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TSL 54-83

expiate to atone or to make amends for a sin or crime
extant still in existance
fervent ardent, showing great emotion, impassioned
florid flowery, flushed with color
foliage leaves of a plant, leafage
forbearance patience, lenience
foreboding premonition of evil, an ominous omen
fugitive a person who is elusive or hard to find, wandering
furrow to make wrinkles or grooves
gaunt very thin, emaciated, angular
gentility state of refinement, member of the upper class or gentry
gratuitous given freely, unwarranted
grievous characterized by severe suffering or sorrow, serious or grave
ignominy disgraceful or dishonorable conduct
imbibe to absorb or to drink in
imperious extremely overbearing
implicit understood but not directly expressed
import relative importance, significance
impugn to assail or to attack one's honor or integrity
impute to blame or to charge
inauspicious unfavorable
incantation a spell, written or recited formula of words designed for a particular effect
inclement stormy, severe
incongruity nonconformity, disagreement, incompatibility
incurious uninterested, lacking normal curiosity
indefatigable tireless, incapable of being fatigued
inextricable not able to be disentangled
infamous having a reputation of the worst kind, vicious, notoriously bad
inopportune inconvenient, poorly timed
inscrutable difficult to understand, mysterious
Created by: KayleeMoore2428
Popular Academic Vocabulary sets




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