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Experiential Week 6

Emotion (as a part of Experiential Game Design)

According to neuroscience, emotion is physically an electrochemical ___ released in the brain in response to stimuli. signal
Which type of stimulus is made up of thoughts and feelings? internal
Which type of stimulus is made up of attraction to something or caution around something? external
Emotions are responses to thoughts and events, that affect how we ___. act and react
Often, feeling emotions is... involuntary
A player remembers the emotions a game made them feel ___ than the dialogue or visuals that caused those emotions. more
Emotion greatly influences the player... experience
Emotions are an evolutionary ___ that helps humans and animals survive and thrive. trait
Biologically, the chemical process for emotions lasts ___ seconds before it's up to the person to keep it going. 90
What emotion has the longest period of rumination by far? sadness
On Plutchik's Wheel, what emotion is opposite anger, linked by getting big and loud vs. getting small and hiding? fear
On Plutchik's Wheel, what emotion is opposite anticipation, linked by examining closely vs. jumping back? surprise
On Plutchik's Wheel, what emotion is opposite joy, linked by connecting vs. withdrawing? sadness
On Plutchik's Wheel, what emotion is opposite trust, linked by embracing vs. rejecting? disgust
In the OCC model, what fortunes-of-others emotion is being plea, which fortunes-of-others emotion is being pleased absed about an event desirable for another? happy-for
In the OCC model, what fortunes-of-others emotion is being pleased about an event undesirable for another? gloating
In the OCC model, what fortunes-of-others emotion is being displeased about an event undesirable for another? resentment
In the OCC model, what fortunes-of-others emotion is resentment over a desired mutually exclusive goal? jealousy
In the OCC model, what fortunes-of-others emotion is resentment over a desired non-exclusive goal? envy
In the OCC model, what fortunes-of-others emotion is being displeased about an event undesirable for another? sorry-for
In the OCC model, which category of emotions is about the presumed value of a situation as an event affecting another? fortunes-of-others
In the OCC model, which category of emotions is about the appraisal of a situation as a prospective event? prospect-based
In the OCC model, what prospect-based emotion is being pleased about a prospective desirable event? hope
In the OCC model, what prospect-based emotion is being displeased about a prospective undesirable event? fear
In the OCC model, which category of emotions is about the appraisal of a situation as an event? well-being
In the OCC model, what well-being emotion is being pleased about an event? joy
In the OCC model, what well-being emotion is being displeased about an event? distress
In the OCC model, which category of emotions is about the appraisal of an event as confirming or denying an expectation? confirmation
In the OCC model, what confirmation emotion is being pleased about a confirmed desirable event? satisfaction
In the OCC model, what confirmation emotion is being pleased about a disconfirmed undesirable event? relief
In the OCC model, what confirmation emotion is being displeased about a confirmed undesirable event? fears-confirmed
In the OCC model, what confirmation emotion is being displeased about a disconfirmed desirable event? disappointment
In the OCC model, which category of emotions is about the apprasial of a situation as an accountable act of some agent? attribution
In the OCC model, what attribution emotion is approving of one's own act? pride
In the OCC model, what attribution emotion is approving of another's act? admiration
In the OCC model, what attribution emotion is disapproving of one's own act? shame
In the OCC model, what attribution emotion is disapproving of another's act? reproach
In the OCC model, which category of emotions is about the appraisal of a situation containing an attractive or unattractive object? attraction
In the OCC model, what attraction emotion is finding an object appealing? liking
In the OCC model, what attraction emotion is finding an object unappealing? disliking
In the OCC model, which category of emotions is the appraisal of the consequences of an event, depending on an actor? well-being/attribution
In the OCC model, what well-being/attribution emotion is being pleased about an event that is the consequence of someone's act, who you now admire? gratitude
In the OCC model, what well-being/attribution emotion is being displeased about an event that is the consequence of someone's act, who you now reproach? anger
In the OCC model, what well-being/attribution emotion is being pleased about an event which is the product of your own act, which you approve of? gratification
In the OCC model, what well-being/attribution emotion is being displeased about an event which is the product of your own act, which you disapprove of? remorse
