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unit 5 test

world history

Renaissance -when was it? What does the word mean? It means rebirth 1300-1600
List 3 reasons the Renaissance began in Italy: The citv-states constantly traded the city-states were controlled by wealthy families they focused on philosophers and early writers without church influence
ist 3 ways that the Renaissance spread outside of Italy. people were interested in new techniques and wanted to imitate them writers wrote about people having more power in government people would travel to Italy and return home with new knowledge
Michelangelo sistine chapel
Raphael school of athens
Da Vinci Mona Lisa
Shakespeare transformed theater and wrote 14 lined poems
Jan van Eyck invented oil paint
How did the printing press help spread ideas of the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution? spread the information quickly, was cheap
What were 3 problems that the church faced by the year 1500? taxes, indulgences, practices of the church
Indulgences money that was given to churches for forgiveness of their sins buying into heaven
What was the Counter-Reformation? Catholic church response against reformation
What were 2 changes the Catholic Church made? stopped the sale of indulgences in the church and required priests to be literate
When was the Scientific Revolution? 1500-1700
What was the Scientific Revolution? natural philosophers used their power of reasoning and observation to undrestand the laws of nature
Ptolemy had a theory that the planets and sun orbited the Earth
Copernicus he discovered the planets orbit the sun
Kepler- used math to calculate the movement of the planets and discovered they orbit in elliptical movements
Galileo he improved the telescope and was charged with heresy and forced to retract his view
What were 3 effects of the Scientific Revolution? new inventions, microscope and thermometer advances in medicine biology and chemistry new technology
When was the Enlightenment? 1600's-1700's
What was the Enlightenment? was a direct outgrowth of the scientific revolution
Social contract an agreement between the citizens and the king where the people agreed tp be ruled in exchange for their natual rights
Natural rights rights that you are born with
Hobbes believed people were naturally selfish and needed strong rulers to keep order absolute monarchy
Locke constitutional monarchy, king has limited power the "Social Contract", if the king didn't follow, they would overthrow the government
Voltaire advocated 2 ideas, religious tolerance and free speech
Montesquieu suggested 3 branches of government
Rousseau argued for a political system based on the will of the people belleve in voting
What were 3 impacts of the Enlightenment? new political ideas like liberty and natural rights beliefs in the future that society could be improved encouraged new ways of thinking among some leaders called "enlightened monarchs"
Created by: willv14
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