proportion
Which visual design principle relates to the empty negative areas around objects, which can help to draw focus to whatever it surrounds? white space
Which visual design principle relates to elements having drastically different properties for a focal point? contrast
Which visual design principle relates to highlighting certain areas of the composition to create importance? emphasis
Which visual design principle relates to arranging elements in a tree-like order based on their importance for ease of conveying information? hierarchy
Which visual design principle relates to disrupting repetition with a change? variety
Which visual design principle relates to a broad visual similarity between all elements for consistency? unity
What is the behavioural psychology principle relating to associating stimuli together to produce the reaction of seeing both even when you only see one without the other? pavlovian conditioning
What is the behavioural psychology principle relating to remembering unfinished or interrupted tasks better than completed tasks? zeigarnik effect
What is the behavioural psychology principle relating to transferred expectations between how to use different pieces of media? jakob's law
What is the behavioural psychology principle relating to triggering empathy for emotional manipulation into a trusted relationship, through the mimicry/copying of another's gestures and words? chameleon effect
What is the behavioural psychology principle relating to experiences being judged largely on their peak/climax and their ending, and being especially remembered if they are negative experiences? peak-end rule
What is the behavioural psychology principle relating to touchscreen targets being pressed faster if they are larger and sufficiently far apart? fitts' law
What is the behavioural psychology principle relating to too many choices making us unhappy with our final choice, but too few choices leading to dissatisfaction? paradox of choice
What is the behavioural psychology principle relating to a higher number and complexity of choices making the decision take longer? hick's law
What is the behavioural psychology principle relating to aesthetically pleasing desing being seen as more usable? aesthetic-usability effect
What is the behavioural psychology principle relating to familiarity being enough to develop a preference? mere-exposure effect
What is the behavioural psychology principle relating to stable repeatable reassurance being comfortable? placebo effect
What is the behavioural psychology principle relating to people more easily remembering the first and last objects in a list? serial-position effect
What's the name of the attribute that assesses the ease of use of a UI? usability
Which component of usability relates to how easy it is for users to accomplish basic tasks on their first time using a design? learnability
Which component of usability relates to how quickly a familiar user can perform tasks? efficiency
Which component of usability relates to how long it takes for users returning to the design after not using it for a while re-establishing their proficiency? memorability
Which component of usability relates to how many mistakes users make, how severe they are, and how easily they can recover? errors
Which component of usability relates to how pleasant the design is? satisfaction
What's the name of the attribute that determines whether the required features of a UI are provided? utility
Complete the equation: usability + utility = ___ useful
Alongside usability which can be applied to UIs, game designers also need to measure ___ to see if the game is fun. playability
What UX dev tool is used to define and plan the layout of information presented to the player? wireframing
What type of UX wireframe is as minimal as possible, with only grayscale, one generic font, and no images or effects? low-fidelity
What type of UX wireframe may contain images, detail and interactions, but not all details? mid-fidelity
What type of UX wireframe is closest to the final look with all components ready to be turned into a working prototype? high-fidelity
What UX dev tool is used to visually represent the paths a player can take when navigating the menus? user flow
What UX dev tool is used to roughly test a game, with fluidity ready for feedback and alterations? prototyping
What type of UX prototype is used to outline flow and test usability and function for quick and cheap? low-fidelity
What type of UX prototype is aesthetically pleasing and used to conduct in-depth usability testing late in the process? high-fidelity
What type of low-fidelity UX prototype is roughly drawn out for discussion, but without any functionality? sketched
What type of low-fidelity UX prototype is physically constructed out of cardboard, stencils, origami etc. for a stronger sense of interaction? paper
What type of low-fidelity UX prototype uses simple hyperlinks to vaguely mimic the flow of the design? click-through
What type of high-fidelity UX prototype provides basic interactivity beyond hyperlinks, put together with simplistic software rather than specific code? interactive
What type of high-fidelity UX prototype is indistinguishable from the final product, but costly to create? digital
What type of high-fidelity UX prototype is programmed and hostable, typically using HTML/CSS? coded
Which category of UI doesn't exist in the game world or in the game story? non-diegetic
Which category of UI exists in the game world but not the game story? spatial
Which category of UI exists in the game story but not the game world? meta
Which category of UI exists in both the game world and the game story? diegetic
A character would be able to ___ with diegetic UI. interact
Non-diegetic UI is ___, purely existing to present information to the player. artificial
Spatial UI exists within the world, yet the characters have no ___ of its existence. knowledge
Meta UI is a ___ of something in the game space, without being shown in the game space. representation
Created by: cactusmagelord
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