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Part 2 2023-2024

Hutchison Vocabulary 2023-2024

buttonhole v. to attract the attention of and detain (someone) in conversation, typically against his or her will
cabal n. a small group working in secret
cadence n. the rhythmic flow of a sequence of sounds or words
cajole v. to coax; to persuade with false promises and flattery
caliber n. ability; quality
calumny n. a false and malicious accusation, misrepresentation, insult
candor n. truthfulness; sincere honesty
canny adj. shrewd, careful
capacious adj. having a lot of space inside; roomy
caprice n. a sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior
carnage n. large-scale slaughter or loss of life
cartographer n. mapmaker
cataract n. a clouding of the lens of the eye; a waterfall
categorical adj. absolute; without exception
cattywampus adj. in disarray or disorder; askew
caveat n. a warning or caution
cede v. to surrender
centrifugal adj. moving away from a center
chafe v. to warm or wear sore by rubbing; to feel annoyance or dissatisfaction, annoy, irk
charisma n. personal appeal or attraction; magnetism
chattel n. an item of personal, movable property
chimerical adj. absurd; wildly fantastic; impossible
chronic adj. continuing for a long time
circumnavigate v. to sail completely around the world
citation n. a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work
clarion adj. loud and clear
climactic adj. of the highest point; of the most intense part of a story or event
clout n. great influence (especially political or social); hard blow with fist
codger n. an elderly man, especially one who is old-fashioned or eccentric
cogent adj. convincing; reasonable
coiffure n. a hairstyle
collude v. to plot secretly for a deceitful or illegal purpose
comatose adj. in a coma; extremely sleepy
commensurate adj. proportional
commodious adj. roomy, spacious
compelling adj. forceful; urgently demanding attention
complement n. something that completes or makes up a whole
compliment n. praise
compound v. to make worse, add to
comptroller n. chief accounting officer
concede v. to admit as true; to yield, submit
concise adj. brief and to the point
concomitant adj. accompanying
condone v. to pardon or overlook
confine v. to keep within limits; restrict; limit
confluence n. a flowing together
congenial adj. friendly
conjecture n. an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information
connive v. to cooperate secretly in wrongdoing
conscience n. sense of right and wrong
conserve v. to preserve; to keep from being damaged, lost, or wasted
conspicuous adj. easily seen or noticed
constitute v. to make up; to be the parts of
contagion n. an infection that spreads rapidly
contemporary adj. belonging to the same period of time as oneself; n. a person of the same time
contentious adj. quarrelsome, inclined to argue
contraband n. illegal traffic, smuggled goods; adj. illegal, prohibited
contrite adj. extremely apologetic, sorry
contusion n. bruise
conviction n. a fixed or strong belief
coquette n. a woman who flirts to get what she wants
cornucopia n. a horn overflowing with fruit and grain; state of abundance
corps n. a group of persons working together or related by a common association
correlation n. a measure of the relationship between two variables
cosmology n. the understanding of the nature of the universe
counterpoint n. contrasting item, opposite; a complement; the use of contrast or interplay in a work of art
covenant n. a binding agreement
coveted adj. greedily desired or wished for
crass adj. coarse, unfeeling; socially stupid
credible adj. believable
criterion n. a standard used in judging
crux n. the most important or decisive point
culminate v. to reach the highest point
cumbersome adj. clumsy, hard to handle
cupola n. a small dome, especially a small dome on top of a larger dome, adorning a roof or ceiling.
curt adj. abruptly and rudely short
cycloid adj. like a circle
daft adj. silly, foolish
dank adj. unpleasantly damp or wet
dawdle adj. to waste time
debacle n. a complete failure; a total collapse
debonair adj. confident, stylish, and charming
deceive v. to make someone believe something that is not true
decorous adj. proper, tasteful, socially correct
decry v. to criticize openly
defer v. to put aside until later; to yield respectfully
defraud v. to cheat; to gain something dishonestly
defunct adj. no longer functioning
deja vu n. that eerie sense of "I've experienced this before"
delineate v. to describe accurately, to outline
delusion n. a false belief or opinion
demeanor n. behavior; manner of conducting oneself
dendroid adj. branching like a tree
denominate v. to give a name to
denude v. to make bare
deposition n. the process in which material is laid down
depredation n. the act of preying upon or plundering
derisible adj. open to ridicule
dermatology n. the study of the skin and its diseases
desist v. to stop, discontinue
despondent adj. sad, without hope, discouraged
deter v. to discourage
devious adj. dishonest or deceptive; tricky
devout adj. deeply religious
diametrically adv. in complete opposition
dicta n. statements of the court that are not necessary to decide the controversy before the court
diffident adj. shy, lacking self-confidence
dilapidated adj. falling apart or ruined, run-down
diminutive adj. small
dire adj. extremely serious or urgent
disallow v. to withhold permission, to command against
discern v. to differentiate between two or more things; to perceive or recognize
disconsolate adj. deeply unhappy or dejected; without hope, beyond consolation
discreet adj. careful about what one says or does
discursive adj. rambling, lacking order
disgruntled adj. angry or dissatisfied
disingenuous adj. insincere, not genuine
disjunctive adj. lacking connection
dismember v. to cut into small parts; to cut (a body) apart limb from limb
dispassionate adj. impartial; calm, free from emotion
disperse v. to scatter, spread far and wide
disquiet n. a feeling of anxiety or worry
disseminate v. to scatter or spread widely
dissimilar adj. not alike; different
dissolution n. the breaking up into parts; termination of a legal bond or contract; disintegration of morals
Created by: F321955
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