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Experiential Week 8

Morality & Choice (as a part of Experiential Game Design)

During gameplay, the player makes ___ that give the player agency. choices
What is the term for the player's feeling of control from making choices and taking actions? agency
The more choices and actions are presented to the player, they have ___ of a feeling of agency. more
Player agency can be cultivated by adding ___ into design. verbs
Player agency can be cultivated by making verbs act on ___ object types. many
Player agency can be cultivated by including multiple ways to achieve ___. goals
Player agency can be cultivated by viewing ___ as subjects, rather than object types. action targets
Player agency can be cultivated by considering the ___ and negative effects of certain actions. side-effects
What's another word for distinct game mechanics? systems
What type of design focuses on distinct game mechanics interacting with one another? Example: "How does X interact with Y?" instead of "How does the player interact with X?" systemic
Through systemic design, players are provided with ___ to solve problems, rather than instructions from the designers. tools
In systemic design, what type of solution should have its effectiveness reduced to make the player consider other methods of achieving their goals? obvious
If a developer asks themselves the following questions, what does it ensure in the game? • How many verbs do my players have on how many objects? • How many ways can players achieve their goals? • Are there side effects between different interactions? emergence
Which component of the MDA framework consists of the defining rules of the game's mechanics? mechanics
Which component of the MDA framework consists of the runtime behaviour? dynamics
Which component of the MDA framework consists of the emotional aspects of the player experience? aesthetics
In the MDA framework, what type of emergence is linked to mechanics? systemic
In the MDA framework, what type of emergence is linked to dynamics? strategic
In the MDA framework, what type of emergence is linked to aesthetics? narrative
The ___ that the player can carry out have a massive impact on their ability to interact with game elements. actions
Other than the player, what should game systems interact with? each other
Which type of skill allows the in-game character to overcome obstacles within the game world and provides a sense of power to the player? virtual
Which type of skill relates to physically controlling the game/avatar, with a better player leading to a better outcome in the game? real
What subtype of real skills relates to control over the player character, also applying to fitness games? physical
What subtype of real skills relates to puzzle- and problem-solving? mental
What subtype of real skills relates to other players? social
What is the term for the amount of challenge that a game provides; the amount of skill it requires? difficulty
What specific sub-genre of game is known for its high difficulty? soulslike
What type of difficulty presents the player with an option from the beginning that can usually be changed later, rebalancing stats to change the difficulty? explicit
What type of difficulty avoids rebalancing stats to rate the player's performance at the end? indirect
In a game with indirect difficulty, optional "crutch" items that help the player typically apply a ___ to their final score. penalty
What type of difficulty relates one player's skill level to that of others? competitive
In a multiplayer setting, what type of difficulty relates to the game systems themselves, such as character/weapon skill floors/ceilings, map design and the nature of the game? intrinsic
Competitive difficulty can arise from ___ where multiple players compete amongst themselves in the heat of the moment. PvP
Competitive difficulty can arise from ___ where players compete for high scores over the lifetime of the game. leaderboards
Competitive difficulty can arise from ___ where players compete for the fastest completion times over the lifetime of the game. speedrunning
Competitive difficulty can arise from ___ where players compete to see who can survive for the longest possible time. endurance
What type of choice has an impact on how the game unfolds? meaningful
Choices that have no significant ___ on gameplay are usually equivalent to having no choice at all. impact
What is it called when choices are offered to a player, but one option is clearly better than the other? dominant strategy
How can the developer ensure that a dominant strategy isn't found, so that the puzzle of gameplay is not yet solved and fun isn't taken away? balancing
What aspect of gameplay is promoted by a lack of a clear dominant strategy? replayability
How does the player feel if they have more choices than desires? overwhelmed
How does the player feel if they have less choices than desires? frustrated
How does the player feel if they have as many choices as desires? autonomous
How do meaningful choices make the player feel? empowered
How can increasing the amount of choices make the player feel? powerful
What can reducing the number of choices add to the game? clarity
What is the term for a balanced asymmetric risk in a choice? triangularity
If a choice has triangularity, the option with low risk also has ___ reward. low
If a choice has triangularity, the option with high risk also has ___ reward. high
What type of reward simply tells the player that they did a good job? praise
What type of reward measures the level of success as a number? points
What type of reward adds lives, extra health, or time to a countdown? prolonged play
What type of reward gives access to a new level, or a key to a locked door? gateway
