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Massage Program Fina

what are codified rules of conduct set forth by a society and are generally based on shared ethical or moral principles? Laws
what is the process that ensures that clients have received enough information to understand the nature and extent of the massage services? Informed Consent
What does MRSA stand for? methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
a massage is contraindicated for an individual with a temperature of __________ or higher 99.4°
HIPPA establishes strict guidelines to maintain which aspect of an ethical therapeutic relationship Privacy
what plane of movement divides the body into front and back portions? coronal or frontal
what is the order of the therapeutic procedure? 1. initiation 2. exploration 3. planning 4. closure
this endangerment site contains the carotid artery, internal jugular vein, vagus nerve, and lymph nodes anterior triangle of neck
what makes up the autonomic nervous system? sympathetic and parasympathetic
what is the third step in the six step resolution model for resolving an ethical dilemma? review your profession's code of ethics and laws
in fahrenheit, what is the approximate temperature (according to your theory book) of the massage room? (what is the range?) 72°-75°
what is an effective way to manage the power differential between practitioner and client? obtain informed consent before the treatment
what is the concept that you have a connection with the earth and with the client? grounding
what is the biggest concern for dual relationships? potential for harm
what regulatory method is required by law to practice? licensure
toxemia is what kind of contraindication absolute
what stage of healing would contrast therapy be utilized? maturation
what type of medications can affect the ability to properly provide feedback on force or pressure of massage techniques administered by the massage therapist? analgesics
what term is used to describe the overlapping of social and professional roles? dual relationships
what's the oldest professional massage organization in the United State? AMTA
the chronic stage of adhesive capsulitis is also known as- thawing stage
twisting and bowing of the spine is called Rotoscoliosis
what neurological laws supports the theory that when a joint is injured, the muscles surrounding the joint contract in order to immobilize and protect Hilton's law
Independent Contractor (set own fee & Schedule) fills what tax form 1099-MISC
what's the ABCDE of melanoma stand for? asymmetry, border, color, diameter, elevation (Evolving)
what tax forms do employees get at the end of the year? W-2
client often asks you to help them in their personal life Transference
what is the psychological theory that evaluates human motivation from physiological to transcendence? Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
what is the method of removing or eliminating all living organisms and microbials called? sterilization
what type of tissue surrounds each microscopic muscle fiber? endomysium
a practitioner that talks about personal problems to their client and frequently runs over about 20 minutes each session has what kind of boundaries? overly-permeable boundaries
method is used to create heat, therapeutic inflammation, increased pliability of connective tissue, reduced adhesions, and reorganizes collagen fiber alignment shearing
what is a direct transmission for pathogens? hands
you notice client adhesions and fibrosis in their quadriceps group of muscles. what technique would be best employed to help with separating the tissues and breaking down the adhesions and fibrosis? cross fiber friction
what is a medical reason NOT to massage called? contraindication
what is an abrupt restriction to a joint movement due to pain and indicates some abnormal condition or injury? empty end feel
what medication can be used for musculoskeletal pain, antipyretic, analgesic, and cardiovascular symptoms? Aspirin
after a massage session, the massage therapist cleans the table, bolster, chair, stool, and door handle with disinfectant. which method of eliminating pathogens is the therapist using? sanitation
what is the tax deduction allowed per client for gifts per the 2016 IRS regulations? $25 per client per year
what point in section 2706 of the affordable care act is promising for CAM providers? non-discrimination in health care
Often indicates weakness in the serratus anterior Winged Scapula
Examples of inert tissue Nerves and Ligaments
A clot that loosens and floats in the blood Embolus
Anterior pelvic tilt normal for a man 5 degrees
Anterior pelvic tilt normal for a woman 10 Degrees
A client presents with head forward position and id hypotonic is what muscle Longus Colli
This muscle is a contralateral rotator of the head SCM
Lesions caused by fungal infections of the skin Tinea
Hard, Flaky and painless nodules are signs and symptoms of Common Wart
Usually caused by a bacterialinfection Lymphangitis
Muscle that does NOT have attachment to the greater tubercle of the humerus Subscapularis
The teres major and teres minor muscle bellies' would be palpated when accessing Lateral border of the scapula
The gracillis, semitendinosus, and sartorius tendons make up the Pes anserinous Tendon
The subscapularis muscle is ---------to the lateral rotation of the glenohumeral joint Antagonist
The pectoralis Minor muscle is NOT an---- to itself Antagonist
Thoracic outlet syndrome, trigeminal Neuralgia, Herpes Zoster, and Gullian-Barre Syndrome are all classified as Peripheral Neuropathy
The flexor digitorum profundus muscle is innervated by both Median and ulna nerves
What causes the symptoms of disc disease Injured discs put pressure on nerve roots and trigger excessive inflammation that irritates nerves
A neurologic condition that involves repetitive and involuntary contractions of the skeletal muscles Dystonia
An autoimmune disease marked by attacks against myelin sheaths in the central nervous system Multiple Sclerosis
During a pre-massage postural assessment, the client displays with an anterior pelvic rotation of 25 degrees bilaterally. This would mean that the rectus femoris muscle is Hypertonic
Created by: JML19
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