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George Washington 1789-1797 > N/A
John Adams 1789-1801 > F
Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809 > DR
James Madison 1809 - 1817 > DR
James Monroe 1817 - 1825 > DR
John Q. Adams 1825 - 1829 >DR
Andrew Jackson 1829 - 1837 > D
Martin Van Buren 1837 - 1841 > D
William Henry Harrison 1841 > Whig
John Tyler 1841 - 1845 > Democrat/Whig
James K Polk 1845 - 1849 > D
Zachary Taylor 1849 - 1850 > Whig
Millard Fillmore 1850 - 1853 > Whig
Franklin Pierce 1853 - 1857 > D
James Buchanan 1857 - 1861 > D
Abraham Lincoln 1861 - 1865 > R
Andrew Johnson 1865 - 1869 > R
Ulysses S. Grant 1869 - 1877 > R
Rutherford B Hayes 1877 - 1881 > R
James Garfield 1881 > R
Chester Arthur 1881 - 1885 > R
Grover Cleveland 1885 - 1889 > D
Benjamin Harrison 1889 - 1893 > R
Grover Cleveland 2 1893 - 1897 > D
William Mckinley 1897 - 1901 > R
Theodore Roosevelt 1901 - 1909 > R
William Taft 1909 - 1913 > R
Woodrow Wilson 1913 - 1921 > D
Warrren G Harding 1921 - 1923 > R
Calvin Coolidge 1923 - 1929 > R
Herbert Hoover 1929 - 1933 > R
Franklin D Roosevelt 1933 - 1945 > D
Harry S Truman 1945 - 1953 > D
Dwight D Eisenhower 1953 - 1961 > R
John F Kennedy 1961 - 1963 > D
Lyndon B Johnson 1963 - 1969 > D
Richard M Nixon 1969 - 1974 > R
Gerald Ford 1974 - 1976 > R
Jimmy Carter 1976 - 1981 > D
Ronald Reagan 1981 - 1989 > R
George H.W Bush 1989 - 1993 > R
Bill Clinton 1993 - 2001 > D
George W Bush 2001 - 2009 > R
Barrack Obama 2009 - 2017 > D
Donald Trump 2017 - 2021 > R
Joe Biden 2021 - Present > D
Created by: matthias posini
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