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HST 105 Midterm

History-105 World Civ., Exam 1/midterm review

Id: governed by divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided. Historical Signif: Adopted by all early civilization, no religous freedom or individualism Theocracy
Id: the idea that the physical environment influences the development of culture/society Historical Signif: Civs. Developing close to the equator are more likely to develop slower due to difficulty of living conditions, temprate zones develop faster. Enviormental Determinism
Id: Zhou Dynastys idea that gave supreme power to rulers, able to claim that their power was god given/non negotiable Historical Signif: Zhou Dynasty used it to overthrow Shang dynasty. Natural disaster = divine intervetion, Mandate from Heaven
Id:invented by Confucious, based on mutual respect and kindness toward others. Historical Signif: one of the Most influential religious philosophies in the history of China, and it has existed for over 2,500 years. Confucianism
Id: Philosophy of Wu Wei, letting go of your concerns, beliving everyone has a path regardless of obstacles Historical Signif: increasing self-awareness and reducing the influence of ego, helped to create Chinese medicine Taoism
Id: Largest Indus civilization, with about 35,000 ppl, w/granaries, cemeteries, Citadel (fortress/defense), chieckens Historical Signif: incredibly advanced city that founded many technologies including sewage system Mohenjo Daro
Id: An attempt to keep out north nomad invaders Historical Signif: Symbol of power/wealth/resources under Qin rule Great Wall
Id: A written test anyone could take to earn a place in government. most positions filled by aristocrats. Historical Signif: proved applicants have the appropriate skills and are eligibile for a specific position. Civil Service Exam
Id: Major early Persian religion that incfuenced many others. Features two gods: (good) Mazda, (devil/evil) Mainyu Historical Signif: shaped one of the ancient world's largest empires incfuenced many other religions Zoroastrianism
Id: Those at the bottom of the hierarchy/outside the four main categories of Brahmins , Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and the Shudras. Historical Signif: Emphasied hindu religous belifs of karma and rebirth. Untouchable
Id: Sheltered prince who achieves Moksha but returns to earth as BUDDHA to teach how to achieve enlightenment Historical Signif: Founded Buddhism in India Siddhartha Gautama
Id: the emotional and physical discomfort and pain all humans experience Historical Signif: important to Buddhism bc the fundamental principle of Buddhism is to escape suffering through enlightenment Dukkha
Id: given to Moses to share with the Israelites as laws to live by as followers of their God Historical Signif: Gods vow to let people into heaven if they follow the 10 commandments 10 Commandments
Id: widespread underground water system used in early persian civilizations Historical Signif: enabled settlements and agriculture Qanat
Id: various civilizations between Tigris-Euphrates rivers, Historical Signif: birthplace of writin,recorded history, also built the world's first cities and developed the oldest known political and administrative systems (Theocracy) Mesopotamia
Id: sumerian writing using pictures w/assigned meaning Historical Signif: Worlds first form of writing ever. Provided ways to record information. Cuneiform
Id: built as monuments to house the tombs of the pharaohs Historical Signif: signified the people of egypts devotion to their leaders as well as wealth and prosperity Pyramids
Id: Early chinease civ. belif that the emperor is the mediator between heaven and earth; Historical Signif: Gave more power to the emperior, because his orders are now divine. Cosmos
Id: Confucian belief that a leader should embody virtue and knowledge Historical Signif: Signifies anchent chinease values relating to literacy and fairness. Junzi
Id: Man who invented Taoism philosophies Historical Signif: recognition that all things and all people are connected, everyone has a path regardless of obstacles Wu Wei
Id: Sumerian governance of a state by divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided. Historical Signif: the standard form of government for a most anchient civ. Theocracy
Id: the assignment of agricultural lands to all adult peasants Historical Signif: Elite upper class gets way better/more land, to be kept happiest. Equal Feild system
Id: philosophical belief that humans are inclined to do wrong because they are motivated by self-interest and require strict laws to control their impulses. Historical Signif: the ideological basis of imperial Qin dynasty, Legalism
Id: set of spiritual/historical texts that tell the history of Hebrews Historical Signif: has central importance in Jewish life, ritual and belief. Torah
Id: long line of philosophers Historical Signif: Over time this group of thinkers adds to social class rules and hindu philosophy. Upanishads
Id: hindu belif that if you do enough good in one life, you will be promoted (in caste) in the next Historical Signif: Influnced the actions/inactions of the indian people to recive good karma/premote to a highercaste in the next life Karma
Id: All life is suffering, source of suffering is desire, therefore to be happy you must stop desire. Historical Signif: foundational belif of Buddhism, sparks awareness of suffering as the nature of existence, its cause, and how to live without it 4 nobel truths
Id: Men who collected the annual taxes of their (Persian) city-state and was the supreme judicial authority Historical Signif: responsible for internal security and raised and maintained an army Satraps
Id: belief that there is only one deity, an all-supreme, universally referred to as God Historical Signif: more than half the world's population belongs to a monotheistic religion Monotheism
Id: "New Stone" age Historic Signif: Shift from hunting and gathering wild animals and plants to a agricultural lifestyle. Neolithic
Created by: emmamas
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