What type of reward consists of music, animations or visuals, especially unique ones? spectacle
What type of reward gives clothes, skins, costumes, decorations or other cosmetic changes? expression
What type of reward gives the player increased abilities in both the short and long term? powers
What type of reward gives the player in-game materials that can be used for other in-game rewards? resources
What type of reward gives the player prestige and pride, through achievements, leaderboards and so on? status
What type of reward consists of the satisfaction of finality or being done with the game? completion
As players receive more and more rewards, what do players become that decreases the value of those rewards? acclimated
What type of reward lacks surprise and increases boredom through staleness? predictable
What type of reward is more random or inconsistent to surprise and delight the player? variable
Punishment in a game creates ___ value because of the risk of progress and resources being taken away. endogenous
Taking risks is ___ because of the potential rewards despite the negative consequences of failure. exciting
A punishing ___ is one way to increase challenge but can also lead to frustration and repetition. setback
What type of punishment simply tells the player that they did a bad job? shaming
What type of punishment can incentivise careful gameplay, especially when not regainable? loss of points
What type of punishment can consist of losing a life or time being taken off of a timer? shortened play
What type of punishment outright ends the experience, e.g. a game over? terminated play
Using a setback as a punishment requires careful pacing of ___, except in roguelike games where the point is to go back to the very beginning. checkpoints
What type of punishment removes a temporary ability, e.g. a gun overheating or a fire flower being lost? removal of powers
What type of punishment consists of something slowly being lost over the course of regular gameplay, e.g. ammo, money, goods or hit points? resource depletion
Players prefer rewards over punishment in order to be ___ to do something. motivated
What type of choice asks the player to choose between two highly important things, with different rewards and punishments on either side of the choice? moral
What is it called when a game's choices have consequences relative to a morality system that gives the player moral feedback on their actions? accumulation of deeds
What type of accumulation of deeds consists of changing the attitude of NPCs towards the player based on their previous actions? morality scales
What type of accumulation of deeds consists of punishment or reward based on making a good, bad or morally grey choice in terms of story progression? branching narrative
What type of accumulation of deeds consists of a secret observer watching the player's actions that only has an effect at key moments of the game where the effect is intensified? hidden moral spectator
What is it called when a game has a set progression that players have no influence on, presenting morality instead of questioning it? fixed justice scenario
What type of fixed justice scenario consists of deception techniques that make the player feel moral agency despite no real moral choice, e.g. trying to save a character from a monster which will always fail, but still feeling guilty for not trying? illusion of choice
What type of fixed justice scenario consists of controlling an avatar that informs what the player does by itself, such as the avatar following orders or acting of their own accord outside of the player's control? blind follower
It can be bad design for a designer to ___ a moral value, as it means the threshold of morality isn't being set by the world itself. impose
It can be bad design to tie unlocks to morality or to show the player instant ___ feedback, as moral motivation gets mixed into gameplay motivation. quantified
It can be bad design to ___ moral gameplay to either extreme, as most people may fall into a grey area and feel disconnected from the game's morals. polarise
It can be bad design to make moral choices ___, as this makes them less surprising or dramatically intense. predictable
It can be bad design for moral choices to be ___ where characters only judge the player on some aspects (e.g. being judged on saving or killing certain NPCs, but not on killing hordes of enemies in between). inconsistent
If moral choices are led by emotion and ethics, what type of choices is led by logic and cognition? tactical
Given that tactics are short-term and strategy is long-term, what is the longest-term vision of beating the whole game? grand strategy
What type of tactics consist of unit formation, harassment, composition, offensive upgrades and siege weaponry? offensive
What type of tactics consist of watch tower, fort or guard placement, and anti-siege measures? defensive
What type of tactics consist of negotiations, alliances and honour? relationship
What type of tactics consist of upgrades, trading, economic warfare and cultural production? development
What type of strategic decision is abundantly clear and should be automated? obvious
What type of strategic decision is unclear due to a lack of information given to the player, which creates interest with assumptions and rumours? blind
What type of strategic decision relates to a false choice that doesn't really matter? meaningless
What type of strategic decision is a plethora of beneficial choices that cannot all be picked, each helping different types of playstyle more? trade-off
What type of strategic decision is a selection of harmful choices where one or some must be selected, creating a choice between which aspect of gameplay to harm? dilemma
Created by: cactusmagelord
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