In the OCC model, which category of emotions is the appraisal of an object, based on its action? attraction/attribution
In the OCC model, what attraction/attribution emotion is approving of another object's act, who you also find appealing? love
In the OCC model, what attraction/attribution emotion is disapproving of another object's act, who you also find unappealing? hate
Emotional ___ is variations in the magnitude of emotional responses. intensity
What variables of emotional intensity are values that change independently of situation interpretation mechanisms? event
What variables of emotional intensity are agents that bias towards a situation or agent, and tend to be constant? stable disposition
What variables of emotional intensity alter interpretations of situations, possibly as a result of prior affective experience? mood
What event variable is the degree of situation blocking or realising goals, from -10 to 10? goal realisation/blockage
What event variable is the degree to which an observing agent interprets an observed agent having upheld or violated one of the observer's principles, from -10 to +10? blameworthiness/praiseworthiness
What event variable is the degree to which an agent interprets a situation containing an object that is seen as appealing or not, from -10 to +10? appealingness/repulsiveness
What event variable is the degree to which an appraising agent is certain that the event or act has or will actually come about, from 0 (unknown) to 10 (completely certain)? certainty
What event variable is the degree to which a situation is perceived as real by an observer, from 0 (fake) to 10 (real)? sense-of-reality
What event variable is the distance in time of a situation being appraised, from 0 (past) to 10 (present)? temporal proximity
What event variable is the degree to which an agent is likely to be surprised by an event (not the expectation of an event), from 0 (expected) to 10 (shock)? surprisingness
What event variable is the degree to which an agent has invested resources to achieve a goal, from 0 (effortless) to 10 (giving it all)? effort
What event variable is the degree to which the agent believes that the subject is deserving of good or bad fortune, from -10 (unfair) to 10 (just)? deservingness
What category of stable disposition variables determines the agent's bias on emotion-eliciting situations which are different for other agents and change through time? appraisal bias
What category of stable disposition variables determines the strength of friendship and animosity between two agents, as well as their emotional distance? stable relationship
What category of stable disposition variables represent the most important cases in which prior mood contributes to emotion intensity? non-relationship
What non-relationship stable disposition variable is the degree to which the agent is physiologically aroused, from 0 (comatose) to 10 (tense)? soberness
What non-relationship stable disposition variable is the degree to which an agent will have a bias towards negative or positive emotions, from 0 (pessimism) to 10 (optimism)? valence bias
What non-relationship stable disposition variable is the degree to which someone feels depressed (-10) or ecstatic (10) as in well-being? depression-ecstasy
What non-relationship stable disposition variable is the degree to which an agent is feeling ill or well, from 0 (intense discomfort) to 10 (optimal health)? physical well-being
What non-relationship stable disposition variable is generalised fear and loss of control, to hope and the feeling of power, from -10 (powerlessness) to 10 (powerfulness)? anxiety-invincibility
What emotion is at the root of humour, strategy and problem-solving as a crucial part of all entertainment? surprise
What emotion should be encouraged due to its ties with player agency allowing the player to feel empowered and satisfied? curiosity
___ is manipulation that indulges curiosity. play
Which type of Lazzaro's four keys to fun consists of emotions elicited from meaningful challenges, strategies and puzzles through goals, obstacles and strategy? hard
Which type of Lazzaro's four keys to fun consists of grabbing attention with ambiguity, incompleteness and detail, with sandbox and emergent gameplay featuring exploration, fantasy and creativity? easy
Which type of Lazzaro's four keys to fun consists of generating emotion with perception, thought, behaviour and other people, via repetition, rhythm and collection? serious
Which type of Lazzaro's four keys to fun consists of creating opportunities for player competition, cooperation, performance and spectacle through communication, co-op and competition? people
What is it called when every means possible is used to reinforce a theme that every little piece of is used to improve the player experience? unification
The real challenge of a theme is finding the right one that will ___ with players. resonate
Created by: cactusmagelord
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