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Mass Media Quiz 5

Mass media quiz covering content from chapters 9, 10, and 11

Public relations professionals are responsible for developing communication materials intended to influence the attitudes and/or behaviors of key publics. true; Many employers require candidates for public relations positions to complete a writing test and provide a writing sample to demonstrate proficiency in this skill.
Some of the many materials and messages that public relations professionals have to write: Press/News releases, Fact sheets, Feature articles, Social media messages, Blog posts, Speeches, PowerPoint presentations, Brochures, Media pitches, Statements, Website messages
News writing vs. public relations writing Effective public relations writing draws from news writing principles, because the news media is one of the preferred channels for promoting products and services.
News writing and public relations writing differ in terms of audience, tone, and media channels true.
Characteristics of news writing: should be objective in tone, with the purpose of presenting information to educate an audience about newsworthy events
Characteristics of public relations writing: public relations writing advocates for the client. It is informative, but it should also influence key publics’ perception of the organization. Some would also argue that public relations writing is even more concise than news writing.
Reporters usually write for one audience: readers or listeners of the respective media outlet.
PR professionals may have to write for a variety of audiences, such as... internal audiences (such as employees, shareholders, and distributors) and external audiences (such as the media, customers, volunteers, and bloggers).
News writing uses one primary communication channel: the news outlet (which can be a newspaper or a television or radio broadcast).
Public relations professionals use a variety of channels to distribute their messages, including... news media, social media, advertisements, blogs, press kits, and many more.
The press release or news release is one of the most common communication materials written by public relations professionals. true; they are sent to outlets such as newspapers, broadcast stations, and magazines to deliver a strategic message from an organization that the media ideally will publish or broadcast.
The primary audience for the press release is... reporters and editors, although some organizations publish press releases on their own websites for audiences to view.
Journalists use press releases as a reporting tool, relying on them to provide essential information and therefore make it easier for them to cover a variety of events. true.
With the increase in media channels and demand for social content, some view press releases as an uninteresting way to distribute information and connect with audiences (Galant, 2014). true; Others see them as a concise and straightforward way to communicate to key publics.
Writing the press release use inverted pyramid; Journalists will not take your press release seriously if the content is not newsworthy and it is not written in an accepted style, such as AP style; needs attributed info, proper sources, and should be error free.
Before writing the release, ask yourself the following questions: Is the announcement or event newsworthy? Does it appeal to the media outlet’s audience? What is the key message? What should the reader take away?Who is the target audience for the release?
Press release structure and format The release should be written on the company letterhead, with the words “Press Release” or “News Release” at the top left corner of the page. Below this, indicate when the information is available for publication.
he term “immediate release” means the information is ready to publish and can be used by journalists as soon as they receive it true; occasionally, you might want more time to gather other info, or would prefer that the journalist publish the announcement at a later date. In this case, use the term “under embargo until” followed by the embargo date.
Write the body of the press release using news writing techniques and style. Be sure to include a headline; you also may include a subheadline. Provide a dateline, followed by the summary lead true.
Press release structure and format continued Include at least two quotes, one from the company or organization and another from a third party; put the boilerplate at the end of the document. The boilerplate provides information about the company or organization, similar to the “About Us” section.
The press release should be as concise as possible and ideally no longer than one page. If it exceeds one page, do not split paragraphs. Instead, put the word “more” at the bottom center of the first page to indicate to the reader that there is more true.
How do you indicate the end of a press release? Include three pound signs (###) or “-30-” at the bottom of the press release.
What is a press kit? packages or website pages that contain promotional materials and resources for editors and reporters. The purpose is to provide detailed information about a company in one location.
Goal of a press kit to secure publicity for a company or client.
Major events or stories that require more info than is typically included in a press release warrant a press kit. Examples include a company merger, the launch of a new product, a rebranding campaign, or a major change in organizational leadership. true.
