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lit 1 test

when was Shakespear born? 1564
when did Shakespear die? 1615
what age was Shakespear when he started acting? 16
how old was Shakespear when he got married.? 18, his wife was 8 years older than him, and she was pregnant when they married
where was Shakespear born? Stratford upon Avon, about 100 miles NW of London
why was theater so popular? not many entertainment options.
Allusions a reference to a well-known person, place, or thing.
how did the Elizabethans show you they didnt like your work? they would through rotten tomatoes at the stage
what did the people eat while watching the plays? hazelnut shells
how long did the play last. 2 to 3 1/2 hours
what is the tiring house? where all the props, costumes, and play scripts
how did they singnal that the play was about to start? three trumpet blows
who are groundlings? the poor people who couldn't afford seats, they had to stand.
star-crossed unlucky
choler ready disposition to irritation
valiant possessing or acting with bravery or boldness.
tool sword
pernicious highly injuries or destructive
augmenting to make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense
lived at odds not agreeing with each other
rest you merry have a good day
boisterous aggressive
chinks money
why do we have prolouges? to give a base of what's happening and why
what is the setting of Romeo and Juliet? the beautiful city of Verona, two familys are fighting
what does the prince tell the two familys? if they fight again he would put them to death
why is Romeo sad at the beginning? he loves a girl who doesn't love him back
Juliets respounce to her mother talking about marrying its an honor i don't dream of.
metaphor V. simile M= like or as S= is, be, you are
gapes stares
conjure summon
discourse conversation
peril danger
enmity animosity
rash hasty
wanton immoral
beseech implore
shrived absolved
perjuries lies
vile hateful
predominant prevalent
rancor malice
lamentable sorrowful
sociable friendly
Juliet askes Romeo to "if thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully" what does this mean? she wants him to tell her he loves her
what does juli4t do when Romeo asks her to pledge her love like him. she re-pledges her love
why did the friar agree to marry Romeo and Juliet it might end their family's feud
what quality does the frair encourage in the relationship of Romeo and Juliet? to not rush it.
summary of Act 2 s1 Mercutio and Benvolio talk about how sad and depressed Romeo has been
summary a2 s2 Romeo goes to the Capulets party and meets Juliet, they kiss.
s a2 s3 romeo goes to the frair to ask him to marry him and juliet
s a2 s4 mercutio and benovio are talking then romeo comes along and jokes with them. then the nurse comes to get the message from romeo to send back to juliet
s a2 s5 the nurse tell juliet what romeo says, and to go to the church to be married
s a2 a6 romeo and juliet are at the church with the frair and get married
appertaining relating to
passado a thrust in fencing with one foot advanced
effeminate having feminine qualities untypical of a man
banished to be sent away
enamored affected by strong feelings of love
calamity disaster
carrion-flies a fly that lays its eggs in decaying flesh
woo to court someone
jocund suggestive of high spirits and lively mirthfulness
fickle frequently changes
what is Romeos response to Tybalt's challenge i love you more than you could know he doesnt wan to fight juliets family
what was romeos punishment he was exiled showing mercy to killers only causes more
paradox contradictory qualities or phases
how does juliet and her parents react to her and paris going to be wed she refuses they get reallt angry
a3 s1 mercutio and tybalt fight, mercutio dies. romeo kills tybalt in revenge
a3 s2 juliet hears about tybalts death, she thinks romeos dead at first.
a3 s3 romeo learns he sbanished and want sto kill himself
a3 s4 paris convences juleits father to let him marry her and they set the date
a3 s5 juliet refuses to marry paris and her father gets really angry and yells at her
immoderately too much
unstained faultless
humor sensation
drift intention
gadding wandering
orisons prayers
stifled suffocated
trim her up beautify her
what doe Juliet say she will do if the frair doesn't help her she'll kill herself.
