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lecture 3 healing

ortho foundations exam 1 material

3 phases of healing inflammatory response, fibroblastic repair, maturation - remodeling
initial response to injury inflammatory response
cell injury causes altered metabolism and release of materials that initiate the inflammatory response
time frame for inflammatory response initial injury to 48-72 hours
inflammatory response characterized by what clinical signs redness, warmth, swelling, tenderness,
symptoms of inflammatory response pain
cellular things that occur during inflammatory response cellular response, vascular reaction, chemical response, platelet plug, clot formation
_____ adhere to exposed collagen on blood vessel endothelium, plug forms platelets
clot formation occurs from conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
signs/symptoms associated with inflammatory events **heat, **redness, swelling, pain, loss of function
best two signs that inflammatory even is occuring heat and redness
inflammatory stage is related to ___, NOT___ signs and symptoms, NOT time
increased blood flow and increased metabolic rate heat and redness
increased vasodilation, hemorrhaging for blood vessel damage, increased osmotic pressure, blocking vessels that allow fluids to escape swelling / edema
tissue injury, mechanical pressure on nerves, irritation of nerves from chemical mediators pain/tenderness
primary tissue damage, muscle spasm, grading, decrease motion, muscle atrophy loss of function
______occurs when acute inflammatory response does not eliminate the injuring agent , when cell is not returned to its normal physiological state chronic inflammation
example of chronic inflammation stepping on sprained ankle continuously leads to chronic inflammation
fibroblastic repair is characterized by scar/collagen formation
time frame for fibroblastic repair 48 hours to 6 weeks after injury
during fibroblastic repair, signs and symptoms of inflammation ____ subside
what forms during fibroblastic repair stage granulation tissue (healthy healing cut-pink wound bed). synthesis of collagen, elastin, and ground substance
body responds with more scarring than necessary keloid scarring
fibrosis can occur with ___ persistent inflammation
maturation - remodeling phase is characterized by modification and adaptation of scar/collagen tissue
maturation - remodeling phase time frame 3 weeks to several years
strong scar can be present after 3 weeks
wolf's law body responds to stress and strain (ex: going to gym and lifting weights makes your muscles get bigger)
factors that affect healing extent of injury, edema, hemorrhage, separation of tissue, muscle spasm, infection, climate, health, age, nutrition, vascular supply
micro tear minor tissue damage that occurs slowly over time related to prolonged stress
macro tear major tissue damage usually caused by acute trauma. micro tear can progress to macro tear
hemorrhage separation of tissue, inhibits NM control, reflex inhibition, nutrition to injured area is decreased
complete ligamentous healing may not occur for up to 18-24 months
initial inflammatory phase may only last 3-4 days, but *what you observe in terms of the cardinal signs of inflammation should dictate progress
PRICE protected activity, rest, ice, compression, elevation
injury management for acute inflammation limit swelling, decrease pain, release of pro-inflammatory chemicals, metabolism, prevent further tissue damage
injury management for fibroblastic repair non-thermal modalities, prevent further tissue damage while minimizing loss of function
injury management for maturation - remodeling increase scar strength, restore normal joint and muscle function
Created by: thomask9
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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