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SM Quiz 2

Intro to SM quiz 2

Center Line Imaginary line that splits the stage US/ DS along its center
Plaster Line Imaginary line that runs from SL to SR dividing the audience and actors from backside of the proscenium
types of technical plots Lighting, wardrobe/costume, lights, sound, props plot
What is a technical plot Communicates technical info that encompasses one area of the show over the entire show
What is the call board Bulletin board that has company info such a calendars, daily call, company notices, this is an official method of communication
What should you never put on a callboard contact sheets
What is an elevation Shows either front back or side perspectives w/ no depth
What is blocking position and movement onstage and offstage
What is prompting "Feeding" or cueing an actor their correct line - whether asked for or not
What is a spike mark Mark (usually w/ colored tape) where a set piece, prop. or actor goes onstage
What is table work Reading and discussing the play as a group. Usually before staging
What is a rake A stage that slopes away from the audience
Who do you communicate with outside of the rehearsal room as an sm? (Distribution list on blackboard) - creative team - production management - advisors - shops - those already in the room - producers (aka ralph)
What is a rehearsal report Daily report-out of what went on in that rehearsal includes action items, questions, and official business
What are shop rounds regularly scheduled meetings face to face w/ shop
What are the benefits of shop rounds? -Opportunity for follow-up - Get feedback; simple hey how am I doing
What are the 5 main parts of a rehearsal report -Identify the rehearsal -times -administrative notes -rehearsal notes -production notes
describe identifying the rehearsal -show title -date and time (as scheduled) -rehearsal # SM and directors names
Describe times - start and end time - breaks - rehearsal log (pg #s)
Describe rehearsal notes - what we did? - how we did? - What we're gonna do?
describe production notes - area by area - action items - thank yous - questions - no notes
3 main items of managing the room - time -space - people
what does managing time entail -sm manage the clock -break calling, a chance to pause - starting and ending the day
what does managing the space entail - making sure the room has in it what it needs - facilities (chairs, tables, pianos) - props, costume pieces - safety elements, feels safe enough to do the work
what does managing the people entail - focus in the room, everyone is paying attention when and to whom they should be - the right people in the room (daily call, information, organizing directors, choreographers, music peeps)
What is line prompting SM feed/ prompt line to the actor when called
What are line notes giving actors the corrected line after a run
What is a daily call - biggest thing that goes into managing the space/ room - equity rules - 12 hour notice - meet w/ directors at the end of the day and discuss what we are doing tomorrow
What is blocking notations recording the actors movements for later reference
Why do we record blocking - actors dont have the opportunity to write it down, hands free, don't want to carry pages - continuity, want to be able to give the next person an idea of how the show got made - technical reference - understudies
How do we notate dance come at it from the point of view of a lighting designer where do they go, where did they end up, where did they leave
SM communication medium - email - text - phone call - zoom - in person
what urgency do different communication methods have email, not urgent - text, more immediate/ urgent - phone call, immediate/ urgent zoom, scheduled urgent conversation in person, can be immediate
boundaries - physical -emotional - time - language
Created by: Ashcar0107
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