Press kits can be... hard copy or digital. Hard-copy press kits use folders with the company logo, whereas digital press kits use a website page or are sent in a zip file via email.
Materials found in press kit: Backgrounder, Press release, Fact sheet, Publicity photos or list of photo opportunities, Media alerts
Backgrounder contains the history of a company / biographies of key executives; purpose is to supplement the press release and explain the company’s story or event, products, services, and milestones. It is in paragraph format and relatively brief (1-2 pgs)
Fact sheet provides a summary of an event, product, service, or person by focusing only on essential information or key characteristics. It is more concise than a backgrounder and serves as a quick reference for reporters
The fact sheet is not meant for publication. The headings of a fact sheet vary; the creator of the document chooses how to categorize major information. true; most common type of fact sheet is the organizational profile, which gives basic information about an organization. This includes descriptions of products or services, annual revenues, markets served, and number of employees
Media alert sometimes announcements do not require the distribution of a press release, but rather a concise notice to the media. This is a media alert or advisory.
Media alerts are memos to reporters about an interview opportunity, press conference, or upcoming event. They use the 5Ws and H format to quickly deliver information true.
News release vs. media advisory: news release shares news about org, offers story to media, quotes, facts, inverted pyramid; media advisory alerts media about upcoming events, offer basic info, not published verbatim, brief and to the point.
What is social media? online communications platforms that allow people to share content; people share photos, text, videos, podcasts, music, discussions, and ideas; have increasingly become everyday communication tools.
Types of social media • Facebook Messenger • Yelp • Google Reviews • NextDoor • Flickr • WhatsApp • Facebook • X (Twitter) • Instagram • LinkedIn • Snapchat • YouTube • TikTok
Ways to use social media enhance brand awareness, roll out promotions, and build website traffic. Social media also provide opportunities to develop relationships with audiences through engagement and key messaging; can leverage marketing
Social media characteristics Social media users are content creators. Audiences are more engaged with brand messages because they can provide feedback to companies, creating a two-way conversation. Instant Communication.
People can easily share and post news content on their networks. true; Social media also foster a sense of interconnectedness and community by bringing people across the globe together online.
Audiences are more engaged with brand messages because they can provide feedback to companies, creating a two-way conversation. true; this is a result of social media.
Other social media characteristics People can easily share and post news content on their networks. Social media also foster a sense of interconnectedness and community by bringing people across the globe together online.
Audiences do not have to wait until scheduled news broadcasts to receive information because reporters and media outlets can bring the news directly to social media platforms. true (social media)
Impact of social media in strategic communication industries Marketers use social media to enhance traditional efforts such as direct mail fliers and television advertisements. Social media also enable marketers to create interactive content for audiences
In the public relations field, social media gives professionals easier access to journalists and news media outlets. true; social media has also made it easier for consumers to hold organizations, public figures, and large institutions accountable
How social media reveals information Users can easily find and reveal information about a previous event involving an organization, whether it was advantageous or damaging to the brand. Users can also provide instant public feedback by voicing their opinions via social media networks.
Social Media has made it challenging for many organizations to control their brand and present a consistent message across platforms. true; Audiences can generate information that can be damaging to a brand’s reputation.
Factors to consider before posting identify the message goal, identify the target audience, identify the org's social media approach
Identify the message goal counterproductive to create social media messages that do not have a specific goal; social media message goals should reflect the org’s overall mission. select the social media platform that would be the most effective in accomplishing the message goal.
Message goals... can include increasing brand awareness, creating a favorable perception of an organization, and convincing the audience to buy a product. The goal should be clearly articulated in the content
Identify target audience(s) social media messages need to be targeted. After identifying the key audience, examine what they’re talking about their interests, attitudes, and beliefs. Social media content should reflect audience analysis research findings.
Identify organization's social media approach Communication choices should reflect organizational strategies.