what excuse doe juliet give the nurse so she can be alone she has many prayers to say
what are some fears of juliets about the sleeping drug it wont work it kills her she wakes up before shes barried she will suffocate
a4 s1 paris tells the frair that he and juliet are getting married the frair gives juliet the sleeping drug
a4 s2 juliet goes home and pretend to be happy to marry paris
a4 s3 juliet gets dressed for the wedding and is left alone, she worries about the sleep drug and then takes it
a4 24 juliets family is getting ready for the wedding
a4 s5 the nurse finds juliet "dead" in her room, and the family comes to morn
how does romeo describe the apothecary's shop? it has tortis shells and stuffed aligaters he thinks he will sell poisin
why does the apothocary not want to sell poisen he could get the death penolty
why didnt romeo recieve the frairs letter the other frair who was suposed to give it to him got stuck in a town because of a sickness
what was paris lest request to be laid next to juliet
what does romeo find strang about juliets body her lips and cheekcs or rosy
wha tdoes juliet do when she wakes up she kisses romeo and then kills herself
what do their familys do when they find them dead they hug and make up
a5 s1 romeo learns that juliets dead and he buys poisen
a5 s2 the frair is told that romeo never got his letter
a5 s3 romeo goes to the grave yard. him and paris fight and paris dies, he kills himself. juliet wakes up and kills herself
what was the conflict of romeo and juliet they love each other but their familys hate each other
what is the theme of romeo and juliet two lovers who go through a lot of trouble
who said "why, then, O brawling love! O loving hate! O anything, of nothing first create!" Romeo
who said "i am sent to find those persons whose names are here writ, and can never find what names the writing person here hath writ." Capulets servant
who said "the fiery Tybalt, with his sword prepared; which, as he breathed defiance to my ears, he swung about his head, and cut the winds, who, nothing hurt withal, hissed him in scorn" Benvolio
who said "you are a lover; borrow cupids wings, and soar with them above a common bound" Mercutio
who said "content thee, gentle coz, let him alone. 'a bears him like a portly gentleman, and, to say truth, verona brags of him to be virtuous and well-governed youth." Lord Capulet
who said "if i profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: my lips, two blushing pilgrums, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." Romeo
who said " good pilgrim, you do wrong your hands too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this; for saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss." Juliet
who said "can i go forward when my heart is here? turn back, dull earth, and find thy center out." Romeo
who said "he jests at scars that never felt a wound" Romeo
who said "o romeo! romeo! wherefore art thou romeo? deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not. be but sworn my love, and i'll no longer be a Capulet." Juliet
who said "i have no joy of this contract tonight. it is too rash, too unadvised too sudden; too like lightning, which doth cease to be ere one can say "it lightens" Juliet
who said "love goes toward love as schoolboys from their books; but love from love, toward school with heavy looks." Romeo
who said "in one respect i'll thy assistant be; for this alliance may so happy prove to turn your household's rancor to pure love." Frair Lawrence
who said "these violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which, as thye kiss, consume. the sweetest honey is loathsome in his own deliciousness and in th etast confounds the appetite. therefore love moderately;" Frair Lawrence
who said "i pray you, sir, what saucy merchant was this that was so full of his ropery" the Nurse
who said "more than prince of cats i can tell you. o, he's the courageous captain of compliments. he fights as you sing prick-song -- keeps time, distance, and proportion; rests me his minim rest, one, two and the third in your bosom!" Mercutio
who said "well, you have made a simple choice; you know not how to choose a man. romeo? no, not he. though his face be better than any man's, yet his legs excels all men's;" The Nurse
who said "well, sir; my mistress is my sweetest lady. lord, lord! when 'twas a little parting thing --o, there is a noble man in town, one paris, that would fain lay knife aboard; but, i'll warrent you, when i say so, she looks as pale as any clout" the nurse
paraphrase to reword something, yet maintain its original meaning
wo said "romeo, the love i bear thee can afford no better term than this: you art a villian." Tybalt
who said "a plague o' both your houses! i am sped. is he gone and has nothing? Mercutio
who said "this days black fate on more days doth depend; this but begins the woe others must end" Romeo
who said "happyness courts thee in her best arrey; but, like a misbehaved and sullen wench, thou pout'st upon thy fortune and they love. take heed, take heed, for such die miserable." Frair Lawrence
who said "beautiful tyrant! fiend angelical! dove- feather'd raven! wolvish-ravening lamb! despised substance of divinest show! just opposite to what thou seemst -- a damned saint, an honorable villain! Juliet
who said "be paitient, for the world is broad and wide" frar Lawrence
who said "o tell me, friar, tell me, in what vile part of this anatomy doth my name lodge? tell me, that i may sack the hateful mansion" Romeo
who said "they noble shape is but a form of wax" frair laurence
who said "more light and light: more dark and dark our woes!" Romeo
who said "o god! i have an ill-divining soul! methinks i see thee, now though art below, as one dead in the bottom of a tomb. either my eyesight fails or thou look'st pale" Juliet
who said "we will have vengeance for it, fear thou not. then weep no more. i'll send to one in mantua, where the same banished rungate doth live, shall give him such an unaccustomed dram that he shall soon keep tybalt company;" lady Capulet
who said "what, rouse thee, man! thy juliet is alive, for whose dear sake thou wast but lately dead. there art thou wast but lately dead. there art thou happy. tybalt would kill thee, but thou slewest tybalt. there art thou happy." Frair lawrence
who said "faith, we may put up our pipes and be gone." the musicians
who said "if i may flatter the truth of sleep" Romeo
who said "art thou so bare and full of wretchedness and fearest to die/ famine is in thy cheeks, need and oppression starveth in thine eyes contempt and beggary hangs upon thy back." Romeo
who said "come, cordial and not poison, go with me to Juliet's grave; " Romeo
intro: we meet the Capulets and Montagues and learn of the family feud.
rising action: Romeo and Juliet meet and kiss, and learn that they are from feuding family's.
highest point: Romeo and Juliet get married.
turning point. Juliet learns she has to marry Paris
falling action: Juliet takes the sleeping drug, and Romeo thinks Shes dead, he kills himself and then Juliet kills herself.
Conclusion: the Capulets and the Montagues find Juliet and Romeo dead and hug and make up.
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