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trachea tube formed by cartilaginous rings
diaphragm primary muscle of respiration
larynx houses the vocal fold
phonate to produce voice
what does the larynx sit on top of? the trachea
laryngeal functions breathing, airway protection, source of sound for voicing
thyroid cartilage forms the anterior and lateral walls of the larynx
arytenoid cartilage two small, pyramid shaped cartilages that sit on top of the cricoid and attach to the vocal folds
cricoid cartilage top ring of the trachea, linked to thyroid and arytenoid cartilages
extrinsic muscles attach to a site within the larynx and to a site outside the larynx
intrinsic muscles both attachments are within the larynx
suprahyoid above the hyoid cartilage, raise the larynx
infrahyoid below the hyoid cartilage, lower the larynx
interarytenoid adduct the vocal folds
lateral cricoarytenoid rotates arytenoid cartilages to adduct vocal folds
posterior cricoarytenoid only abductor of the vocal folds
cricothyroid stretches vocal folds, helps adduct vocal folds
thyroarytenoid adducts and tenses vocal folds
Bernoulli effect when gasses or liquids move through a point of constriction, velocity airflow increases and air pressure decreases
pitch determined by frequency at which vocal folds vibrate, your perception of F0
outer ear pinna funnels sounds into external auditory canal
soft palate (velum) muscle on the roof of the mouth that opens and closes the nasal cavity
function of occipital lobe visual processing
myelin covers axons, sends out impulses generated within the neuron
function of frontal lobe reasoning, planning, motor planning for speech, movement, emotions, and problem solving
cell body contains the nucleus
function of parietal lobe movement, orientation, recognition, and perception of stimuli
hard palate roof of the mouth/the floor of the nose
Broca's area located in the frontal lobe, word finding and speech production
axons send out impulses generated within the neuron
central nervous system all incoming stimuli and outgoing signals processed through it (brain and spinal cord)
Eustachian tube runs from the middle ear to the pharynx
Created by: mkoester
Popular Speech Therapy sets




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