4 ways in which most orgs use social media predictive practitioner (uses caution, only specific department) creative experimenter (accepts uncertainty; conducts experiments on social media), social media champion (team is in charge of the organization’s overall social media presence)
Last of the 4 social media transformer - targets both internal and external audiences by launching large-scale projects that involve multiple departments. As with the social media champion approach, a team is used
Creating social media messages The goal of creating social media messages is not only to reach your audience, but also to achieve an intended effect. Proper grammar and punctuation are important in social media writing, as is accuracy. A careless error could undermine credibility
Engagement social media messages need to motivate the audience to engage with the content; strategies can encourage engagement, such as responding quickly to feedback from audience members, creating contests, and inviting the audience to respond to a question
Including photos and videos in social media posts substantially increases engagement, as does integrating trending topics true; This requires careful consideration and research that will pay off if the trending hashtags are chosen wisely.
Consistency The core message needs to be articulated across all social media platforms in a consistent way that conveys a unified voice. The message also needs to reflect the brand image; in other words, it should reinforce the brand “feel” or personality.
Concise writing Similar to news writing, social media writing is straightforward; bc you’re competing against other messages on social media, you do not have much time and space to capture the audience’s attention.This is especiallythe case with Twitter.
You have to think carefully not only about what the message will say but how to say it in a concise manner that has the intended effect. true (concise.)
Engagement the keystone of large goals because when users engage with your posts, it does much more than show you that they’re interested. true; engaging = comments, likes, shares, clicking links. These actions can lead to: their friends/followers engaging with the brand, posts, increased brand awareness/traffic, conversions. domino effect of success results from engaging on posts.
Consistency includes: visual design (dedicated color pallet, similar design elements and templates across social media.) brand voice (brand's personality, needs to be consistent on socials.) consistent posting (content quality and quantity is consistent; creates credibility.)
Advertising paid promotion that uses strategy/messaging about the benefits of a product/service to influence a target audience’s attitudes and behaviors. Between online, television, radio, and print platforms, the average American sees hundreds, even thousands daily
Although many consumers find them annoying, advertisements play a prominent role in shaping opinions about everything from products to politics true; Advertising heavily supports many institutions, including news media outlets, the television industry, search engine companies, and social media websites. For example, advertising contributes up to 80 percent of revenue for newspapers.
According to eMarketer (2016), the United States spent approximately $190 billion on advertising in 2015. About a third of that figure went to television advertisements, and another third went to digital advertising true.
Job responsibilities in advertising Account managers, account planners, creative department, media department.
Account managers serve as a liaison between the client and the advertising agency. They conduct research and oversee creative aspects, production, and more.
Account planners are responsible for presenting information about the consumer. They analyze audiences and figure out ways to achieve brand loyalty through advertising..
Creative department are responsible for developing the advertising message and images. They also pitch the advertising plan to clients.
Media department work on advertising placement strategies, media buying, and analyzing consumer media behaviors.
Advertising campaign model: social marketing The social marketing model identifies five steps in the campaign process: planning, theory, communication analysis, implementation, and evaluation.
Social marketing... describes how to design information campaigns that focus on improving social welfare, such as health and environmental campaigns.
Planning stage advertisers establish the message goals. This is a critical step in the campaign process as it informs the strategies and tactics. What kind of response do you want from the audience? What do you want them to do, or how do you want them to feel?
Theory stage advertisers try to determine the best way to achieve the campaign objectives; This step is also when advertisers complete a creative brief that further outlines the overall strategy. 2 types of strategies: product oriented and consumer oriented.
Product-oriented strategies focuses on highlighting specific benefits related to the product or service; One example is commercials for paper towels that compare the product’s specific features, such as absorbency and strength, to those of competitors.
Other product-oriented strategies may focus on something that can be found only at a particular company or under a specific brand. true. Example: McDonald’s occasionally uses this strategy in its advertisements, reminding viewers that they can purchase America’s favorite french fries only at its restaurants.
Consumer-oriented strategies connects the audience’s daily experience or lifestyle with the advertised product or service.
Advertisers frequently use this strategy for branding purposes. The idea is to associate the company with a particular lifestyle, personality, or characteristic that the audience identifies with Consumer-oriented strategy
Car companies often use consumer-oriented strategies in their commercials. Rather than focusing on the specific features of the car, consumer-oriented commercials might simply show an attractive person driving along a winding road. true; example: Lincoln car commercial with Matthew McConaughey.
You don't have to choose one strategy over the other. Advertising involves persuading people to act or feel a certain way about the message topic. Therefore, incorporating several ideas and strategies may increase the odds of accomplishing the goal. true.
Communication analysis advertisers conduct market research and audience analysis to test the campaign idea. This step helps the advertisers further craft their strategies. Can use focus groups and audience surveys.
Implementing the campaign This is done by carefully considering the four Ps of marketing: product, placement, price, and promotion.
Product Products exists to solve a problem or a need that a consumer has or may realize that he has. The iPhone makes life easier by having everything you need to access in one small unit that accompanies you everywhere.
Placement Place has become a more significant component of marketing success. Place involves where the product is stored, perhaps even where it is manufactured. This strategy also considers where the product is advertised and in which format, including radio, etc.
Price what the consumer pays. Some industries garner only a small markup on price, while others have huge profit margins because they are highly sought after. Price is affected by sales cycles, product life cycles, supply, and demand.
Promotion aims to show consumers why they need to buy this product over others. Timing heavily influences the amount of promotional marketing, and when. It may also adjust the location; may try to entice consumers to try a product with an irresistible promotion.
These Four Ps really boil down to what you're selling for how much where, and what methods you will use to let consumers know about it. Building the marketing mix with these in mind is the next step. true.
Evaluation provides an opportunity for campaign designers to see if their efforts succeeded in accomplishing goals; can do this through evaluating sales after campaign launch, tabulating media impressions /audience attendance, conducting exit focus groups
Creative brief is a document for the creative team, the advertising director, and the client that gives a clear objective for the copy material and explains the overall concept of the campaign; a game plan, does not need to be AP style.
Key consumer insight demonstrates a clear understanding of the consumer’s general behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes as they relate to the message topic. It also considers general opinions and thoughts about the subject matter.
Advertising problem refers to the product’s biggest consumer-related stumbling block; consumer insight can inform / help you to come up with the ad problem. The ad strategy should address a consumer need/ problem. Without this, the advertisement will appear pointless.
Advertising objective explains the intended effects of the promotion on the target audience / clearly articulates the overall goal. The goal is not simply to persuade the audience. Think about how you want the audience to feel or believe about the featured product or service
Target consumer people you specifically want to communicate the message to. In order to fully understand the audience, consider their psychographics, or the analysis of their lifestyles and interests. Clarify why you’ve chosen this particular audience.
Competition perform an assessment of the competition that considers strengths / weaknesses; examine the competitor’s history, products, services, brand, and target audiences. Analyzing key competitors helps articulate your company’s or product’s marketplace niche.
Key consumer benefit describes what the consumer would gain from using the advertised product or service. This section also discusses how the product or service solves the advertising problem
Support explains the validity of the proposed advertising plan. It makes a case for why the campaign will motivate the audience or make them believe that the claims are true; convince your client or high-level executives that the plan will work.
Tonality explains the desired feel or attitude of the advertising campaign, such as “hip,” “classy,” “fun,” “flashy,” or “modern.” You could also include a description of the advertisement’s visual elements, or the creative mandatories; desc of images, logos, etc.
Copywriting puts together the headlines, subheadlines, and images included in the advertisement. It uses persuasive communication to influence the target audience. It also helps to create the advertisement’s call to action, logo, and slogan.
AIDA model Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. Good advertising copy should effectively grab the audience’s attention through words and/or imagery. Should maintain the focus of the consumer by generating interest.
Created by: FaithMcBaith
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